Taichi Nanao/Stray Devil Blues

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Role Study 【Mark】

Backstage Stories
YukiMy win.
CitronYes! It is also my win~!
TaichiWha--t! I lost in daifugo[1] again…!
KazunariDon’t fret on it, Taicchan!
*phone chimes*
Hm? Something just ringed~
TaichiIt’s my phone! The notif must mean it’s meal time~
KazunariThat’s “Akumaniac!”, right!
YukiKumon and the others have been playing that too. It’s a demon-raising game, isn’t it?
CitronA demon-raising game, you say. It’s a game irresistible to elementary and middle school boys alike! It tickles the chuuni-heart[2]
TaichiOur next play’s theme is about demons, so I thought I would start this game as reference for my role.
But I’m actually really into it! Aa-chan seems to be playing it bit by bit too.
KazunariThe visual design definitely looks elaborate, it’s pretty stylish!
TaichiSure is~
I’ve also been actively checking out this strategy site as well, so I’m really trying my best at it!
CitronWhat name did you give to your demon, Taichi?
TaichiHehe, it’s Darkness WildSatan!
KazunariWild! That sounds so strong!
CitronNice~! It feels quite different to Kumon’s demon.
YukiWell it’s just the name, isn’t it.
TaichiOnce the LP is all full, there’s lots of things you can access in the app.
Just wait and see, I’ll definitely raise a super strong demon!
OmiHm? Playing that trending game?
TaichiYeah! But… It seems like I’m still nowhere close to achieving my ideal visual for it…
Relying on natural refills is difficult too… Maybe I should spend for it after all?
But then if I spend real money on it, then I’ll be….. No, but with this…!
OmiHahaha, do it in moderation, okay?
ItaruI’m home.
TaichiItaru-san, welcome back!
TsumugiWelcome home.
OmiYou’re out early today.
ItaruThere’s a new scout distribution happening at midnight tonight, so I figured I’d prepare some money and mentally prepare for it.
TaichiAs expected of a gamer’s mind!
TsumugiSpeaking of which, Taichi, how’s it going with your demon?
TaichiAh! That reminds me, I haven’t logged in since yesterday!
OmiEven though you’ve been so enthusiastic about it, you didn’t get to login today too?
TaichiAnd I’ve been hard pressing to get the item I need to get stronger, too...
ItaruSpending for it is an option too.
TaichiThen I’ll do just that! 300yen!
ItaruJust 300yen is enough for your satisfaction… I suddenly don’t believe you.
TsumugiBut, having the ability to spend money on a game is pretty nice, isn’t it?
Both of you, your smiles and your words… It feels like I just got stabbed in the chest.


  1. A Japanese card game similar to President
  2. chuunibyou at heart!