Harugaoka Quartet/Episode 6

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Harugaoka Quartet
Episode 6
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«It’s been several weeks since I left Zahra…. But I could hardly talk to nii-sama. Just what am I doing here, really….»
ItaruCome here, come here.
ItaruTake a seat here.
ItaruHere, for you. One should bring a souvenir when they go home.
TangerineThis is….a toy, right?
ItaruIt’s shokugan[1]. It’s one of the specialties of his country.
TangerineOh! I’ve heard about it from nii-sama! This is very popular among those scary-looking people, right?
ItaruYes, yes.
Take this one, too.
TangerineThis one is?
ItaruThis game has been hot lately, so let’s play together.
Tangerine!! Yes!!
Yeaay! I won!
ItaruAh, you did well, good job. You’re already used to it on your first try.
TangerineI used to play this with nii-sama at the royal palace in the past. Nii-sama secretly got himself a gaming device.
ItaruI see.
TangerineNii-sama was the only one who would play with me at the royal palace. I am a good-for-nothing prince, after all….
Nii-sama was the only one who was kind to me. He taught me a lot of things.
ItaruDo you love Citron?
TangerineOf course. He’s the person whom I respect the most.
Despite that…. I caused troubles for nii-sama. I’m sure he hates me now.
Don’t be depressed. I don’t think Citron hates you.
Tangerine….You’re kind, Itaru.
ItaruI’m not used to this kind of thing, though. I’m the youngest child in my family, after all.
Chikage...What are you doing?
ItaruYou can tell by looking, right.
ChikageChigasaki is using the iron claw technique[2] on the prince after losing a game?
ItaruThis guy sure likes having baseless suspicion.
TangerineSo Chikage likes to suspect people unjustly, huh?
ChikageYou don’t have to remember that when you return home.
TangerineI got it.
Do you want to play game too, Chikage?
Chikage….Well, if it’s just for a short time.
Itaru….How rare.
ChikageDo you have any problem?
ItaruNo, not really?
It looks like Citron is going out to attend some business, so why don’t you play with the Japanese onii-sans for the time being?
ItaruTsuzuru has said it before, but Citron’s little brother is like the Spring Troupe’s little brother.
ChikageThat’s right.
TangerineEveryone in Spring Troupe’s little brother…
ItaruTangerine, let’s use the techniques I taught you earlier and crush senpai together.
ChikageHow interesting. Bring it on.
TangerineYou’ve gotten better, Masumi.
MasumiThat’s obvious.
TangerineI’ve become good at playing games, too. I played with Chikage and Itaru.
I was also told that nii-sama’s little brother is everyone in Spring Troupe’s little brother.
MasumiDon’t just make me your big brother as you please.
TangerineSo Masumi is a little brother?
MasumiThat’s not what I mean. Never mind that, teach me how to play violin again.
TangerineMasumi’s tone is already beautiful, though. That’s enough.
MasumiIt’s not. I won’t defeat that guy at this rate.
Tangerine….Defeating nii-sama is hard.
MasumiI still intend to win.
nii-sama once told me pinterkretation is the important thing in music.
MasumiPinterkretation…. Interpretation?
TangerineThat’s it.
Performing music is not all about following the score. You need to interpret what message the composer was trying to tell through his music, and express it during performance.
Masumi...It’s the same as acting.
TangerineFrom what I hear, Masumi is still following the score.
MasumiTry playing it yourself then if you’re able to talk big like that.
MasumiWhat? Are you not going to play?
TangerineThat’s not it.
MasumiHmm, you’re not just all talk.
TangerineBut this is no good. The sound that I want to hear isn’t this one.
I want to make the sound that nii-sama usually makes.
Nii-sama’s violin performance is… filled with warm sounds that express heartfelt gratitude to all the soldiers who are conferred.
And I’m still not good enough to play that.
«I want to hear it once more….»
MasumiLet’s go inside before you catch a cold.
TangerineAll right.
TangerineCan we sleep together again, like before?
Masumi….*sighs*. I’ve got no choice.
TangerineMasumi, phanks.
MasumiIt’s “thanks.”
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  1. 食玩 (Shokugan): small toys sold with food.
  2. Iron Claw technique: a wrestling move where one grips the opponent’s face (https://animewriter.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/the-iron-claw-move.jpg)