Ahh, Beautiful Gaia/Episode 4

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Ahh, Beautiful Gaia
Episode 4
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TaichiAhh~, that was fun~!
SakuyaGetting to wander around the theme park before it's open was a realy treat, wasn't it.
TasukuYeah, it's something you don't often get to experience.
HisokaThe scenery was beautiful everywhere.
MisumiThere were triangle flags and decorations~!
IzumiThen let's split here for today. Rest well, everyone.
KazunariThen I'll return to my room too ――.
? A dog's barking......?
I wonder where it's coming from.
AzumaKazu? What's wrong?
KazunariI just heard a dog bark so I was wondering it was.
AzumaYou're right. Perhaps it's inside the hotel.
KazunariShall we go take a bit of a look?
......Say, this barking is from more than one dog, right?
AzumaYou're right. It seems like there are several.......
PuppyBark bark!
StaffIf you don't eat up, you won't grow big, you know? Come on, it's delicious.......
PuppyBark bark!
KazunariWoah! There are three of them! They're super cute!
Can we take a photo!?
StaffAh, I don't mind, but please be careful......!
AzumaThey don't seem very friendly?
StaffThat's right.......Even when we give them food, they won't make much of an attempt to eat.
They aren't attached to any of the staff here at the hotel.......
KazunariAre they being kept by this theme park?
StaffYes. We took in three of them to be mascot dogs we'd call watchdogs, based on the image of Kerberos from Greek mythology.
But they won't take to us at all; I'm ashamed to say we're at a complete loss for what to do.......
We're especially busy getting ready for the opening now, so we haven't been able to play much with the puppies, and before we knew it they'd become this oppositional to us.......
KazunariMaybe the reason they're behaving like this is that nobody played with them~.
AzumaPerhaps they were lonely.
KazunariBTW, what are their names?
StaffFrom left to right, they're Cer, Beru, and Su.
Kazunari?? Those are kind of strange names.
AzumaCould that be the English reading of Kerberos?
KazunariAhh, I see! Cerberus!
StaffThat's correct. Kerberos would be exactly like the original, so we tweaked it just a little to make these names.
KazunariCer-tan, Beru-tan, and Su-tan, huh. C-yuute~.
StaffAt first, we'd wanted to have them appear at the opening ceremony to advertise them too, but.......
As things are, that seems doubtful.
Kazunari......Ah, that's it! Hey, Azu.
AzumaFufu, we must be thinking the same thing. We've got two cat whisperers now, so they might be able to do something about dogs too.
KazunariThat's my Azu; we're of the same mind ☆
AzumaWould it be okay if we came to see these pups?
StaffEh? Yes, that's fine, but.......
KazunariWe might be able to do something about them!
StaffR-Really......!? Please do!
KazunariThen let's try talking to everyone tomorrow!
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