Tsumugi Tsukioka/Florist Blanc

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Morning Air

Backstage Stories
*door opens*
Tsumugi*Yaaawn*… good morning, everyone.
SakuyaAh! Tsumugi-san, good morning!
Florist Blanc 1-1.png
SakuyaAhh. Wake up, Masumi-kun!
You have class first period, don’t you? You have to eat quickly!
Announcer“Capricorn is second in today’s horoscope ranking.
Both your studies and your work will go swimmingly today.”
CitronAll that’s left is Taurus and Liber…
This moment will decide our day’s fate!
TaichiIt’s Libra!
YukiYou’re sure making a huge deal out of your fortunes.
TaichiBut today’s the day I submit my report, so I hope I’m first place!
CitronToday’s the day of an important taiyaki sale, so I won’t let you have first so easily!
TsuzuruIt wouldn’t matter if you’re 12th place for that though.
Announcer“Ranked 12th place for today is… whomp, whomp—it’s Taurus.
You won’t have much energy today. Your lucky item is red bean paste!”
CitronIt suddenly feels like all my energy left me…
I don’t feel motivated to do anything…
TsuzuruYou’re influenced way too easily!
TaichiBut hey. Your lucky item is red bean paste, so it’ll be perfect if you eat taiyaki!
CitronThat’s true! I’ll run in as soon as the store opens!
OmiTsumugi-san, we’re having poached eggs this morning.
TsumugiThank you.
They look delicious.
TsumugiIs something the matter, Director?
IzumiAh, no.
I’m just a little sleep deprived…
Tsumugi…I feel pretty sleepy this morning too.
TasukuThat’s the norm for you, isn’t it?
IzumiDo you have your home tutoring job today, Tsumugi-san?
TsumugiYes. I’m a bit nervous since it’s my first time going to this home for a short-term, trial course.
IzumiSo you get nervous too, huh?
SakuyaI thought you were always calm and collected!
TsuzuruThat’s surprising.
TsumugiThere’s all kinds of different families, after all. They might have complicated circumstances, or the child might not be happy having a tutor…
HisokaOr there’s a worrywart parent who goes 3 hours overtime discussing with you after every class…
TsumugiHaha. Some parents are like that, yes.
There are parents who don’t have the greatest impression of tutors to begin with, and it all depends on your luck and chemistry. That’s why it’s always nerve wracking at first.
IzumiYour luck and chemistry… I see…
Student’s motherThank you very much for today, Mr. Tsukioka.
I’m overjoyed it seems my child could relax and enjoy their class.
TsumugiThe pleasure’s all mine. Thank you very much.
Florist Blanc 1-2.png
Student’s motherBy the way, Mr. Tsukioka. Do you live at your parents’ home?
TsumugiNo, I’m living at a dorm of a theatre—.
Student’s motherI wonder if there’s a space to decorate then…
If you’d like, why don’t you take these flowers?
My brother-in-law runs a flower shop in the neighbourhood. He happened to share some leftover flowers with me today.
I’m sorry if I’m asking too much…
TsumugiNot at all. I love flowers, so I’d be delighted.
Student’s motherI’m glad.
I get bread from time to time, so I thought that would’ve been better. But the timing didn’t work out.
Student’s motherMy brother-in-law was originally a baker, but he took over his family’s flower shop many years back.
He’s still baking bread on the side even now.
TsumugiOh, that’s how it is.
Both a baker and a florist sound lovely.
StudentYou like flowers too, teach?
I raise all sorts of different kinds in my dorm’s garden.
StudentIn that case, why don’t you pass through the camellia park near by on your way back to the station?
Student’s motherYes, that’s right.
They’re beautifully in full-bloom right now, so please have a look.
TsumugiThank you.
I’ll drop by.
Now then, if you’ll excuse me.
(Camellia park, they said. Is this it…?)
Wow, it’s amazing.
They’re in full-bloom.
(Oh, right.
Since I’m here, I’ll get my camera…)
Florist Blanc 1-3.png
Hmm… it’s dark, so I can’t get a good shot.
(Kazu-kun took a great picture of the night view a while back. How did he manage to do that? I wish I asked him.)
(Even so, it sure is pretty…)
(It’s nice seeing the camellia all lit up like this, but I’m sure they would look even more beautiful in the morning sun while it’s light out.)
(I’ll come back another time.)
HomareGentlemen, I’ve brought the tea.
ItaruDon’t mind if I do.
MukuThank you very much!
KazunariWhat do you guys think about this?
YukiThat’s pretty spot on.
KumonWhat about this?
TenmaThat looks like it’ll be tough to prepare.
*door opens*
TsumugiI’m back.
IzumiWelcome home.
How did work go today?
TsumugiBoth the parent and their child were relaxed, so the lesson went smoothly.
IzumiThat’s great to hear!
KazunariIt’s gotta be something like this, after all~.
MisumiI wanna make this a triangle!
TsumugiWhat are all of you talking about?
KazunariThe weather’s been nice and sunny these days, so we were thinking of spending a morning out some time.
MukuWe were making all sorts of plans while looking at inste.
TsumugiWow, that sounds fun.
YukiWe were inspired by sensible lifestyle inste accounts.
KumonI like this sorta picnic style too.
MukuThe food is simply placed in a basket, but it looks delicious.
MisumiI wanna eat a triangle omelette~.
KazunariAh, this bread sure looks yummy!
KumonThere’s so many flowers… ah, it runs as a flower shop during the day.
KazunariIt says they’re only open as a bakery in the morning.
Tsumugi—Where is that store?
KazunariLemme see, the location is…
TsumugiAh, that place is close to the home where I did my tutoring job today.
Also, considering that last name…
MukuDo you know it?
TsumugiMy student today has an uncle who’s a florist and a former baker.
They share the same last name, so that might be his store.
ItaruWhew, what a fancy career change.
TenmaYou don’t come across many people like that, so I doubt you can go wrong with this shop.
KazunariI’d love to try their food.
TsumugiI’ll go buy some tomorrow morning then.
I should know where it is, more or less.
ItaruTsumugi? Are you sure?
I’m not one to talk though.
TenmaIf you’re going to buy bread for breakfast, then you’re gonna have to leave pretty early in the morning.
TsumugiI’ll manage if I set my alarm clock.
Ah, but if you’re worried about me going alone—.
TsumugiWon’t you come with me, Director?
Of course. No problem.
I’m looking forward to it.
…Huh? It should be there if we turn right…
IzumiTsumugi-san, the arrow on the map is pointing this way. Isn’t it in the opposite direction?
TsumugiEh? Ah, you’re right.
So then, if we head a little further this way—.
There is it. That’s the place.
IzumiIt’s smells amazing.
TsumugiThere’s table sets. I wonder if that means we can eat here?
Florist Blanc 3-1.png
IzumiIt looks like they have a morning menu.
TsumugiA toast and drink set…
Sounds delectable, doesn’t it?
IzumiWhy don’t we grab a little bite to eat first?
I got hungry from all the walking.
TsumugiSame here.
I’m digging in.
IzumiThe blueberry jam you got looks tasty.
TsumugiI’d like to try the strawberry jam as well. Why don’t we share halfsies?
IzumiThank you!
…Mm~, yummy!
TsumugiBread is the most delicious when it’s freshly baked. It’s crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.
IzumiIt sure was worth waking up early and coming all the way here.
TsumugiShall we tell everyone else about this next time?
IzumiGood idea!
TsumugiWe bought more than we expected, huh?
IzumiYeah, you get lured in by the smell at bakeries and end up wanting to take home a bunch of different things.
TsumugiI even got a souvenir when I thanked him for the flowers I received the other day.
IzumiNow that we've had a chance to relax, let's hurry home before the other guys wake up.
TsumugiAh. There’s a spot I’d like to stop by, if that would be alright?
IzumiWow… it’s beautiful…
TsumugiI knew it would look absolutely dazzling in the morning light.
When I passed this way on my way home from work the other day, I thought for sure it would look even more beautiful in the morning.
We had just been talking about the bakery, so I figured I’d stop by here too.
Florist Blanc 3-2.png
IzumiSo that’s what happened.
TsumugiI also wanted to show this place to you too.
TsumugiWell, you’ve been looking a bit down lately.
IzumiAhaha… you saw right through me, huh?
It’s not that big of a deal, but the site I’m going to help out at starting today is famous for having a lot of troubles…
I was a bit worried whether I would make a mistake or whether I would get along with the others on set…
TsumugiI see.
…Please wait a moment.
*notification sound*
Is this a picture of a camellia?
TsumugiIn flower language, camellias mean “overcoming difficulties”.
So, when you find yourself feeling tired, please take a look at that and remember this view and the delicious breakfast set we had.
Perhaps you’ll feel a little lighter.
IzumiI see…
(When I look closely, the picture is a bit blurry…
Classic Tsumugi-san.)
IzumiThank you.
I feel like I’ll be able to do my best today.
*notification sound*
LIME Icon Kazunari.png
Did y’all get the bread?
Omi Fushimi
LIME Icon Omi.png
Tsumugi-san, Director. Would you like fried eggs, scrambled eggs or omelettes?
IzumiIt looks like everyone’s up now.
TsumugiShall we hurry home?
IzumiLead the way!
