Ahh, Beautiful Gaia/Episode 8

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Ahh, Beautiful Gaia
Episode 8
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Taichi*sigh* It's raining, isn't it.
SakuyaEven though we made teru teru bouzus; it's a shame, isn't it.......
HisokaWhat will we do about the performance?
IzumiI'll go ask the staff about what to do.
AzumaIt rained in the end, huh.
KazunariSaying that, you're full of energy, aren't you.
AzumaYes; they might decide to go on despite the rain, after all.
Kazunari......Hey, do you remember what I said?
AzumaAbout bringing the sun with you?
KazunariRight, right! I can't allow Lady Gaia to get wet in the rain, so I'll work hard!
AzumaHehe, it feels like Kazu might really be able to do something about the rain. Don't you think, Tasuku?
TasukuWhy are you asking me.......
KazunariEhh, what's this? Taks, are you the type to think people can't do anything about the weather~?
IzumiSorry for the wait. I've confirmed with the staff.
They'll keep an eye on the rain, but for the time being they've decided to go on as planned, so let's move to the stage!
TaichiGot it!
KazunariAh! Can we bring Cer, Beru, and Su along too?
SakuyaLet's check with the staff.
MisumiIf it's okay, let's go to the stage with the puppies!
PuppiesWoof woof!
HisokaCerberusu are energetic today as well.
MisumiThey're good kids~.
SakuyaThe audience is filling up slowly, too!
IzumiBut the rain really isn't stopping. According to the forecast, the chance of rain should go down soon, but.......
......"Lady Gaia, please watch"
IzumiEh, Kazunari-kun?
TaichiKazu-kun went on stage by himself!?
Kazunari"I can't allow Lady Gaia to get wet......! Sun, come out......!"
Izumi(The audience seems to think it's an opening to the performance or something, but......)
Kazunari"Please let my voice reach. Sun, I beg of you! Show us your shining face!"
Sakuya......The clouds parted......!
TaichiFor real!?
Kazunari"Yes......! It cleared up! Sun, thank you!"
Thank you very much! Please enjoy the opening ceremony now!
MisumiKazu, welcome back!
TaichiKazu-kun, you're amazing!
IzumiYou really are amazing!
TasukuTo think you'd actually make it clear up.
KazunariRight~. If you pray, you'll reach the heavens!
AzumaKazu, thanks.
KazunariHehe, let's all work hard after this, too~!
PuppiesWoof woof woof!
SakuyaWith this, we can have the ceremony!
StaffThe preparations for the opening ceremony are complete!
MANKAI Company, please come this way!
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