Azami Izumida/An Autumn Night on the Verandah

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Makeup Magic

Backstage Stories
IzumiHmm, that's weird…
OmiWhat's wrong, Director?
IzumiI can't find my lipstick.
IzumiYup, I might've dropped it somewhere… it's tiny, so it's hard to find once you lose it.
JuzaYou don't really have to put on makeup y'know.
IzumiThat won't do. It's my friend's wedding ceremony tomorrow, so I just need that specific lipstick color…
TaichiI haven’t seen it around here.
OmiI haven't seen it either.
BanriIf we're talking about lipstick, don’t you usually use it in the bathroom or in front of a mirror?
IzumiI've already looked over there.
Oh well, it can't be helped. I have to go out, guess I'll just give up on it.
OmiShould we look for it instead?
IzumiNo need. I'm having a meeting outside, so I'll just buy a new one while I'm at it.
JuzaBeing a girl is tough.
Izumi(Since it's a chance, maybe I should check out a lipstick from a different brand. What color should I go for…)
(Oh, a new color~. It's pretty but I can't tell if it looks good on me…)
Izumi(Hm? That person is…)
IzumiI knew it. Are you shopping, Azami-kun?
Azami…yeah, something like that. You came here to buy something too Director?
IzumiI lost the lipstick I wanted to use for a wedding ceremony tomorrow.
AzamiHuh? Are you organizing your pouch properly?
IzumiUgh… I'm trying to…
AzamiAnd, what are you gonna buy?
IzumiI'm struggling to decide at the moment.
AzamiGeez… it can't be helped so I'll pick one for you.
IzumiYou will choose for me Azami-kun?
AzamiYou're not really considering your skin color and stuff while picking one right.
IzumiI-I do consider those stuff a bit…
AzamiThat's why the colors you use are always all over the place.
Yellow base or blue base, depending on the foundation the colors that fit change too… blah blah… yada yada….
Izumi(This part of his is really just like Sakyo-san…)
AzamiThe color is slightly different depending on the brand after all.
IzumiAlright, so… I will leave it to you.
AzamiI recommend this one… it won't dry, and the color doesn't fade easily. And, for your skin color I recommend this one here.
IzumiAs expected from Azami-kun, you know a lot…
AzamiMore than you, at least.
EmployeeAre you looking for something?
AzamiYou don't have the color of this one from last season? It was a darker pink.
EmployeeOh, they currently don't make it anymore… but it was well favored by customers, so it'll come back next season.
AzamiNext season huh… so right now this one is the best option.
EmployeeYou are well informed. Are you two siblings?
IzumiNo no, that's not…
EmployeeHe came with his sister to such a place, what a kind brother.
Thank you for choosing for me Azami-kun.
I learned so much from you. Even the employee said you're knowledgeable.
AzamiI-It's not a big deal.
IzumiI'm a bit hungry, let's go and grab something to eat, as thanks for choosing a lipstick for me.
IzumiWhat should we go for… how about a parfait?
AzamiD-Don't treat me like a kid!
IzumiMmm, it's so good!
AzamiYou're the one who actually wanted to eat a parfait huh. Can't believe you can eat something so sweet…
IzumiYou okay with just a coffee Azami-kun?
AzamiI'm not that hungry anyway.
IzumiDo you dislike sweet food?
AzamiI don't dislike it, but I don't like it either. The sweetest I can manage is black candies.
IzumiH-How bitter…
By the way, that store sure had lots of products. Maybe I should buy from them again next time.
AzamiYeah, I recommend it.
IzumiDo you go to that store often Azami-kun?
AzamiI guess… until not long ago I was mostly online shopping, but recently I've been going there.
…since I look this way, it's hard for me to just enter any store I want.
Because I was with you today I was able to talk to the beauty advisor… um, it was a great help. Thanks.
IzumiIf you're okay with me, I'll come with you again. Tell me anytime.
AzamiI will. And if there's something you wanna buy, I'll just pick it for you.
Makeup from department stores is nice too, but you can find some good stuff for a low price too. It's fun searching for stuff.
IzumiSo you're even checking the low price ones, Azami-kun.
AzamiObviously. #cosmetics covers all the brands, so I'm checking pretty much everything.
Izumi(Azami-kun is really passionate when it comes to learning about makeup… how admirable!)
Azami-kun, you first got interested in makeup thanks to your mother right?
CHOICE 1: She must be happy, seeing how hard you're studying [+]
IzumiShe must be happy, seeing how hard you're studying makeup Azami-kun.
AzamiWell, I'm not so sure about that.
But I'm grateful I could find something to be so passionate about.
IzumiI see…
(He's so eager to study, so I'm sure he'll become even better, I can't wait to see his future)
AzamiWhat are you smiling for.
AzamiThat’s creepy.
IzumiHow mean!
CHOICE 2: I bet your mother was beautiful [+]
IzumiI bet your mother was beautiful too, Azami-kun. Your skin is pretty and you have a defined face after all.
AzamiI dunno. I did hear my old man had tons of rivals though.
IzumiI knew it! I also gotta pay more attention to my appearance…
AzamiYou're good just the way you are right.
IzumiAlright, that was good. Maybe I should've added ice cream on top though.
Azami…can you even eat dinner after eating so much?
IzumiNo problem at all! Since today's dinner is curry I set aside for a whole night!
AzamiCurry again…
Izumi(Let's see, I didn't forget anything right…)
(The color of the lipstick Azami-kun picked for me yesterday really is perfect. It's easy to put on, and I feel like my face looks brighter)
TaichiOoh! Director-sensei, you look different from usual!
OmiWill you make it on time?
IzumiYeah. I'm about to go out.
OmiAnything you forgot?
IzumiI'm good. I took the gift and all--.
IzumiAh, Azami-kun. I tried to use the new lipstick and--.
Azami…hey, take off this makeup right now.
AzamiIt's just no good. I'll fix it for you from scratch.
IzumiEh? Eh? But, I should be leaving soon--.
AzamiI'll be done in five minutes. Just be quiet and sit down.
Izumi(Amazing, his hands are moving so fast…)
Amazing! It's totally different from before…! My face looks completely different!
OmiWell done.
TaichiI don’t really get it, but you became even prettier!
AzamiDon't put on your base makeup so randomly. Use a concealer and cover it properly.
If the foundation is careless it won't last, and it doesn't look nice… blah blah blah.
IzumiThank you, Azami-kun.
Azami…the lipstick too, I did choose it for you so it fits you.
Azami--It's nothing! You're running out of time right. Just go already.
IzumiYeah, I'm leaving!
