Azami Izumida/MANKAI Glitter

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Backstage Stories
JuzaNom nom...
BanriWhat're you eatin' before dinner?
Juza...Scones made by Omi-san.
AzumaHaha. You really are a good eater.
AzamiIsn't that way too much whipped cream?
TaichiYou can't even see the scones 'cuz it's buried in it.
BanriJust lookin' at it is makin' my stomach churn.
JuzaDon't freakin' look at it, then.
AzumaI'm jealous that you can eat that many sweets and still not get any pimples.
Azami...Don't tell me you already have one?
Juza...It's gonna go away soon.
AzamiNo sweets for you until it's gone.
AzamiTaichi-san, too, I can see one on you.
AzumaOh, he did mention that he ate pizza with Itaru last night.
AzamiHah? You've gotta be kidding me, eating that kinda stuff in the middle of the night!
TaichiEek! I'm sorry!
BanriBoth of 'em are so unhealthy.
JuzaWeren't you the one who ate ramen for two days in a row last week?
BanriThat's 'cuz I was forced to by some guy from my college.
AzamiGeez...think about your skin a bit more.
AzumaIf you keep being that grumpy, won't your skin get rough too, Azami? Stress is a beautiful skin's worst enemy, after all.
TaichiThat's right! It's not good for you!
AzamiWho do you think is responsible for that stress?
BanriNice comeback.
TaichiA-anyway, Aa-chan's birthday is coming up! We should think of something fun to do!
AzamiYou don't have to...there's nothing I particularly want to do anyway.
TaichiNo can do! The Autumn Troupe will be celebrating your birthday.
BanriThere's also the Hello Celestial Sphere.
AzumaHello Celestial Sphere?
TaichiIt's a celestial sphere that can apparently grant your wish~ They say if you make a wish on your birthday month, your wish will come true!
AzumaHeh, so something that romantic exists.
TaichiMake sure to think of a wish and where you want to go!
AzamiI don't really want anything for either of them...
AzumaIf you're gonna go anyway, why don't you just find a place where you can relieve stress?
AzamiEven if you say that...
Banri...In that case, I know a good place.
Sakyo...The noise is hurting my ears as always.
BanriSakyo-san and arcades really don't go well together.
TaichiAh! That's a new Akapoyo-kun plushie! Get it for me later, Ban-chan!
BanriYeah, later, 'kay?
JuzaThat's one huge Perol Choco...
OmiSeems a bit hard to get that as a prize.
Azami...Why an arcade?
SakyoYou're not planning to just come here and call it a birthday celebration, right?
Banri'Course not.
Today's main attraction is...this.
AzamiA punching machine...?
TaichiThis is the one that measures the power of your punches!
BanriIt's perfect for relieving stress.
SakyoYour train of thought is way too simple.
OmiWell, I guess the punching bag is a classic.
JuzaOmi-san's punches are heavy.
AzamiYou're screwed if you're on the receiving end...
BanriSince we've come all this way, you might as well give it a try. Let's see how good you are.
TaichiOoh! You look great in those gloves, Aa-chan!
Azami...You're bein' too noisy.
SakyoDon't get too excited and injure yourself.
AzamiDon't lump me with you, you old geezer.
BanriThen, let's start with the first punch.
Punching Machine"Ready...go!"
Juza...Not bad.
OmiThe numbers aren't bad, either.
AzamiNot yet....! Ora!
TaichiCome on, Aa-chan!
SakyoDon't overdo it, boy.
TaichiThat was awesome, Aa-chan!
JuzaThe ranking is quite high, too.
OmiThat was pretty good.
TaichiWatching you makes me want to give it a try, too!
BanriI'll do it too, then.
JuzaIf you're doin' it, then I can't lose to you.
OmiMaybe I'll also give it a try...
Sakyo...Guess I got no choice.
TaichiWhat?! If everyone from Autumn Troupe hits the pad, it'll break for sure~!
Azami...I'm beat.
IzumiYou seem like you had a lot of fun.
AzamiNot really...
SakyoYou're not very honest, are you?
AzamiHah?! What do you mean by that?!
IzumiNow, now. Anyway, you guys played the punching machine, huh...
CHOICE 1: I want to see it, too. [+]
IzumiI wish I could've seen Azami-kun do it, too!
Azami...There's no fun in doin' that.
IzumiThat's not true! It's not everyday you get to see Azami-kun punching so freely!
Azami...You're too into this.
CHOICE 2: I want to do it, too. [+]
IzumiI'd like to give it a try, too~
IzumiI mean, it seems like a great way to relieve stress!
Azami...Your punches don't seem strong at all.
IzumiEh! I don't think so.
TaichiBy the way, Aa-chan! Here!
TaichiThe Hello Celestial Sphere! What're you gonna do about your wish?
Azami...I almost forgot about this thing.
TaichiI'm telling you, you'll definitely miss out if you don't use it!
AzamiBut I can't think of a wish.
SakyoJust think of anything.
Hello, Stars of Scorpio... I wish the guys at the theater would take more care of their skin.
Sakyo...You're as consistent as ever.
AzamiAs a makeup artist, that's a given. Besides, that was the cause of my stress in the first place.
TaichiUuu! I'm at a loss for words...! expected of Azami-kun.
AzamiYawn...I'm sleepy.
(That thing from yesterday is coming back to bite me. My arms are really sore...)
SakyoYou're finally up, boy.
OmiMorning, Azami. Breakfast is ready.
Azami...The hell?
SakyoWhat's wrong?
OmiWhy are you just standing there?
AzamiI should be the one asking questions! What's up with the sheet masks?!
SakyoHah? What're you talkin' about? This is the same as usual.
OmiSakyo-san, isn't your skin more radiant than yesterday?
SakyoMaybe it's the effect of switching to a mask with coenzyme Q10 in it. Do you wanna try it too, Fushimi?
OmiOf course. I've been worrying about the firmness of my skin lately.
SakyoI also have some masks with placenta in it.
OmiOoh, I'm curious about that too.
(What the hell is going on... Could this be the celestial sphere's doing?)
BanriAzuma-san told me about this mask. It feels nice.
TaichiI know, right! The moisturizing effect really is something else~!
BanriThis could even revitalize an old man's skin.
Sakyo...You sure talk a lot of shit.
TaichiOh, by the way, Yuki-chan gave me some strawberry-scented masks the other day!
TaichiI'll share it with you, if you want!
(I know I said I wanted them to take more care of their skin but...the difference is too drastic.)
(...It's like seeing a scene from hell, in a way.)
BanriYou should try this pack too, Azami.
AzamiNo...I'm good.
TaichiWhat are you saying? You're usually the one who cares about this kinda thing the most~
SakyoCome on, moisturize properly. This is a high-quality mask with placenta in it.
Don't come at me while looking like that!
Sakyo...I, ...oi, wake up, boy!
SakyoHow long are you gonna sleep for? You have school today.
(...It's the usual Sakyo.)
SakyoHurry up and move your ass. You're gonna be late.
Azami(Was that a dream...? But it felt so real.)
(Even though it was like something straight up from hell...)
(...Somehow I'm a bit disappointed that he turned back to normal so soon, though.)
AzamiI know, shut up!
