Elegant Vacation/Episode 10

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Elegant Vacation
Episode 10
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Funaki“It appears this resort pool has become quite a popular facility thanks to Mr. Naoto’s advice.”
Naoto“Hahaha, hasn’t it?”
Funaki“Your condition seems to have improved after taking a holiday here as well, Mr. Naoto.”
Naoto“And I have you to thank for that.”
“My popularity as a writer had been declining as of late…
Honestly speaking, I had hit a slump.”
“I was impatient, so I stuck to my desk and wrote as hard as I could. However, in that state, nothing came out right.”
“I suppose you knew this, Funaki. So you deliberately didn’t say and word about it and took me out for a breather, didn’t you?”
Funaki“…I can’t hide anything from you, can I?”
Naoto“Well, it proved to be a very worthy break.
I was so at a loss that I even considered quitting…”
“But when I felt my novels could be of use like that, I realized I cannot throw in the towel yet.”
“Besides, the person you can trust the most is yourself.
Before you give up, you must support yourself more than anyone else.”
KaitoAll of you were so cool!
Especially Arisugawa-san’s last line. That really hit close to home.
HomareI see. I am glad to hear that.
KaitoAnd I’m sorry to Takato-san too. You stayed with me, but I gave up and walked away…
TasukuNo, don’t worry about it. All of us here know that you tried your best, Kaito.
KaitoThank you.
KazunariAlright, all of us are here, so let’s spend the rest of our time partying it up!
TaichiHell yeah! Join us, Kaito-kun!
KaitoEh, me!?
CitronOf course~! Come on, come on, let’s go!
IzumiAhaha, they’re totally best buddies now.
I’m glad the stage was exciting as well.
HomareYes, indeed.
TasukuCome to think of it, the last line changed, huh?
It was originally…
“There are people who are waiting for me and who believe in me. I want to meet their expectations, so I have to keep working hard from here on out.” …Right?
TsuzuruYeah. That was Arisugawa-san’s suggestion.
HomareI can’t be certain if this is true, but when I observed Kaito-kun’s words and actions, I got the feeling he lacked confidence in himself.
And so, if possible, I wanted to give him a little push on the back.
Tasuku…Wow, you said something decent for once.
HomareHm, I am always tasteful, am I not!
Izumi(Fufu. Tasuku-san and Tsuzuru-san both look pleased.)
HomareWhat is the matter?
CitronLet’s ride the two-person waterslide together!
We promised to before!
HomareOh, right we did! Very well, let’s be off.
IzumiOkay, have fun!
CitronKazu said he’s going to take our photo near the bottom!
HomareI can’t wait.
CitronLet’s go then, Homare!
HomareDown the hatch!
TaichiAh, they’re here!?
HomareWhat!? PWAHH!
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