Act 6/Episode 34

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Act 6
Episode 34: The Magic Brush
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Tenma“There he is~!”
Kazunari“Hurry, hurry!”
Yuki“Hey, don’t shove me!”
Kazunari“Ah, long time no see! Do you remember us?”
Yuki“Mukumi was so rude that I’m sure you didn’t.”
Tenma“We’re so sorry about that. Today we brought someone who really wanted to see you, Kumon!”
Banri“Heya~. It’s Bambi~.”
Izumi“Sorry for barging in~!”
KumonEveryone, Director....
Banri“Wo~w! You’re sooo cute~! Just like on Insta~. Juko, come over here too~!”
KumonJu-Juko... you mean nii-chan...?
Kazunari“C’mon, Juko, tell him.”
Yuki“You’re gonna confess, right?”
Juza“I—I, love, you, you know[1].”
BanriTh-this is....
YukiKeep it together.
KazunariYukki, your shoulders are shaking too....
Kumon—What was that....
KumonN-nii-chan, you’re so stiff—ahahaha!
KumonAhahaha...—ha, my stomach hurts.
MisumiAhaha, that was fun~.
TenmaLooks like you have enough energy to laugh now.
TenmaYou saw him. Juza-san, who you admire so much—acts like that.
Izumi(Casually ruthless....)
TenmaBut Juza-san’s acting made you laugh.
“I want to perform ad-libs smoothly.” You don’t need to get caught up with anything difficult like that.
As long as you want to make the guests—the audience—laugh happily, you’re set.
You joined Summer Troupe because you wanted to make someone smile through comedy, right?
MukuThat’s right, Kyu-chan. Acting isn’t like baseball. It’s not about winning and losing.
We don’t have to win. We can lose. The only thing we have to think about is making everyone smile.
KumonWe can lose... all we have to do is make everyone smile....
Yeah... I want to make everyone smile.
Not just the audience, but nii-chan, Muku, Director, everyone in Summer Troupe, everyone in the troupe—!
YukiLooks like you’re almost back to your usual self.
KazunariKumopi, that’s the spirit~!
MisumiLet’s stand on stage together tomorrow too~.
BanriWell, if things don’t turn out well, I can easily switch in for you. So don’t worry about it and sleep as soon as you can.
KumonThanks, Banri!
BanriHe’s usually honest with his feelings, huh. Unlike his older brother.
JuzaYou say something?
Izumi(Thank goodness. Kumon-kun looks a lot happier. Now we just have to watch for his fever....)
(Please let Kumon-kun’s fever drop...!)
—Fgah? S-something’s on my face....
Sankaku-kun...? There’s so many...!
...Sumi-san must’ve left them for me. Thank you.
Ah, that’s right, my fever....
If I still have a fever, then....
...37 degrees?
My fever’s down!
Sumi-san, my fever—!
MisumiMnn... mnn....
IzumiYour fever has gone down, but you’re not in great shape, so if things look bad you need to let us know.
BanriWell, I can take the stage at any scene. So don’t worry.
AzamiOi, hurry up and sit down over there.
AzamiGeez. You look like a zombie.
TenmaYou’re a little better than yesterday, but we can’t do anything about how pale you are.
KumonThat’s why I want you to fix that with makeup!
AzamiGuess I have to....
I’ll use this just for you. It’s special.
KumonA brush?
AzamiA cheek brush. Sit quietly.
AzamiThere, I’m done.
Wow! My face looks completely different! I think I just got better!
AzamiThat’s just your imagination.
YukiYou’re too simple-minded.
KazunariBut you do look totally different! Azamin, you’re amazing!
MukuIt’s really like magic.
AzamiWell, it is that sort of brush.
KumonA magic brush!? Awesome!
AzamiI told you it was special. You owe me a big favor now, okay? Make sure you repay me one day.
KumonYeah! I will!
KazunariKumopi, you look stiff!
MisumiHere, Sankaku-kun~.
TenmaYou brought it all the way out here?
MisumiIt’s a lucky charm, after all~.
YukiThat’s fine, but don’t walk onto stage with that on your head.
MukuBut it will get attention?
TenmaIt’s gonna get too much attention.
MisumiAh, you laughed~.
KumonSorry for making you guys worry. I’m fine. I can do this.
TenmaThat’s a good expression.
KumonLet’s make a circle!
TenmaWe’re counting on you, leader.
Kumon...When I was a kid, my dream was to take nii-chan to the Koshien. I asked nii-chan to come root for me when I did.
When I quit baseball in high school, I thought my dream would never come true. But it continued here. On this stage....
—Guys! We’re going to the Koshien! Fighto—!
Troupe membersYeah!
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  1. The first "I" is "ore" (the first-person pronoun Juza usually uses); the second is "watashi" (more feminine). Juza also fixes the end of his sentence to make it sound more feminine
