ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign Remembrance Talks/Episode 12

From A3! Wiki
This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by nids here.
Main Story ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign
12/24: Omi Fushimi (June 19, 2021)
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OmiFor some reason, I feel like it's been years since we faced GOD-za in a showdown act.
From Tsumugi-san and Taichi, to the members who didn't even take the stage, all of us were burning with passion back then.
At first, I decided to join because I wanted to support the others... But before I knew it, I ended up being influenced by their passion.
Each of their feelings helped create that kind of atmosphere there. It was well-reflected in both the play and photos.
It was the same for me, too. I no longer acted simply to chase that guy's dream. Now, I have my own passion for it too, and not just his.
I plan to bring this passion to the MANKAI Show as well.
I'm going to act in a way where I can say, with confidence, "This is the dream that I want to achieve". I hope that feeling can be conveyed to you too, Director.
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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by Dita here.
Main Story ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign
12/24: Omi Fushimi (June 19, 2021)
Previous Remembrance Talks Next
OmiSomehow, it feels like it’s been a long time since the showdown Act against GODza.
Tsumugi and Taichi, along with everyone who didn’t stand on stage at that time… You could feel how great their passion was.
I’d thought I’d just be there as support for everyone, but before I knew it, I suppose there was also some fire in me that had started to burn.
There was this sort of atmosphere that you could feel from each and everyone’s feelings. You can sense it in their acting and in the photographs.
As for me… It’s different from when I was acting for the sake of his dreams. Instead, what was his dream has also become my own passion as well.
It’s with this passion that I’ll carry on along with the MANKAI Show.
I’ll act in a way that I’ll be able to proudly say that my dream was fulfilled. I hope these feelings will reach you, too, Director.
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