Sakuya Sakuma/Glittering Snow Globe

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The Dream the Snow Globe Shows

Backstage Stories
TaichiTonight's dinner was the best, too!
OmiHaha, happy to hear that.
TsuzuruI'm on sink duty, so I'll be cleaning up the plates soon.
TasukuI'm home.
TaichiIn his right hand is Hisoka-san, and in his left is some large baggage...
TsuzuruTakato-san, thanks for your hard work.
SakuyaAh, I'll take the paper bags.
OmiOkay, then I'll take Hisoka-san.
TasukuThanks. Ah, Sakuma, this stuff is pretty heavy.
SakuyaWhoa! You're right. Is it alright if I look at what's inside?
TasukuSure. They belong to Mikage, though.
SakuyaThis is...
OmiSnow globe kits?
SakuyaHow come he has so many of these?
HisokaMy manager ordered the wrong amount, and they got punctured when they were in the storeroom, so he gave them to me.
SakuyaHisoka-san, when did you wake up?!
HisokaOmi gave me marshmallows. Munch, munch...
OmiHisoka-san, that reminds me, you're working part-time at the Christmas market now, right?
SakuyaI'd like to try building a snow globe!
OmiThere aren't many opportunities to make a snow globe, so it seems like it would be fun.
TaichiI want to try making one, too!
OmiShould we all try making them together?
SakuyaI'll go call everyone who's still in their rooms!
MukuWow, Alice-san, your snow globe is so gorgeous!
KumonAmazing! The foundation and the inside are all glowing!
HomareRight? I put illuminated decorations, jewels, and rose petals inside of it.
TsuzuruYou seriously put in jewels...?
AzumaHehe, that's just like you, Homare.
MisumiAll done~!
CitronOoh~, its sparkle is so very pretty~!
MisumiRight~! I put in little triangles and onigiri decorations, too~!
BanriJust how out there do you gotta be to make onigiri sparkle.
AzamiChikage-san, are you done already? There ain't anythin' in it but snow and a tree, though.
ChikageAs they say, simple is best.
Yuki... Feels empty.
TsumugiSakuya-kun, you look like you're still troubled about what to put in your snow globe.
SakuyaI am. If there was an ornament for a gray cat, I would have put that in, but...
KumonWho's Blue?
HisokaIt's the name of the cat I played last year for the Christmas event, and——.
SakuyaIt's the name of the cat plushie I got from Santa-san, as well.
KazunariThen, should I make an ornament of Blue?
SakuyaOh, no, I couldn't ask that of you. ... Ah, I'll put in this one!
OmiSanta Claus, huh. I think it's good, since it's a common theme.
SakuyaAfter all, you definitely need Santa-san for Christmas.
IzumiI'm home~.
Huh, what's everyone doing?
SakuyaAh, Director, welcome home! We're all making snow globes together!
TsuzuruMikage-san brought home a snow globe kit.
IzumiSo that's what's going on. Hehe, everyone's snow globes are so individualistic.
SakuyaDirector, do you want to make one with us?
IzumiI'd love to, but... I haven't finished the documents that I have to present at tomorrow's neighborhood association meeting.
SakuyaIs that so... Good luck!
OmiI'll bring dinner to you later.
IzumiThank you.
*door shuts*
ChikageI wonder if she's working on the end-of-the-year paperwork for the theater company.
TsumugiIt seems like she's helping out at other theaters, too, so she must be busy.
SakuyaThat's true...
Where should I leave it... Right here, I guess?
CitronOoh, you're leaving a snow globe next to Blue?
SakuyaYes! Both of them are part of my memories of Christmas, after all.
CitronI hope they increase next year, too. Okay, I'm turning off the lights~.
SakuyaOkay! Good night.
Mm, huh...?
SakuyaAh, he ran away...
???Hmm, where in the world am I...
An old man? A big body, red clothes and a red hat, a white beard...
A-Are you Santa-san?!
Santa ClausWhy, yes. I am indeed Santa-san.
SakuyaS-Santa-san, what are you doing here...?
Santa ClausI came here to give out presents to the residents who live here, but there are so many rooms that I don't know who lives where.
I'm supposed to have an elf helping me, but... This year, we're short on elves.
SakuyaUm, if you're alright with it, I'll help you!
Santa ClausAre you sure?
SakuyaOf course!
Last year, I was so happy to get a present from you, Santa-san, so please let me repay you for that!
Santa ClausHohoho, I see. Well, then, from this moment on, you're an elf.
SakuyaUnderstood! I look forward to working with you!
Masumi... Zzz.
SakuyaMerry Christmas, Masumi-kun.
Tsuzuru... Mmm, mmm.
SakuyaMerry Christmas, Tsuzuru-kun.
That start was pretty smooth!
Santa ClausHohoho, indeed. You're quite good at this.
However, don't let your guard down.
Softly, softly...
Chikage... Sakuya? What are you doing here?
Sakuya!! U-Uhm... I'm doing a Christmas etude!
ChikageHmm... Then, who's that old man who looks like Santa Claus?
Santa Claus...
SakuyaThis person is my part-time job's manager's... father!
ChikageHeh... Is that so. How zealous of you.
SakuyaThat was close...
Santa ClausWe somehow got out of that.
SakuyaI'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time!
Santa ClausOhh, what loud snoring...
SakuyaI'm amazed Banri-kun can sleep through that...
Softly, softly...
Homare... Stop right there!
SakuyaEek, I'm sorry?!
HomareIf you eat that fast, then it'll all be gone soon you... know.
Santa ClausIt seems like he was just talking in his sleep.
SakuyaT-That was scary...
Merry Christmas, Misumi-san.
MisumiWow! Thank you~!
SakuyaY-You were awake?!
MisumiYou're great for helping out even in a dream.
MisumiMm-mm, it's nothing. Good ni~ght.
Huh... Was that present just now the last one?
Santa ClausNo, there's one more. It's this one.
SakuyaWow, it's a snow globe!
Um, the truth is, there's one more place we haven't visited...
Santa ClausHohoho, I'm aware.
SakuyaDirector, thank you for all your hard work, and thank you for everything you do every day.
Izumi... Thank you.
SakuyaThank goodness... I thought I had woken her up.
If you don't put your futon over yourself properly, you'll catch cold. Heave-ho...
Merry Christmas, Director. Good night.
Santa ClausThank you, you were a great help.
SakuyaI should be the one thanking you. Helping you out was so fun, Santa-san!
Santa ClausHohoho, well then, I must be going soon. You're a good child, so I'll be giving you a present this year as well.
SakuyaThank you so much!
Huh, it's already morning...?
CitronGood morning.
SakuyaG-Good morning.
CitronYou seemed so relaxed, so I didn't bake you up.
CitronDid you have a nice dream?
YukiHey, isn't that too much? There's no space for the snow to fall.
ItaruIt's pretty dynamic.
HisokaThere's a lot.
ChikageBring the sense back.
IzumiEhh... Is it that bad?
SakuyaWhat's going on?
IzumiAh, Sakuya-kun, good morning. Right now, I'm making a snow globe.
SakuyaSo you're making one, too, Director!
YukiShe's been asking for advice even though it's so early in the morning.
SakuyaIs that so?
IzumiAhaha. The truth is, I saw a snow globe in my dream.
SakuyaA dream of a snow globe?
IzumiYeah. The details are fuzzy, so I don't remember them, though. I wonder if it's because I saw everyone's snow globes yesterday.
IzumiWhat's wrong?
SakuyaI-It's nothing! Making snow globes is fun, isn't it!
IzumiYeah. But it's surprisingly hard to balance out.
CHOICE 1: "I feel like this appeared in my dream, but..." [+]
IzumiI feel like this appeared in my dream, but...
SakuyaSanta-san and an elf...?!
HisokaYou seem like you've wanted to say something for a while.
SakuyaUmm... The truth is, I had a dream that I was helping out Santa-san with giving out presents.
ChikageThen the elf Director-san saw in her dream might have been Sakuya.
CHOICE 2: "I tried putting in a lot of different things" [+]
IzumiI started having a lot of fun and tried putting in a lot of different things, but...
YukiThere are too many ornaments. It's to the point that I can't even tell what you put inside anymore.
SakuyaI think this is Santa-san, and this is a present...?
IzumiUmm, this is a carrot, and this is a potato...
YukiWhat is this, a curry pot.
HisokaIt's being simmered.
ItaruHere come the sharp tsukkomi.
IzumiThe main point is Santa-san and an elf, though...
SakuyaSanta-san and an elf? Then, this really is...
IzumiHey, Sakuya-kun, what do you think of my snow globe?
Sakuya——I think it's wonderful!
