Yuki | Huh? Not enough, there is no way this will do it. |
Sakyo | You say that over and over. The costume budget is the same as always. |
Yuki | Well it is a gem themed show so I decided it was best if the costumes incorporated gems in the design! |
Sakyo | And where is this money coming from? |
Izumi | (Wow, today’s budget battle is pretty intense….) |
| *doorbell ring* |
| Ah, it must be Tadoru. |
| Coming! |
Tadoru | Hello~. |
Yuki | And that is why I am fussing over the accessories and jewelry so much— |
Sakyo | So we should be able to reuse some past items. |
Izumi | Pardon us, we were just in the middle of something |
Tadoru | Not a problem, but may I ask what is up? |
Izumi | Actually it’s just some blabber… |
Tadoru | I see~. Oh it is about costumes? If that is what you are talking about, I can pitch in~. |
Sakyo | What? |
Yuki | Did you just say you would pitch in for the costumes? |
Tadoru | Yea. I don’t know if I could afford to put in a ton of money, but I did ask you guys to help me in the first place. |
| If the costumes are supposed to look like the gems, then show should be pretty extravagant. We can all negotiate. |
Yuki | Thanks for helping us settle this so quickly. |
Sakyo | Even so, we are not going to use anything expensive. |
Yuki | Shut up you stingy money grubbing yakuza. So then, I have been thinking about the design. |
Sakyo | Hey, Rurikawa! Forget it… |
Citron | Tadoru~ Sorry to keep you waiting!!! I got the gem! |
Guy | Hello. |
Tadoru | Hello~. |
Citron | This is the Zahran necklace. Take care of it!!! |
Tadoru | Yes, I will take care of it~. |
Izumi | (Even though they are handing over a national treasure-level gem, as expected the two of them seem so casual about it…) |
Tadoru | Ahh, so without any delay. If it’s alright with everyone, would you like to come see the venue? |
Izumi | Eh, is that alright? |
Tadoru | Yea, isn’t best if the company visits the venue to get a feel for the atmosphere? |
Sakyo | If it is today, I think all of the guys participating in this performance should be in the dorm. |
Citron | Nice!!! Let’s all go!!! |
Mika | [Guy, what is everyone…] |
Guy | [Yes, it seems like everyone is going to head to the venue to get a sneak peak at the set up.] |
Mika | [I see….. Just to be sure, I would like to go and confirm the location in which the gem will be displayed. Would that be alright?] |
Guy | [Acknowledged. I will ask.] |
| Would it be alright if Mika and I both go to check out the venue as well? |
Tadoru | Yes, of course~. So then, shall we all head out? |
Chikage | It is really coming together. |
Muku | Waahh!! Look look, Juu-chan! It’s soooo pretty!!!! |
Juza | I can see that, but stop pushing and shoving, Muku. |
Izumi | With a set up of gems like this, this must be the highlight…. |
Azuma | Ahh, there are some that suit director too. Hey look, what about this one? |
Izumi | Wow, how lovely! But I don’t know if I would have the courage to wear…. |
Tadoru | The stage is over there. |
Sakyo | I see. |
Tadoru | And the Zahran gem will be displayed here. |
| Because it is such a valuable item, we made sure that the security around it is strict. |
Citron | Then there is nothing to worry about! |
Mika | [If there is this much security then it seems that there is nothing to worry about and I can leave it to you guys.] |
Guy | [Yes, it seems so.] |
Muku | Wow… The exhibition was quite lovely. |
Juza | There were a lot of rare gems on display. |
Citron | The colours, the shapes, so many, it was so fun~!! We will certainly add a ton of excitement to the exhibition– |
??? | [Hand over the necklace!] |
Citron | !? |
Guy | Citronia, over here…! |
Mika | [Who is that!?] |
Muku | Wahh..?? |
Juza | What, that guy is..! |
Izumi | I-I don’t really understand what they said, but I know it was definitely not good…! |
Chikage | The said ‘Hand over the necklace’. |
Sakyo | Tch…! |
Azuma | Not very quiet about it, are they? |
Mika | [I cannot believe they even came all the way to Japan… |
| I will stay here with them! Everyone, please run!] |
Guy | [Don’t say something so foolish. There is no way we would leave you behind.] |
Juza | I don’t understand a word of what they’re saying, but if they are trying to face that guy alone, I will help. |
Citron | Oh!!! Juza, you could sense the meaning from Mika’s words even though you don’t understand what he’s saying! |
Sakyo | So it is you are the one everyone has been looking for, what are you doing here so nonchalantly? |
??? | [Damn, so many people… I am outmatched, hah. But I do not plan to end this here!] |
Izumi | Ah! |
Mika | [Wait!] |
Azuma | Seems like they got away. |
Muku | I guess it’s safe now…. |
Guy | No, he said that he does not plan to end it here. I think we should stay on our guard for a little longer. |
| Citronia in particular. You are not to act on your own. |
Sakyo | We should also warn the guys back at the dorm to also be on their guard. |
Chikage | It was a Zahran. I will do a little more research on my end. |
Muku | This is scary… |
Citron | Don’t worry. I will chase away anyone who comes after Muku!!! |
Mika | …. |