Citron | Ohhh..! Hanging around the park after hours.. My heart is racing! |
Tsuzuru | That’s right, this place is usually so lively with tons of people, but now there’s not a single person in sight. It feels a bit strange actually.. |
| Oh, that gives me an idea. I gotta make sure to write it down later. |
Homare | The night air surrounding the stage, the various attractions.. Oh, my poetic inspiration is coming! |
Banri | So we’re here pretty much to check out the stage and do like a little rehearsal, right? |
Izumi | That’s right. Our performance is tomorrow and there is going to be a ton of people at the park. I thought it would be best to do a run through when no one was around before then. |
Azami | I see. |
Nago | Hello everyone, thank you so much! |
Guy | And thank you too. |
Izumi | Alright then, I was thinking about walking around the park a little first and then coming back here to the plaza for the rehearsal. |
Yuki | Sure. |
Staff | This way please. |
Nago | How lovely..! That was such a great performance! |
Staff | It really was! I am looking forward to tomorrow’s performance. |
Izumi | Thank you so much. |
Banri | I don’t think we will have any trouble winning over the crowd. |
Guy | Yes. |
Nago | This is exactly how I envisioned our eye shadow promotion. Thank you so much! |
| I am looking forward to tomorrow’s performance, thank you again. |
Izumi | Looking forward to it! |
Azami | So then we should be heading back now. |
Homare | Mmm, yes. |
Staff | Oh and before you go, please take this! |
Tsuzuru | ? What’s in that giant bag..? |
Citron | OH! There’s a rabbit plushie and a bunch of other rabbit stuff inside! |
Staff | It’s our park’s new mascot, “Rabiyan”! He just debuted this winter! |
| Those goods were just released a few days ago, so please enjoy them. |
Izumi | What a cute character! Thank you so much, we will take them with us. |
Yuki | Huh, that is a surprisingly plain looking rabbit. |
Tsuzuru | Who would have thought we would be seeing a rabbit here too.. |
Citron | Cuutee Mr. Rabbit~!! Pyon pyon pyon! |
Azami | Your make up is done, Tsuzuru. Next is Banri. |
Banri | Yeah, yeah. |
Homare | Let me do some vocal exercises before our show, la la la la lalalala~~! |
Citron | Nice nice, I wanna try too! Lan lan lan lan laaannn! |
Izumi | (Everyone seems to be in a good mood.) |
| Alrighty, I’m going to have a quick meeting before the performance so I will see you guys later. I’ll be off now. |
Guy | Acknowledged. |
Yuki | We have Guy’s hat over here and my rabbit.. Huh? |
Tsuzuru | Is there something wrong, Yuki? |
Yuki | The rabbit plush I was going to use a prop is gone. |
Homare | Oya? But I was certain we packed it with everything else in the car. |
Banri | Maybe we left it there? |
Yuki | Maybe. |
Guy | Then I will go and check. I still have some time before it is my turn for make up. |
Azami | Sorry I’m taking so long to get to you, Guy. |
Yuki | Thank you for doing this. |
Azami | Finished with Citron’s make up. Next.. |
Citron | Thank you~! |
Banri | It sure has been a while since Guy left? He left a while ago. |
Tsuzuru | He still has some time before it’s time for his make up, but if he doesn’t return soon there won’t be enough time left before the performance. |
Homare | Should we call him? |
Banri | No, he left his phone here. |
Yuki | Then there’s no way to contact him. |
Citron | Wow, what a useless piece of junk he is! |