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FLOWER FES ~Cluster Amaryllis~

Backstage Stories
OmiI'm home… hm?
BanriLike I said, you need to push A for a light attack!
JuzaHaah? You can attack with B too don't ya?
BanriBut you're leaving yourself wide open!
AzamiAh, Omi-san welcome back.
TaichiWelcome back!
OmiYeah. What a rare sight, those two playing games together.
TaichiI invited everyone to play a team match!
AzamiRight now we're holding a beginners tutorial for Juza-san, but Banri-san is losing his patience.
OmiI see.
SakyoYou brats are too noisy! …geez, you were making so much noise over a game.
AzamiHuh? You're just jealous because you suck at games.
TaichiThen how about you play with us too, Sakyo-nii and Omi-kun? Then we can make it 3 vs 3!
SakyoWhy do I have to play games with you?
AzamiHa. You running away?
Sakyo…I didn't say I'm not gonna play.
TaichiUmm… what about you Omi-kun?
OmiWell, I'm really bad at gaming so… wouldn't I hold you back?
BanriThen Omi, you will cover us from the rear. I'll be the vanguard.
TaichiIs it still a no…?
OmiHaha, you guys are so dependable. Then I'll participate too.
TaichiIt's decided!
BanriThen I'll team up with Omi and Azami. I'll give myself a handicap, so we just gotta battle until we're out of time, and the team with the most points wins.
IzumiI'm back-… hm?
TaichiSakyo-nii, do it now!
AzamiI won't let you!
BanriOmi, now.
Izumi(Autumn Troupe playing a game together, such a rare sight)
TaichiLet's see, the point difference… it's a tie!
BanriHuh? Shit, a draw.
Juza…doesn't make sense.
TaichiBut it was so fun gaming with everyone! You were a great help too, Sakyo-nii!
SakyoThat was a walk in the park.
AzamiYou said you suck at gaming, Omi-san, but you pushed the right buttons just as we told you, so you were a great help.
OmiIs that… a compliment?
IzumiFufu, I see you're having fun.
TaichiDirector-sensei! When did you get here?
IzumiI was already watching you when you got to the climax of the match.
The character Banri-kun used was so pretty! Whenever they walked flowers grew around them… like a fairy.
BanriYup, I always use this character recently. Even though they're a healer they're super strong.
AzamiA fairy of flowers huh… we did this kinda thing before.
TaichiIn the botanical garden right![1]
BanriAh, that.
Izumi…ah! There was something I wanted to consult with you about.
We got a request for actors to play extras in a movie at the start of next week, I'm looking for three people from each Troupe who can participate…
OmiAn extra in a movie huh… I don't have any plans for that day, so I can do it.
SakyoI can participate too.
TaichiHmm… I wanna do it but I have school.
AzamiI have school too.
BanriI can't either. Studying since first period on that day.
Juza…I have a day off so I can go.
IzumiThen I'm counting on you, Juza-kun, Omi-kun, Sakyo-san! I'll let you know the procedure on the day of the event.
Good job on the shooting. It ended really smoothly.
OmiYeah. I can't wait for the release.
JuzaYeah. It was a good experience.
IzumiWe have some free time now, let's go look around the garden.
OmiSure. Is that okay with you Sakyo-san?
SakyoI don't mind.
IzumiThank you! Let's go then!
OmiThis place is perfect for taking pictures.
SakyoIt's really being taken care of well.
IzumiThere're so many types of flowers, from common ones to rare ones.
JuzaYeah. It's pretty.
OmiSpeaking of rare, seems like the carnivorous plants corner is over there.
IzumiI'm not really sure I wanna see that but also I kinda want to...
SakyoOver there is the greenhouse huh. It probably has more rare types.
JuzaMy bad, I'll be there right away.
Izumi(He stood completely still all of a sudden... what flower was he looking at?)
SakyoOi, we're leaving you.
IzumiAh, wait for us!
SakyoSo this is the tropic plants area…
OmiHm? It's from Taichi.
taichi nanao
LIME Icon Taichi.png
Are you enjoying the Flower Fes? Tell me how it's like!
SakyoThis brat, isn't he supposed to be at school?
JuzaHe might be on lunch break.
OmiHaha, Taichi wanted to come too after all. Let's get some souvenirs for the house-sitting group.
IzumiYou're right.
SakyoSpeaking of which there were a few souvenir shops here.
IzumiWhat's wrong?
JuzaErr, about the souvenir shop… I wanna go to this one.
IzumiThe candy shop? Ohh, you can buy candies made of flowers! It really feels like a souvenir from the Fes so it might be good.
JuzaWanna come with me, if that's fine with you?
IzumiSure, it's fine.
Then I'll be going to the candy shop with Juza-kun.
SakyoGot it.
OmiWe'll just look around the shops, so LIME us when you're done.
IzumiSo it's a joint establishment of a shop and a café huh.
JuzaLooks like you can actually eat in the cafe what's being sold here.
IzumiI see… woah there're many flowers and herbs in the café too, how pretty.
StaffWe’re currently holding a sweets fair here in the store. Feel free to give it a try if you like~.
IzumiHeh, looks delicious. …Ah.
Juza-kun, could it be that you wanted to eat this one?
Izumi(I bet it was awkward for him to go here on his own)
Then let's give it a try.
Juza…! Thanks.
StaffHere is the menu.
IzumiThank you. Ohh, black tea goes well with Japanese sweets.
JuzaYeah, seems like it's called sweets black tea.
IzumiI see!
Juza…it was written in the guidebook.
Izumi(He investigated it perfectly…!)
StaffAre you ready to order?
JuzaI want this cluster amaryllis nerikiri and black tea set.[2]
IzumiI want the yokan and black tea set.
IzumiThe cluster amaryllis nerikiri you ordered looks somewhat rare, Juza-kun.
JuzaTo be frank I don't know much about flower types but… I was curious about this flower.
Izumi(Speaking of which the flower he looked at earlier…)
Can it be that you were looking at the cluster amaryllis earlier?
Juza…yeah. How to put it, my eyes were drawn to them.
IzumiI see.
JuzaTheir meaning in the language of flower was written on a sign. Seems like their meaning is "passion".
When I looked at it, I recalled the video we made during our sixth performance.
I used to be feared by everyone, and hurting others even when I didn’t want to… so I've always wanted to become someone else.
But as I joined the Autumn Troupe and continued to act--. This life I led became my strong point as an actor.
No one wanna see an acting of some made-up self. I'll play roles that only I can act.
(The Autumn Troupe was pulled forward by Juza-kun's passion for acting. This is precisely the meaning of cluster amaryllis)
JuzaThe ones who made me realize it were those guys and you, Director. I'm really grateful.
IzumiNot at all… that was because Juza-kun faced acting earnestly.
But watching Juza-kun growing little by little with my own eyes, is my privilege as a Director.
JuzaBut I think I still have a long way to go. I want to act more.
So I'll be counting on you from now on too, Director.
IzumiYeah. Same here.
StaffSorry for keeping you waiting~.
IzumiThank you so much.
Ah, the nerikiri you ordered really is crafted like a cluster amaryllis. It's so cute… it's almost a waste to eat it--.
Juzamunch munch.
Izumi(As always Juza-kun has no mercy…!)
Juza…it's good.
Juza? What's up?
IzumiNo, it's nothing!
(This part of Juza-kun that is so straight-forward, I want to keep watching over it)



  1. A reference to the VIVID CDs.
  2. Both nerikiri and yokan are types of Japanese sweets.