All of Their 'Marry me!'s/Episode 4

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All of Their 'Marry me!'s
Episode 4
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TenmaKawata-san, did something happen?
KawataAh, Sumeragi-kun! It's terrible…!
The truth is, it seems like all the extra actors came down with high fever and now they can't make it…!
KawataSeems like at the shooting yesterday, one of the grooms came to the set with a high fever.
And looks like all the other groom actors got infected too.
BanriThat's some crazy infectivity skill…
IzumiAre you feeling well Tenma-kun?
TenmaI was at a different set yesterday so…
KawataThe extra actors were together all the time from the waiting room until the shooting, so seems like they all got infected.
Ah, what should we do. Even though Sumeragi-kun is fine…!
StaffEven if we start looking for actors now, we might not make it until sunset…
HomareIt is simple is it not!
TenmaWoah!? Alice-san, when did you…
TsuzuruI'm pretty sure he was admiring the chapel over there just a second ago…
HomareI have heard of your trouble. About the extra actors, will it not be fine if we simply take their roles instead?
KawataIt is a bit sudden, but you are…
TenmaThey're from the theater I'm affiliated with.
The lines to remember aren't that long too.
For sure, rather than starting to look for new actors right now, asking them is a safe bet. I know their skills more than anyone.
KawataR-Really now!
The sick actors are six in number… on top of the members of your theater being six too, they all will most likely look good in a tuxedo, it will look good in the drama…
TenmaAlso, they already have tuxedos prepared.
GuyThe size is just right for everyone.
MisumiYuki fitted it for us~!
KawataI-I will try to talk it over with the director! Please wait for a few moments!
They all have tuxedos, and they're all theater members, Director Morino!
MorinoI see…
GuyWhat about the shooting for the pamphlet?
BanriNo problem there. I called them earlier, and told them we'll come later than planned.
TsuzuruAs expected from Banri, you work fast.
Morino…if you go to this length, we shall first see their real abilities.
MisumiReal abilities?
MorinoEven if Sumeragi-kun approves of it, it's still the important final episode of our drama.
Whether you have acting abilities fitting for it… I want you to show it to me in an etude.
How about something that has to do with "bridal" for the theme.
IzumiHow about it, guys?
BanriIf it's an etude, we've done millions of them. So no problem right.
OmiYou said it. For Tenma's sake too, let's give it our all.
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