Cards/Citron/High Spirited LIVE!

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Serious.png Spring troupe.png SR
High Spirited LIVE!
(High Spirited LIVE!) Citron Serious R.png
(High Spirited LIVE!) Citron Serious R+.png
Leader Skill Enjoy☆ダンス練習
Enjoy ☆ Dance Practice
Adlib Skill リアル王子のLポーズ
A Real Prince’s L Pose
Cardset A Love Song Dedicated to You



First and foremost, the key to dancing is to have fun! Everyone together now, dance dance dance ♪


Card Stats[edit]

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 1600 1140 1825
40 2458 1764 2800
+ 2678 1924 3050
++ 2898 2084 3300
🔥🔥🔥 3498 2684 3900

Adlib Skill Stats[edit]

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 10 19
2 15 20
3 20 25
4 25 30

