Ahh, Beautiful Gaia/Episode 7

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Ahh, Beautiful Gaia
Episode 7
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TasukuWe've managed to confirm the general flow of things as well as our positioning; it doesn't seem like there are any problems.
IzumiThat's right. Well done on the rehearsal, everyone.
HisokaGood work.
SakuyaStill......The weather doesn't seem very good today either.......
TaichiHmm, we made teru teru bouzus, but I wonder whether it'll be okay.......
MisumiLet's make more again today~!
AzumaI hadn't thought you'd be the one inviting me to the bar.
TasukuYou were saying you wanted to go, weren't you?
AzumaYou remembered?
TasukuTomorrow's the performance, so just a bit, okay.
AzumaYeah, I know.
The Director wanted to come too, though......You didn't invite her?
TasukuI did, but it seems like the Director was worried about your condition as well.
She told me to go alone because it'd be easier to talk with you if it were just the two of us.
TasukuI mean......It seemed like you were thinking about something during rehearsal, so we were worried. Sorry if it was just our imagination.
TasukuWhat is it.......
AzumaNo, you're just all so observant it's troubling.
......The truth is, I remembered my first overseas trip. I might have gotten a bit sentimental.
TasukuYou first overseas trip, huh.
AzumaYeah. My first overseas trip was to Santorini.
I spoke about this a bit before, didn't I. When I was a child, I liked looking at maps and researching all sorts of countries.[1]
I wanted to go to Santorini, with its beautiful scenery, so I made a promise with my family that we'd all go together.
AzumaIn the end I wasn't able to go with my family, so I went by myself, but it was raining the whole time I was there.
It was as if it was asking me why I'd come alone.
So coming here, the scenery resembles Santorini's, so......I remembered that time.
I start thinking about what'd happen if it rained again.
Tasuku......The rain is a coincidence. People can't do anything about the weather.
Even if it rains tomorrow, our job won't change.
AzumaEven if it rains, you'll stand on stage?
TasukuIf they tell us to go on despite the rain.
Azuma......Ahaha. This is why you're cute, Tasuku.
Tasuku......Are you drunk?
AzumaCertainly not.
Hisoka......There you are.
AzumaOh, Hisoka.
HisokaI was looking for you.......You seemed kind of listless today.
HisokaThe Director told me you'd gone to the bar with Tasuku, so I came.......
But it looks like you're okay now.
AzumaThanks, Hisoka. You really are all kind.
Since you're here, won't you drink too?
HisokaYeah, I'll drink.
TasukuYou can drink, but don't sleep here.
HisokaIt's fine. Even if I sleep, you'll carry me.
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