A Love Song Dedicated to You/Episode 6

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A Love Song Dedicated to You
Episode 6
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CitronOh. Do you have school now, Masumi?
MasumiYeah. Where’s Director?
CitronShe had some preparations for the concert, so she went out early in the morning.
It looks like the preparations are in their final stages!
Masumi…We missed each other again?
CitronThere, there. Cheer up and have a great day!
Guy…Are you heading out right now, Usui?
CitronWhat’s the matter?
GuyNo, just… it’s supposed to start raining soon.
Though, it will stop by evening.
CitronReally? But it doesn’t look like it’ll rain yet.
MasumiI’ll go now while I still can.
CitronOh, it suddenly came down!
What’s more, it’s an encore![1]
Masumi…A downpour.
Guy…It seems it would be wiser to wait until the rain dies down.
Masumi(…The rain finally let up a bit and I was able to leave.)
(Oh yeah, I haven’t looked at my phone yet today.
I’ll check Director’s inste.)
(? …The screen won’t turn on.)
…Just my luck.
(Come to think of it, I went straight to bed and forgot to charge it yesterday.)
SakodaHuh, Usui-san—woah, look out!
SakodaAhh, I didn’t make it in time! You alright!?
Masumi…I’m soaked.
SakodaYa really stomped hard in that puddle there.
SakodaBut hey, it doesn’t look like your pants got dirty!
Your shoes got wet, but—.
Yakuza ASakoda~. What’re you doin’?
SakodaAh, my bad! I saw someone I knew!
Well, I’m on the job right now!
Take care, aight, Usui-san!
(Even at school, a huge stack of reports was assigned and I forgot my ID card…)
(I’ve really had the worst luck ever since morning.)
(At times like this, I want to see Director. Even if it’s just a glance.
I’ll send her a LIME…)
(Right, my phone is out of batteries.)
(Come to think of it, Citron told me she left early this morning to prepare for the concert.)
(Maybe, if I go over there…)
(…Of course she’s not here.)
Masumi…Why are you here?
GuyI was shopping and passed nearby.
I came to take a look at the concert venue on the way.
MasumiThis cat…
GuyYes, this seems to be the cat that Mikage adores.
They weren’t that fond of people before, but it doesn’t appear that way now.
…There, there.
Cat*Purr, purr*.
GuyWhy don’t you pet them as well, Usui?
GuyIt looks like the cat enjoys it too.
By the way, Usui. Why are you here?
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  1. Citron originally says “ドジョウ降り” (dojou furi: ‘dojou’ is loach), which Masumi corrects as “土砂降り” (dosha buri: downpour).
