Kumon Hyodo/MANKAI Playback

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Home Run of Gratitude

Backstage Stories
KumonThanks for the meal!
I’m gonna go take a bath!
MukuAh, hold on a second, Kyu-chan.
MisumiWe have an important announcement for Kumon!
KazunariThis year, for Kumopi’s birthday…
We’re gonna host a Summer troupe baseball tournament~!
KazunariFor realsies~!
KumonUwah~! That sounds super fun!
TenmaLast year we struck out, but this year, we wanted to play baseball together, if possible.
YukiI’ll watch from the bench.
TenmaWe don’t have enough people, so join us too.
YukiThe Curry Alien will help in my place.
IzumiEhh!? Me!?
Can I even do it…
YukiYou can at least bunt and run, can’t you?
IzumiThat’s difficult…!
MisumiI’ll play for Director-san too~!
KazunariSumi’s gonna do a shadow clone technique!? That’s sick!
YukiIt’s not ninja baseball this time, guys.[1]
KumonI can also bat for her if I’m on the same team as Director!
IzumiAhaha. Thanks, everyone.
MukuAlright, everyone, leave your schedules open for Kyu-chan’s birthday!
It’s a promise!
KumonA promise…
IzumiIs something wrong, Kumon-kun?
KumonNope, it’s nothing!
Izumi(I felt like Kumon-kun’s expression fell for a moment there… but was that just my imagination?)
…That’s a relief. I don’t have a fever.
Okay. I’ll be able to go all out playing baseball with everyone today…!
KumonAH, Sumi-san!
Sorry for waking you up…!
MisumiNope, it’s fine~.
…Kumon, are you worried about something?
That is—I was worried whether I have a fever since I was so excited for today.
MisumiHm~? Let’s see~?
Forehead cheeeck.
You’re fine! No fevers here.
So let’s have tooons of fun today!
Kumon…! Yeah!
IzumiIt’s great that everyone made it…
But I still think it’s strange playing baseball 3-on-3…!?
TenmaWe don’t have enough people, so it can’t be helped, you know?
KazunariDon’t sweat it ☆
It’ll totes be fine as long as we place a net for the catcher, and the three of us will cover the pitcher, shortstop, and second base positions!
KumonI'll go get all the balls that fly into the outfield!
MisumiMe too~!
MukuI’ll do my best too!
Izumi…Is it really ok for Yuki-kun to sit out?
YukiI’m the manager, so I have to prepare the drinks.
So do your best out there, Curry Alien.
TenmaIt doesn’t look like he’ll budge no matter what you do, so just give up.
Izumi…I understand.
In that case, I’ll give it my all!
TenmaThat’s the spirit.
IzumiSpeaking of which, how will we split the teams up?
KazunariHere, here~!
I made a lottery!
KumonThat’s Kazu-san for you!
KazunariIt’s Kumopi’s birthday, so you’re the first at bat!
There’s a circle mark on mine!
KazunariEveryone else pick one, one-by-one~!
TenmaI’m circle too.
MisumiI’m a triangle~!
KazunariOh, as expected of Sumi!
MukuI’m triangle too!
IzumiI got circle.
KazunariThen I’m triangle!
‘Kay, then we’ve got Tenten, Kumopi, and Director-chan’s team. And then a team with Mukkun, Sumi, and I~!
KumonHey, we’ve got our battery[2] from First Crush Baseball once again, Tenma-san!
TenmaYeah, we’ve got this game in the bag.
YukiThere’s no need for a catcher in our match though.
TenmaS-shut it! I knew that even if you didn’t tell me!
CHOICE 1: I’m worried I’ll drag you two down. [+]
CHOICE 2: Are you confident we’ll win? [+]
KazunariThere’s no way we’ll lose either!
Let’s get this party started~!
MisumiLet’s play already~!
Izumi(The next batter up is Kumon-kun…
And what’s more, the pitcher is Muku-kun!)
Go, Kumon-kun!
TenmaWe’re counting on you.
Bring it, Muku!
MukuHere I go, Kyu-chan…!
KumonHah~ that was super fun~!
Taking a bath after going all out playing baseball is also the best!
MukuAhaha. That’s true.
Anyways, your home run was amazing, Kyu-chan.
KumonHehe. I was so happy all of you were celebrating for me.
So I wanted to slam it no matter what.
MukuI’m happy if you’re happy, Kyu-chan.
KumonMuku… Yeah!
KazunariAh, Kumopi and Mukkun are out from their bath!
Alright, gather up here~!
KumonEh? Eh?
MukuEhehe, Kyu-chan’s birthday isn’t over yet!
Wahhh… thanks, everyone!
I’m soOo… happy… uUuUh…
MisumiDon’t cry, Kumon~.
YukiI feel déjà vu.
TenmaRight. He cried last year too, huh?
KumonEugh… I was worried I might get a fever since I was seriously, really looking forward to today.
IzumiI see…
Kumon…The truth is, I’ve gotten a fever on the day of my birthday before.
*flashback starts*
We planned to go out for dinner together as a family on the day of my birthday.
Even though I was the one who was more excited than anyone else, I got a fever on the day of, and couldn’t go out to eat.
Kumon“Even though we all promised…”
While I was about to cry myself to sleep, nii-chan came over to me.
Juza“How are you feeling?”
Kumon“My fever’s going down.”
“But… sorry, it’s all my fault we can’t go now.”
Juza“It’s Kumon’s birthday, so it’d be meaningless without you there.
We can go when you’re feeling better.”
Kumon“Thanks, nii-chan…”
Nii-chan patted my head with his large hand.
His usually warm hand felt cool and comfortable, and so, I felt relieved.
Kumon“Nii-chan, will you pat my head until I fall asleep?”
Juza“No problem.”
So then nii-chan continued to stroke my head until I fell asleep.
*flashback ends*
IzumiJuza-kun… is so kind.
He really is an older brother who loves his younger brother.
KumonHehe. Nii-chan’s both kinder and stronger than anyone else!
My birthday last year was a surprise celebration, so I didn't have to worry about getting a fever.
But this year, we promised in advance, so I wondered what I’d do if I got sick and disappointed everyone…
Izumi(The reason I saw Kumon-kun’s expression fall a little when Muku-kun mentioned “promise” was because of that, huh…)
Tenma…I feel the same way as Juza-san.
TenmaYou don’t have to worry about your birthday.
If you did get a fever, then we could celebrate the next day. And if you fall sick the next day… we can just go whenever your fever goes down.
KazunariIt’s just like Tenten said!
We won’t get disappointed!
MukuThat’s right!
Because all of us want to celebrate Kyu-chan’s birthday.
MisumiWe can wait no matter how long it takes for that~.
YukiYou’re the birthday boy, so don’t worry too much.
KumonY-you guys~…!!
YukiGeez… here come the water works.
MisumiA smile suits you the most, Kumon~!
Kumon*Sniffle*… thanks, everyone…
Izumi(Kumon-kun is also able to grow because everyone in Summer troupe supports him this way.)
Muku…What’s the matter, Director-san?
IzumiWhen I watch all of you, somehow, I feel happier too.
KazunariAlright, then let’s congratulate Kumopi once again!
Raise your glasses, everyone~.



  1. References the On the Trajectory to Full Bloom. event story
  2. Battery (the baseball term): a catcher + pitcher pair