ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign Remembrance Talks/Episode 13

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by nids here.
Main Story ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign
13/24: Citron (June 20, 2021)
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CitronThe showdown act against the first-gen members was very hard, yes?
I never would have guessed we'd be facing those boombox old men who still love MANKAI Company until today.
..."Boombox" isn't the right word, you say? Oh my. I should ask Tsuzuru about the correct word later.
Speaking of showdown act, you see, Tsuzuru... It's been a while since I saw him having such a bad writer's block. The last time he was in that state was during out "Clockwork" play run.
Tsuzuru contemplated a lot. He gave a lot thought to it. It's truly such a relief that he was able to come up with a play that was so him in the end.
The upcoming MANKAI Show will surely become a masterpiece. I have no doubt about it. While it may turn into a long and tough journey we've never had before...
I'm sure we'll do just fine as long as we have our precious family with us. No matter how long our journey will be, I know for certain it'll be an exciting family journey if we're together!
I'll deliver a performance with love and care until the final show. That being so, Director, keep a close eye on where our journey will lead.
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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by Dita here.
Main Story ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign
13/24: Citron (June 20, 2021)
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CitronThe showdown Act with the First Generation must’ve been really hard~!
To think, these were the old men of MANKAI Company that we saw from the beloved radio cassette tapes that we all watched before.
...“Radio cassette tapes” are different? Ohh, I must ask Tsuzuru about the correct phrase later, then.
Speaking of Tsuzuru, he was part of the showdown, was he not? I had not seen him come to a dead end with his script writing before, not ever since Clockwork.
Tsuzuru must’ve been thinking about so many things— got worried over so many things. But in the end, the tale we got was very Tsuzuru-like. I’m glad about that.
The MANKAI Show that’s coming up is going to be quite the large-scale project. This is the first that all of us will experience, therefore the journey ahead might become a long and painful one.
Even so, as long as I am together with my precious family, then it will be fine. If it’s with everyone, then no matter how long the journey, we can make it a very egg-citing family trip together~!!
Until the finale, I shall act my part out as if it’s indispensable. That’s why, Director, I want you to watch over us on our paths towards our journey.
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