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Make-up Service
Backstage Stories
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Omi Hm? Looks like we're about to run out of miso.
Izumi We still have some. Let's open them up.
(Phone rings)
(Oh? It's a phone call from a friend.)
Sorry, Omi-kun, can I leave this to you for a bit?
Omi Sure.
Izumi Hey! It's been a while. What's up?
Friend It's been a while! So, I actually met up with some friends from school the other day, and we got to talking about how everyone is doing.
Izumi Heh, I see.
Friend So we decided to have a small reunion with just those who live nearby, and we're in the middle of asking everyone.
I was wondering if you could come too, Izumi?
Izumi (A small reunion... I haven't seen any of my friends from school lately, so this might be a good idea.)
Sure, I'd love to go. What's the date and place?
Friend I'll LIME you about it later. Then, I guess Izumi's in too!
Izumi Yeah. See you then!
Azami ......
Izumi Ah, welcome back, Azami-kun!
Azami You finished your call? I'm back.
Perfect timing, though. I have a favor to ask.
Izumi (Azami-kun kind of looks excited.)
What is it?
Azami I just bought new make-up, so I wanna try them out on your face. By the way, this time it's blush and eye shadow.
Izumi Are you fine with me?
Azami It's a color that seems to match your skin, so I thought I'd rather try it out on you.
So I'd appreciate it if you'd agree.
Izumi If that's the case, then of course.
Azami Well, I'll see you after dinner tonight.
Azami Stop moving too much.
Izumi Got it.
Taichi Director-sensei, you're doing make-up at this hour, are you going out tonight?
Izumi I'm not. Azami-kun wants to try out his new make-up that he bought today.
Taichi Ahh, gotcha!
Azami Oi, I told you not to move too much.
Izumi Sorry, sorry. With your skills, I thought it wouldn't really be a hindrance.
Azami Geez... Look, it's done.
Taichi Oooh! You look even cuter than before, Director-sensei!
Izumi Yeah, I think my face has brightened up somehow.
This is completely different from when I do my own make-up... As expected of Azami-kun!
Azami Of course.
Izumi (Okay, not a speck of dust in sight. Perfect! Looks like there's still plenty of time until the reunion.)
Manager! I finished this side. Where else should I clean?
Manager I'm about to finish this side, too~!
Don't you have a reunion later today, Director?
Izumi Yep, it's just a small class reunion!
Manager In that case, you can go without worrying about this. Please enjoy yourself!
Izumi Thank you. Then I'll take your word for it and do so.
Azami Hm? If it ain't Director. What're you doin' here?
Izumi Ah, Azami-kun. I was just cleaning the theater with the manager for a bit.
What brings you here?
Azami I left something in the dressing room so I came to pick it up. ...By the way, are you going somewhere?
Izumi I am, but how did you know?
Azami Well, you look a bit different than usual. You're going out and yet you're cleaning up in that outfit?
Izumi Uh...I just did a bit of light cleaning, so it's okay! And as you can see, my clothes didn't get dirty.
Azami As long as it doesn't get dirty, huh... So, what's the occasion?
Izumi It's just a small class reunion. I'm about to go now.
Azami You mean you're going out as you are now? Your make-up's all over the place, though.
...When's the reunion?
Izumi Um...I still have a bit of time.
Azami Then go wait in the dressing room.
Azami Sorry for the wait.
Izumi That's your make-up box... Did you go all the way to the dorm to get it? Thank you.
Azami It's fine. I just can't let you go out like this. I'm gonna take off all of your make-up.
Izumi ...I figured you would.
Azami Then don't move. ...Will there be a lot of people at the reunion?
Izumi No, it's just a small reunion, nothing too serious. It's more like a drinking party with friends.
Azami Drinking in broad daylight? Seriously?
Izumi Maybe just a little, since it's been a while. Well, some of them are married or mothers, so probably not that--
Azami M-marr...and mothers...?!
Izumi Ah, well...some of them, yeah, so we decided to start in the daytime so we can finish early.
Azami I-I see... Look, your make-up's done.
Izumi Wow, thank you so much! Hm? This make-up...
Azami Yeah. It's the new blush and eyeshadow I tried last time.
...This is the one that looks the best on you at the moment...a-and it looks good on you.
Izumi Is that so...I'm happy to hear that.
Azami Wh-what? Stop grinning, just get going.
Izumi Ahaha, I'll be going!
Azami Messing up her own make-up like that, she hasn't changed a bit...
Friend A That was fun. Let's hang out again!
Friend B Yeah! Then should we have an after-party for those who can~?
Friend C What about you, Izumi?
Izumi Hmm...I have an early start tomorrow, so I need to get going.
Friend C Is that so? Then let's have another drink again sometime!
Izumi Yeah. Thanks for today!
Friend A Likewise, thanks for coming.
Friend C You're a bit tipsy so be careful on your way home! Since you look really pretty in that make-up today.
Izumi Ahaha, I'll be fine.
Izumi (Hmm, guess I've been drinking a little too much.)
Let's sober up a bit on that bench there and then go home...phew.
Azami ...Director?
Izumi Oh, Azami-kun.
Azami What're you doin' in a place like this?
Izumi Just taking a little break, or something like that. Were you out too, Azami-kun?
Azami Yeah. After seeing you off, I went to Shift's place.
You're not going home?
Izumi Um...I will once I sober up a bit more here.
Azami So you still ended up drinking too much.
Izumi Fufu. You'll understand someday, but the alcohol that you drink with friends you haven't seen in a while is really delicious.
Azami That's a thing?
Izumi Besides, everyone complimented me on my make-up today, so it would be a shame to go home and take it off right away.
It's all thanks to you! I was thinking that's Azami-kun for you.
Azami Geez... I don't know how you can say something like that without getting embarrassed.
Izumi Is that so?
CHOICE 1: I'm not embarrassed. [+ ]
Izumi I'm not saying that to be embarrassed, though...
Azami I can see that.
Izumi Well, when everyone complimented me on my make-up today, I was really happy because it felt like Azami-kun was being complimented, too.
Azami Well, I'm glad to hear about it through you.
CHOICE 2: But it's true. [+ ]
Izumi I mean, it's true that your make-up made today's reunion even more fun!
Azami Nah, you're not goin' to change that much with just make-up.
...'Cus you don't look bad in the first place.
Izumi Eh, what was that?
Azami N-nothing! I just said that you should pay more attention to your skin and make-up!
Izumi ...Are you feeling shy?
Azami I ain't! Just keep your drunken mouth shut.
Izumi Whaaat, I'm not even that drunk.
Azami Liar.
But well, if you're so happy about it--
I'll do your make-up anytime if it's just that much. Just call me whenever.
Izumi Really? Fufu, I'm happy.