Tsuzuru Minagi/Journey of Blooming

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Just a Little Bit of Something Special

Backstage Stories
CitronI'm hungry~!
ItaruSame. I kinda wanna eat something with high calories.
ChikageI wonder what's on the menu today.
MasumiIt doesn't smell like curry. She isn't in charge of cooking today.
SakuyaAhaha, just what I'd expect from you, Masumi-kun. If I remember correctly, today...
——Huh? Tonight's dinner was supposed to be made by Tsuzuru-kun, wasn't it?
TsuzuruYeah. It's already finished.
CitronIt looks like you put a lot of spirit into tonight's dinner!
ItaruTrue. The lineup's a bit different than usual, too.
SakuyaThe presentation of the dishes is different from usual, so it feels kind of luxurious!
MasumiSomething happen?
TsuzuruN-No, but isn't it fine once in a while?
ChikageI see. Is this maybe practice in order to make this type of meal for someone?
ItaruUnderstanding: reached.
TsuzuruUgh, that's enough! C'mon, eat before it gets cold!
CitronYes! Thanks for the food~!
SakuyaThank you for the food!
TsuzuruHmm... ginger fried pork, fried chicken... Simmered foods... I have no confidence in making those.
It's gotta be fried rice, after all...
CitronOoh, are we doing food manzai next?
Jeez, where did you come from? Don't scare me like that.
Tsuzuru*sigh*... I'm not thinking of new stuff for manzai right now.
We have that plan to go along with the 2nd anniversary of the theater to all make food for the Director as a gift to show our gratitude, right?
Right now, I'm trying to figure out what to make for her.
CitronTsuzuru, you're good at cooking, so anything would be great!
TsuzuruBut everything that I make gives off the vibes of a guy's cooking, so...
I've made stuff for my family's birthdays and for anniversaries, but I feel like this is kinda different from that.
Plus, I already cook a lot, so even if I make something for her, I feel like it'll just be the same as usual...
CitronNo protein, Tsuzuru.
If you put your feelings into it and make it just a little special, I'm sure your feelings of gratitude will come across.
TsuzuruJust a little special, huh...
CitronTsuzuru's cooking is very delicious! I'm sure the Director will be very happy, too!
TsuzuruThank you very much. In order to make her happy, I'll do my best and try to think of a lot of ideas.
CitronThat's the spirit.
——By the way, Tsuzuru.
TsuzuruHuh, what is it?
CitronNext time, I wanna do cabbage roll manzai! Let's simmer twirly, twirly cabbage!
TsuzuruIs food manzai like——Wait, what the heck kind of manzai is that?!
TsuzuruEggs and green onions. We should have some sesame oil, so... I should have all the ingredients now.
Izumi——Huh, Tsuzuru-kun?
IzumiWhat a coincidence. Are you shopping for something?
TsuzuruAh, umm... I was feeling a little hungry, so I decided to take a walk to the store.
IzumiSo that's what happened.
TsuzuruAre you buying ingredients for dinner? If you'd like, I can carry your bags for you.
IzumiReally? Then, I think I might take you up on that offer.
TsuzuruNo problem.
IzumiI wonder what I should make for dinner tonight.
TsuzuruNo curry, please. We just ate that yesterday.
IzumiAlright, alright. ... Ah, these carrots are cheap.
TsuzuruIt looks like these green peppers are a good deal, too.
IzumiCarrots, green peppers... Ah, I know, how about Chinese food?
TsuzuruHuh?! Chinese food?!
IzumiYeah, like chop suey, twice cooked pork, stir-fried shredded beef and green pepper, and also fried ri—
TsuzuruM-Maybe not Chinese food! How about Italian or something?!
IzumiAhaha, Italian sounds kind of fancy.
But that sounds like it might be good. Then I guess I'll make pasta today.
TsuzuruI think that's a great idea!
IzumiTsuzuru-kun, have you always liked pasta this much?
TsuzuruI love it!!
Come in~.
TsuzuruI brought you lunch.
IzumiAh, so today's your turn for that plan where everyone makes food every day. Thank you.
TsuzuruYou're welcome. I... made fried rice.
Tsuzuru Fried Rice.jpg
IzumiWow, it looks delicious!
TsuzuruThank goodness. It might not be that much of a surprise, but it is the food I have the most confidence in, after all.
Izumi... Ah. Is this crab fried rice? It's usually shrimp, right?
TsuzuruI can't believe you noticed that...
That being said, it's just canned crab. Let's just say it's a bit of a special customization.
... Director, thank you so much for everything.
It's been two years since I joined this theater troupe. You've helped me a lot, and taught me so much... I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart.
You've seen a lot of me being pathetic, too, but——
One day, I'll bloom into a scriptwriter so good that I can make you shark fin fried rice.
That's why, I'd like you to keep watching over me.
IzumiOf course I will. I should be the one thanking you, Tsuzuru-kun.
CHOICE 1: "I'm really grateful, too" [+]
I'm the one who's really grateful to you, Tsuzuru-kun.
Of course, it's partly toward your compelling scripts that you always write, but you're also always willing to discuss the direction and performance as a whole with me——
You help me so much outside of performances, too. Really, thank you so much.
TsuzuruNo, no, feel free to count on me at anytime.
Being helpful to the Director, and being counted on by the Director... Both make me really happy.
IzumiI'll help you at anytime, too. Let's do our best together from here on out, too!
CHOICE 2: "I always look forward to your scripts" [+]
IzumiAll of the scripts you write are really interesting, and I'm always looking forward to them.
Using that script as a base and creating performances together makes me really happy, and it's really fun.
TsuzuruHearing you say that makes me really happy.
Me being able to write scripts for this theater is thanks to you as well.
To me, you're someone who I owe so much to, and also being with you makes me relax, and gives me energy——
How do I say this, it's like... you're a sort of mysterious, special person to... Hold on, what am I saying?!
Anyway, I'll do my best to keep writing scripts that you and everyone else think is interesting!
IzumiYeah! I'll look forward to that shark fin fried rice, too.
IzumiThen, is it alright if I eat this fried rice right away?
TsuzuruOf course, please eat it while it's still warm.
IzumiThank you for the food.
... Mm, this is so delicious! Heheh, even if the ingredients are different, it's still Tsuzuru-kun's fried rice.
TsuzuruI'm not so good at cooking that I can change the flavor.
IzumiNo, that's not what I meant. It has this gentle flavor, like it always does.
It's why I love your fried rice so much.
TsuzuruT-Thank you very much.
CitronTsuzuru~ my tummy is rumbling, too~!
SakuyaCitron-san! It's not good to interrupt them!
MasumiHe's got some nerve to go into her room...
ChikageIf you're hungry, should I make some fried rice for you?
ItaruThat'd be some nightmare-level spicy fried rice from hell.
IzumiAhaha, it looks like I'm not the only one who likes Tsuzuru-kun's fried rice.
Alright, alright, I'll go make some right now!
