ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign Remembrance Talks/Episode 10

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by nids here.
Main Story ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign
10/24: Yuki Rurikawa (June 17, 2021)
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YukiI learned a lot from our showdown acts against both GOD-za and the first-gen members.
It's true that a part of me wanted to created costumes that could rival our rivals', but...
It's my hope for them to be able to go all out on the stage and deliver the greatest show ever, that I was able to give all I've got into creating the costumes.
I've seen this troupe's shows right from the very start. I can tell what kind of costumes will make the members shine the brightest on the stage.
But creating costumes isn't my only purpose here. You know that, right, Director?
With all the fun I have both creating costumes and performing, I will do my very best until the final show. So, Director, make sure to keep an eye on us, okay?
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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by Dita here.
Main Story ACT3! 2/2 Preparation Campaign
10/24: Yuki Rurikawa (June 17, 2021)
Previous Remembrance Talks Next
YukiShows like the face-off Acts between GODza and the First Generation were good experiences.
At the time when I was making the clothes... Even if it’s just the clothes, I was obviously determined to make sure that they won’t lose against the others.
But more than that, I wanted to make sure the outfits would be able to push them to their very limits so that they can put on an amazing performance—
You could say it was my own way of showing my support to them in the best way that I can.
After all, I’ve been watching the debut performances. Whatever outfits that will get this theatre troupe to shine the brightest, I believe I’m the one who can understand that the most.
Of course, making outfits isn’t all that there is to me, but you got that already, don’t you, Director?
Whether it’s about theatre or about clothing, they’re all fun. Because of that, I’ll see through it all until the finale. So, you better keep your eyes peeled on us, Director.
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