Itaru Chigasaki/Bubble Shower of Blessings

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Backstage Stories
Itaru(…I’m sleepy)
(I had so much fun at yesterday’s MMO cuz more people logged in. I stayed up too late.)
It’s almost time. I really want to get up and go home as soon as possible but I at least want to finish this much for today.
(I just felt a sudden chill…I don’t think I caught a cold though.)
ColleagueOii, Chigasaki. Yoshino-san is looking for you.
(I have a bad feeling about this)
Yoshino—Like the last time, I would like you to help in creating wedding pamphlets as support to our partners.
YoshinoThe pamphlets you worked on last time were a huge success and the other party hopes for the same results this time around. We would be pleased to continue doing business with that company. Will you accept this work?
Itaru…Leave it to me.
IzumiEh? Me? As a bridal model again?
ItaruThe partner company requested to work with the same members as the last time.
Doesn’t it mean that Director-san is also included?
IzumiNo, no. I only modeled with my back view that time…It doesn’t have to be me this time!
ItaruOf course, I’m not saying you’re going to do it for free.
This time too, I can take you to as many curry shops as you want.
ItaruSpeaking of, a co-worker mentioned going on a business trip to India soon.
I might be able to ask for a rare spice as a souvenir, you know?
IzumiUgh…I-I get it.
I’ll lend you a hand for the sake of spices.
Looking forward to working with you, director.
ItaruHow was it?
You’re going to be a bridal model for the second time around. Do you feel you can handle it now?
IzumiHow could I! I’m not confident enough to handle this. Even up until now, I’m still wondering if I am good enough for this…
ItaruI am the one who asked you to do this and I am sure you’re good enough.
Look, you can choose what you want to wear from here…
IzumiI have less confidence in choosing such an important dress to put on a pamphlet.
ItaruI think any dress would suit Director-san but I’ve heard your wishes—Should I choose for you?
IzumiY-yes, please.
ItaruAh, excuse me.
Can I look around?
StaffOf course!
ItaruLet’s see… The pink dress looked good on her last time. It would be nice to choose a similar color this time as well.
Try this out.
IzumiLike this?
ItaruHmm, it’s not bad. But I’d like you to try this gorgeous dress too. Is it okay?
IzumiAh, s-sure!
StaffFufu, watching the two of you is making me think that you’re getting married for real. It’s kinda heartwarming.
ItaruAlright, I’ve decided.
Director-san, change into this.
StaffThe bride is ready!
Izumi(As I thought, I feel like the dress is wearing me instead…)
ItaruDirector-san, raise your head.
…Hmm, you’re beautiful.
T-thank you very much.
(Being gazed at and praised like that made my heart skip a little bit…)
ItaruWell then, let’s move to the location.
We’re not doing the shoot here?
ItaruHm? Didn’t I tell you?
We’re shooting at the park’s entrance.
IzumiIt’s my first time hearing about it!
ItaruThere isn’t much difference shooting here and there. You can take it easy.
Moreover, you helped as Omi’s assistant during a wedding, didn’t you?
IzumiI did, but I was just helping around with the shooting side itself and not the modeling.
ItaruBut the atmosphere is just about the same—
StaffChigasaki-san. I’m sorry!
ItaruWhat happened?
StaffWe just found out that a mistake has been made with the schedule of the model who’s going to play the groom.
IzumiEh? Does it mean that…The groom model won’t make it?
StaffYes. I can’t apologize enough for this.
ItaruNo, I made a mistake on my side too. I didn’t do the confirmation myself.
All the other staff are only available today so I’d like to finish the shoot today if possible, but—
Even if we could arrange for a substitute model, it’s going to take some time for them to get here.
We won’t be able to shoot anymore when the sun falls…
StaffUm, excuse me, if it’s about the substitute model, why don’t we have Chigasaki-san play the role of the groom?
StaffYour stature is quite similar to the original model. I think Chigasaki-san can wear the costumes we have prepared.
CameramanYour overall atmosphere is good enough looking through the lens. You should do it.
StaffWell then, we’re going to prepare Chigasaki-san to play the role of the groom.
Itaru…You must be kidding.
What kind of plot twist is this?
Izumi…. Itaru-san, are you okay?
Itaru…Well, it’s my job to respond to any unforeseen situations in the field.
I’m also at fault here.
Plus, I want to try being your partner this time.
I’m looking forward to working with you, Director-san.
Izumi(I wonder if Itaru-san is done preparing…)
StaffChigasaki-san is entering.
Itaru…I’m sorry I kept you waiting, Director-san.
IzumiWow, Itaru-san. The tuxedo looks great on you!
ItaruYou think so?
I’m glad to hear that from you.
Let’s move to the park.
CameramanLet’s start the photoshoot.
StaffBubble shower is ready!
IzumiWow, there are lots of bubbles floating around!
It looks great!
ItaruIf it’s Kazunari he’s definitely going to say, it’s “’Blam-able”.
CameramanFirst, walk slowly holding each other’s hand.
That’s right, stop right there. Look sideways.
Next, bridegroom, carry the bride in your arms like a princess!
IzumiEhh? We’re going to do it here?
ItaruWell, it’s a wedding photo so this much is only to be expected.
It’s going to be okay. No matter how much of a weakling I am, I should be able to lift someone like Director-san.
IzumiNo, that’s not what I meant.
ItaruI’m telling you it’s fine. Stay still.
Itaru...You’re beautiful, Director-san.
CameramanYes, just like that. Looking great–!
There, okay!
Director-san, watch out for the hem of your dress.
IzumiAh, y-yes.
Being carried in public is quite embarrassing.
ItaruIf you’re getting embarrassed by only this much, you might not be able to keep up, you know?
CameramanThen for the next shoot, bring your face closer for the wedding kiss…
ItaruAlright, here we go–
Izumi(His face is way too close…!)
CameramanJust a little bit closer!
IzumiUh, umm?!
ItaruRelax your shoulders, Director-san.
IzumiEven if you say so…!
ItaruForget about the shooting. Look only at me.
…It’s going to be alright.
ItaruWell, the frozen Director-san is cute too.
IzumiT-that’s enough…!
Please stop teasing me!
CameramanThere, okay!
Izumi(Fuu…Today was tiring)
(Hm? Something was floating around just now… Bubbles?)
I wonder where it’s coming from……
ItaruAh, Director-san.
IzumiSo Itaru-san is the one playing with the bubbles.
ItaruThey gave me the bubble gun we used for today’s shoot.
Wanna try it?
IzumiAlright then…
Woah, this is so much fun!
ItaruI’m glad to hear that.
Thank you for helping me today, Director-san.
ItaruI didn’t expect I’d be playing the part of the groom, but I am glad to have such a beautiful bride like you.
CHOICE 1: You're praising me way too much [+]
CHOICE 2: You haven't gotten out of your role? [+]
Have you fallen for me?
IzumiI, I didn’t!
You won’t deceive me with your praises.
You have to keep your promise. Make sure to take me to curry shops!
Itaru…You got me.
Mission failed.
IzumiOf course! I’ve already picked the shops I want to visit with Itaru-san.
ItaruRoger that. I’ll go with you until you’re satisfied.