Kumon Hyodo/MANKAI Playback
From A3! Wiki
Home Run of Gratitude
Backstage StoriesKumon | Thanks for the meal! |
I’m gonna go take a bath! | |
Muku | Ah, hold on a second, Kyu-chan. |
Kumon | Eh? |
Misumi | We have an important announcement for Kumon! |
So~… | |
Kazunari | This year, for Kumopi’s birthday… |
We’re gonna host a Summer troupe baseball tournament~! | |
Kumon | EH!? SERIOUSLY! |
Kazunari | For realsies~! |
Kumon | Uwah~! That sounds super fun! |
Tenma | Last year we struck out, but this year, we wanted to play baseball together, if possible. |
Yuki | I’ll watch from the bench. |
Tenma | We don’t have enough people, so join us too. |
Yuki | The Curry Alien will help in my place. |
Izumi | Ehh!? Me!? |
Can I even do it… | |
Yuki | You can at least bunt and run, can’t you? |
Izumi | That’s difficult…! |
Misumi | I’ll play for Director-san too~! |
Kazunari | Sumi’s gonna do a shadow clone technique!? That’s sick! |
Yuki | It’s not ninja baseball this time, guys.[1] |
Kumon | I can also bat for her if I’m on the same team as Director! |
Izumi | Ahaha. Thanks, everyone. |
Muku | Alright, everyone, leave your schedules open for Kyu-chan’s birthday! |
It’s a promise! | |
Kumon | A promise… |
Izumi | Is something wrong, Kumon-kun? |
Kumon | Nope, it’s nothing! |
Izumi | (I felt like Kumon-kun’s expression fell for a moment there… but was that just my imagination?) |
Kumon | Hm… |
…That’s a relief. I don’t have a fever. | |
Okay. I’ll be able to go all out playing baseball with everyone today…! | |
Misumi | …Kumon? |
Kumon | AH, Sumi-san! |
Sorry for waking you up…! | |
Misumi | Nope, it’s fine~. |
…Kumon, are you worried about something? | |
Kumon | Ah… |
That is—I was worried whether I have a fever since I was so excited for today. | |
Misumi | Hm~? Let’s see~? |
Forehead cheeeck. | |
Kumon | WAHH… |
Misumi | … |
You’re fine! No fevers here. | |
So let’s have tooons of fun today! | |
Kumon | …! Yeah! |
Izumi | It’s great that everyone made it… |
But I still think it’s strange playing baseball 3-on-3…!? | |
Tenma | We don’t have enough people, so it can’t be helped, you know? |
Kazunari | Don’t sweat it ☆ |
It’ll totes be fine as long as we place a net for the catcher, and the three of us will cover the pitcher, shortstop, and second base positions! | |
Kumon | I'll go get all the balls that fly into the outfield! |
Misumi | Me too~! |
Muku | I’ll do my best too! |
Izumi | …Is it really ok for Yuki-kun to sit out? |
Yuki | I’m the manager, so I have to prepare the drinks. |
So do your best out there, Curry Alien. | |
Tenma | It doesn’t look like he’ll budge no matter what you do, so just give up. |
Izumi | …I understand. |
In that case, I’ll give it my all! | |
Tenma | That’s the spirit. |
Izumi | Speaking of which, how will we split the teams up? |
Kazunari | Here, here~! |
I made a lottery! | |
Kumon | That’s Kazu-san for you! |
Kazunari | It’s Kumopi’s birthday, so you’re the first at bat! |
Kumon | Alriiight! |
There’s a circle mark on mine! | |
Kazunari | Everyone else pick one, one-by-one~! |
Tenma | I’m circle too. |
Misumi | I’m a triangle~! |
Kazunari | Oh, as expected of Sumi! |
Muku | I’m triangle too! |
Izumi | I got circle. |
Kazunari | Then I’m triangle! |
‘Kay, then we’ve got Tenten, Kumopi, and Director-chan’s team. And then a team with Mukkun, Sumi, and I~! | |
Kumon | Hey, we’ve got our battery[2] from First Crush Baseball once again, Tenma-san! |
Tenma | Yeah, we’ve got this game in the bag. |
Yuki | There’s no need for a catcher in our match though. |
Tenma | S-shut it! I knew that even if you didn’t tell me! |
CHOICE 1: I’m worried I’ll drag you two down. [+]
CHOICE 2: Are you confident we’ll win? [+]
Kazunari | There’s no way we’ll lose either! |
Let’s get this party started~! | |
Muku | Yeah! |
Misumi | Let’s play already~! |
Izumi | (The next batter up is Kumon-kun… |
And what’s more, the pitcher is Muku-kun!) | |
Go, Kumon-kun! | |
Tenma | We’re counting on you. |
Kumon | Alriiight…! |
Bring it, Muku! | |
Muku | Here I go, Kyu-chan…! |
*throws* | |
Kumon | —. |
*hits* |
Kumon | Hah~ that was super fun~! |
Taking a bath after going all out playing baseball is also the best! | |
Muku | Ahaha. That’s true. |
Anyways, your home run was amazing, Kyu-chan. | |
Kumon | Hehe. I was so happy all of you were celebrating for me. |
So I wanted to slam it no matter what. | |
Muku | I’m happy if you’re happy, Kyu-chan. |
Kumon | Muku… Yeah! |
Kazunari | Ah, Kumopi and Mukkun are out from their bath! |
Alright, gather up here~! | |
Kumon | Eh? Eh? |
Muku | Ehehe, Kyu-chan’s birthday isn’t over yet! |
Kumon | EHH!? |
Everyone | HAPPY BIRTHDAY! |
Kumon | ! |
Wahhh… thanks, everyone! | |
I’m soOo… happy… uUuUh… | |
Misumi | Don’t cry, Kumon~. |
Yuki | I feel déjà vu. |
Tenma | Right. He cried last year too, huh? |
Kumon | Eugh… I was worried I might get a fever since I was seriously, really looking forward to today. |
Izumi | I see… |
Kumon | …The truth is, I’ve gotten a fever on the day of my birthday before. |
*flashback starts* | |
We planned to go out for dinner together as a family on the day of my birthday. | |
Even though I was the one who was more excited than anyone else, I got a fever on the day of, and couldn’t go out to eat. | |
Kumon | “Even though we all promised…” |
While I was about to cry myself to sleep, nii-chan came over to me. | |
Juza | “How are you feeling?” |
Kumon | “My fever’s going down.” |
“But… sorry, it’s all my fault we can’t go now.” | |
Juza | “It’s Kumon’s birthday, so it’d be meaningless without you there. |
We can go when you’re feeling better.” | |
Kumon | “Thanks, nii-chan…” |
Juza | “Yeah.” |
Nii-chan patted my head with his large hand. | |
His usually warm hand felt cool and comfortable, and so, I felt relieved. | |
Kumon | “Nii-chan, will you pat my head until I fall asleep?” |
Juza | “No problem.” |
So then nii-chan continued to stroke my head until I fell asleep. | |
*flashback ends* | |
Izumi | Juza-kun… is so kind. |
He really is an older brother who loves his younger brother. | |
Kumon | Hehe. Nii-chan’s both kinder and stronger than anyone else! |
My birthday last year was a surprise celebration, so I didn't have to worry about getting a fever. | |
But this year, we promised in advance, so I wondered what I’d do if I got sick and disappointed everyone… | |
Izumi | (The reason I saw Kumon-kun’s expression fall a little when Muku-kun mentioned “promise” was because of that, huh…) |
Tenma | …I feel the same way as Juza-san. |
Kumon | Eh… |
Tenma | You don’t have to worry about your birthday. |
If you did get a fever, then we could celebrate the next day. And if you fall sick the next day… we can just go whenever your fever goes down. | |
Kazunari | It’s just like Tenten said! |
We won’t get disappointed! | |
Muku | That’s right! |
Because all of us want to celebrate Kyu-chan’s birthday. | |
Misumi | We can wait no matter how long it takes for that~. |
Yuki | You’re the birthday boy, so don’t worry too much. |
Kumon | Y-you guys~…!! |
Yuki | Geez… here come the water works. |
Misumi | A smile suits you the most, Kumon~! |
Kumon | *Sniffle*… thanks, everyone… |
Izumi | (Kumon-kun is also able to grow because everyone in Summer troupe supports him this way.) |
…Fufu. | |
Muku | …What’s the matter, Director-san? |
Izumi | When I watch all of you, somehow, I feel happier too. |
Kazunari | Alright, then let’s congratulate Kumopi once again! |
Raise your glasses, everyone~. | |
Everyone | CHEEEERS! |