Outside Work Conversations/Azami and Tsumugi

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Veludo Station Front

Azami...I, Tsumugi-san, I've been thinking this about you for a while now but.
TsumugiEh? Wh-What is it?
Azami...You're, it's awesome. It feels like makeup'd give you a total transformation[1].
TsumugiA total makeup transformation...? You think so? I think that might be the first time that's been said about me.

Veludo Park

AzamiTsumugi-san's face is plain-looking at first glance, but your features are pretty nice....
TsumugiI don't really get it but... Thank you, I guess...?
AzamiIf you're okay with it, I'll be practicing my makeup on you from time to time.
TsumugiI don't know if it'll be helpful practicing on me, but... We can get together and practice anytime.

Veludo Town Library

AzamiTsumugi-san, I'll be borrowing your face again today. I want to try doing foreigner makeup.[2].
TsumugiMe... A foreigner... Surely that's impossible, isn't it?
TsumugiIf you're doing foreigner makeup, then wouldn't Citron-kun or Guy-san be better?
AzamiNah, aren't they already foreigners? They don't really need makeup....


  1. Azami uses "化粧映え", which is when someone's appearance is drastically/suddenly improved with makeup; not "transformation" in the context of SFX makeup.
  2. This sounds a little awkward in translation, but Azami uses "ハーフメイク", which refers to a Japanese makeup style meant to accentuate someone's features so that they resemble a foreigner or someone who is half-Japanese. It seems like Tsumugi's misunderstood what Azami means.
