Act 6/Episode 33

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Act 6
Episode 33: The Right to Dream
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KumonPant, pant....
Juza...I’m gonna give you a new one[1] to put on your forehead.
JuzaWhat is it. Need something to drink?
KumonI’m so...rry....
Kumon...I really should’ve listened to you, nii-chan. I shouldn’t have joined the troupe....
I’m no good... after all... I ended up causing everyone all this trouble... I haven’t changed at all....
Why am I so, so weak...? Why can’t I be strong like nii-chan...?
KumonEven after the first day, somewhere in my heart I was afraid that things would turn out the same as before....
That I would cause everyone trouble right when it mattered most....
It really... was impossible for me.
A weak guy like me has no right to be cool and stand on stage like nii-chan....
Juza—Listen, Kumon.
You don’t need a right to dream; you don’t need a right to stand on stage. To hell with that.
If we needed that sort of thing, I never would have been able to act with everyone in Autumn Troupe.
JuzaDon’t give up. The performance hasn’t ended yet.
Don’t think “it’s going to be the same as before.” You’re going to pull through this time for sure, right?
JuzaJust focus on getting your fever down.
AzamiSo he got a fever again.
YukiYou’re sure it’s not a cold?
IzumiYeah... Juza-kun and Muku-kun said it was the usual....
TenmaI see....
KazunariI’m worried....
TenmaYeah; we can manage the performance with a standby, but I’m worried about him.
IzumiAh, Juza-kun! How is Kumon-kun doing?
JuzaMuku and Misumi-san are with him right now. But his fever isn’t going down at all.
IzumiI see....
TenmaI guess it’s unlikely that his fever will go down by the final performance tomorrow....
Banri...Guess I’ll have to go on, huh.
Izumi(Banri-kun looks frustrated too... He was watching Kumon-kun work hard all this time; he must want him to stand on stage till the very last moment.)
(Of course I feel the same way. But I can’t let an actor go on stage if he’s ill.)
(I need to make the decision here for Kumon-kun’s health—.)
We’ll have Banri-kun play in tomorrow’s final performance—.
JuzaPlease. Could you please wait.
Juza...I know it might be impossible. But could you please let him stand till the end.
(If Kumon-kun steps off stage now, it’ll leave an even bigger wound in his heart.)
(That’s why Juza-kun is desperately bowing his head.)
(I want to let Kumon-kun stand on stage till the end, too.)
(I know how hard Kumon-kun has been working to accomplish that. I understand how much it means to him.)
(Letting Kumon-kun stand on stage with a high fever will be dangerous to both Kumon-kun’s body and the performance as a whole.)
(I can’t risk that....)
...As the general director, I can’t let him stand on stage unless his fever goes down.
YukiI think that’s the right decision.
IzumiBut if his fever goes down, it’s a different story.
YukiThere’s no way a fever that high will go down by tomorrow.
Izumi(If this were a regular fever, that’s true. But maybe—.)
If Kumon-kun’s fever is caused by pressure, then if we get rid of the source of stress, it might go down.
If we can just change his feelings, then maybe—.
IzumiDon’t give up just yet. There still might be something we can do for Kumon-kun.
Tenma...You’re right.
YukiWe have nothing to lose.
KazunariIt’s better than doing nothing!
BanriBut he was fine till now. Why the sudden fever right before the final performance?
YukiYou’re right. I can see why you’d feel more pressure for the final performance, but....
Azami...Now that I think about it, he said he was worried about ad-libs the other day.
IzumiKumon-kun mentioned it before he collapsed, too. He wanted to know how he could get better at ad-libs....
He was worried he would disappoint Summer Troupe’s fans and ruin the show.
JuzaHe was thinking like that....
JuzaWhat is it, Tenma?
Tenma...Can I ask you guys to do something.
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  1. A wet towel or a cooling sheet
