Yin Yang Midnight/Episode 3

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Yin Yang Midnight
Episode 3
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IzumiLet’s end here for today—.
YukiNice work~.
AzamiNice work.
IzumiAh, are we trying on costumes?
YukiYup. They’re basically done, so.
AzamiPlus a make-up check. I want to get everything down before the shoot.
CitronWe were waiting for this!
AzumaThis is exciting.
IzumiWow, you guys look great!
GuyFeathers, huh. I’ve never worn a costume like this.
AzumaThe fabric has a lovely texture.
Izumi(Guy-san’s feathers and Azuma-san’s robe are both delicate and beautiful. Combined with the make-up effects, they bring out a celestial, otherworldly air.)
AzumaThe prince’s Japanese clothes look lovely, too.
CitronThe Japanese outfit is making me hyped!
IzumiThe court robe makes for a good contrast with your looks.
GuyFuruichi, you look great as expected.
AzumaPale turquoise is also a nice color.
IzumiSakyo-san, is something wrong?
Sakyo...No, I’m just thinking about how I look lined up next to everyone else.
The shikigami duo and Citron’s onmyoji all make a strong impact. I need to make sure I don’t get drowned out.
YukiWhat, are you complaining about my costume?
SakyoThe costume isn’t the issue. I am.
Film requires a different kind of presentation than theater. If I don’t keep that in mind, the costumes won’t look good.
IzumiHow to present yourself on film... I wonder if there’s anyone who can teach us....
It’s related to acting—so maybe we should try consulting Yuzo-san?
SakyoHaving to rely on that old man... Guess I have no choice. There’s no other way.
AzumaOver here.
SakyoYou called me over out of nowhere.
AzumaSorry. I thought we should get to know each other better, since we’re lead and co-lead, you know? We’re also master and servant.
SakyoWhat do you mean, get to know each other better? We drink together all the time.
AzumaTrue. But it’s a good excuse for a drink, right?
SakyoYou’re right.
AzumaI recommend this cocktail.
SakyoThen I’ll get the same thing.
BartenderYes, sir.
SakyoWe have an interesting cast this time round.
AzumaThe mix plays are fun because they bring together members across troupes—but even without that, this is a pretty unique group.
But Guy is really stoic and serious about theater, so I thought you guys would get along.
SakyoHe and Citron might have been master and servant, but they really are different. But having Citron around really changes the atmosphere during practice.
AzumaAre Autumn Troupe’s practices more tense?
SakyoYeah.... We’re not at each other’s throats, but everyone’s ready for some competition.
AzumaWinter Troupe is also a bit different. We’re a little calmer, and our passion for acting lies within us.
SakyoIt helps to get a look at how other troupes handle practice. The mix plays are a good idea.
SakyoBut thanks to the film, we have a tighter schedule than usual. We need to stay focused.
AzumaThe Kyoto shoot is next week, huh. It really is a close schedule.
SakyoWe’re staying for three nights and four days; we need to film multiple scenes, along with photo shoots for the goods and flyers.
AzumaKazu and the others were fussing that they wouldn’t have time to sightsee.
SakyoGeez, I’ve been telling them this isn’t a school trip.
AzumaFufu, I personally like Kyoto, so I’m happy we get to go for this shoot.
SakyoI’ve pretty much never been.
No—actually, the other day my mother told me I’d lived there for a short time when I was little.
AzumaHuh, really?
SakyoMy late father was born in Kyoto.
AzumaSo, before he passed away?
SakyoYeah. Apparently, when he was told he didn’t have much time left, he said he wanted to receive treatment in Kyoto because it was familiar to him.
And my mother and I went with him.
But I don’t really remember anything. I just heard that my father’s grave was in Kyoto.
AzumaHave you ever visited his grave?
SakyoI think my mom goes fairly often, but I’ve never been. It costs money, and I’ve never thought that I wanted to go visit for a father I don’t even remember.
AzumaSo you’re not going this time either?
Sakyo...Who knows.
(Mother asked me to stop by if I’m going to be in Kyoto, but....)
(Ever since I was little—even when I saw father in photographs, I never really felt like he was my father.)
(I did think, if this father was alive, mother would’ve had an easier time in life, but.... That’s all.)
(Rather, when I think of the word father, Yukio-san or the old man Izumida—people who took too much care of me—come to mind.)
AzumaIf you’re going, I’ll tag along.
AzumaIt’s been quite a while since you’ve last seen him. He’s going to get worried if you don’t have a friend to introduce.
SakyoA friend? You...?
AzumaFufu, I guess we’re drinking buddies.
SakyoWell, that’s true.
I’m grateful for your offer, but.... That won’t be necessary.
After all these years, I just can’t get myself to visit my father’s grave as his son when I hardly remember him, and don’t feel any familial connection to him.
We do have a bit of free time, but we never know how long the shoot will take.
AzumaNone of us have film experience, after all.
SakyoIf we do have free time, drink with me.
Azuma...I know a good place.
SakyoWant to go for another round?
AzumaI think we’ve had enough for today. Staying up late is bad for your skin, too.
There’s going to be close-ups during the film shoot, so we need to take care of our skin.
SakyoNow that you mention it, bon was yapping about preparing my skin for next week.
AzumaThe shikigami make-up is unique and lovely.
SakyoYeah. The costumes are complex and will look great on stage.
AzumaI like the slightly melancholy story, too. Practice is fun.
SakyoMinagi said he wanted to convey stuff like fate, and bonds and connections—things you can’t see.
Seimei and Kou are together pretty much throughout the entire play.
But they rarely express their feelings and bonds towards each other. Rather, they give off the impression that they’re only bound together by contract.
In our acting, we need to show something invisible that doesn’t even appear in the script. I honestly think that’s pretty difficult.
To stay by someone’s side without expressing one’s inner feelings; to show that humans and shikigami, who inhabit different worlds, can still connect—how do I go about doing that...?
AzumaI think I sort of understand.
A definite connection you feel with someone, even if you can never meet them again.
SakyoYou have that sort of bond, Yukishiro?
AzumaFufu, I want to gently stay by your side, Sakyo-kun.
(Looks like Yukishiro has a good grasp on it already... I need to show Kou and Seimei’s relationship in my own way, too.)
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