Act 5/Episode 4

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Act 5
Episode 4: Dream Diary
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December 17th.
Another cold day.
I tripped and lost my shoe while running away from the man at the store.
I went back to look for it, but couldn’t find it anywhere.
My legs are going numb.
I heard that your arms and legs begin to rot when they freeze, so you have to cut them off.
I don’t want to cut off my legs. I want to warm them up somewhere.

The adults took all the decent sleeping spots today.

Now it’s not just my legs—my hands, my face, my body are all going numb.
“I’m cold…”
“Are you okay?"
I don’t know the guy who’s talking to me.
He’s all bundled up; he looks warm.
He doesn’t belong to this side. He’s someone with a proper home.
“If you stay here like this, you’re going to die.”
“...I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“I’ll introduce you to the ‘Organization.’ Why don’t you come live with us?”
“Don’t bother with him. He’s probably useless; he’ll just get in our way.”
The other guy is mean. I shake my head right away.
“...I won’t go.”
“See? Let’s leave him alone.”
“He doesn’t want to. There’s nothing you can do.”
“Find me if you ever feel like joining us. We usually hang out around the station.”
“This guy’s just gonna die like this.”
I thought I would die too, but I didn’t.
There were a lot of times I thought I would die, but I didn’t.
I’ve always lived alone like this.
But that guy kept reaching out to me, no matter how many times I refused.
“I don’t mean to brag, but I’m smart.
The Organization treasures me; they have high hopes for my future.”
“You’ve got incredible physical abilities and survival skills. If we work together, we’d be the greatest team.”
“Come on. No matter how many times you ask, it’s pointless. Let’s go.”
“I’ll come again—ah, that’s right. I’ll give you some of this gingerbread.”
The moment I took a bite of that so-called gingerbread, I spoke without thinking.
“...I’ll go.”
“...I’ll go with you.”
“Ahaha! Do you want more? I should’ve baited you with sweets from the start.”
“He’s definitely gonna be useless.”
“Thanks. Starting today, we’re ‘family.’”
“What I just gave you is something families usually eat together on Christmas.”
He said, and laughed.
That was how I met him—and him.
IzumiFor practice today—.
YuzoI’m coming in.
IzumiHuh? What is it, Yuzo-san?
YuzoI heard you got a new guy? I was bored, so I came to check him out.
CitronOh~, Yuzo, I see you got fired from your job?
YuzoWho are you talking to.
IzumiWe haven’t started practicing for our next performance yet….
YuzoYeah. Make him do some basic practice.
IzumiAll right.
Then let’s start with tongue-twisters and articulation practice, everyone.
Since it’s your first time, Chikage-san, please follow along with this paper.
ChikageI just have to read this?
Amembo akaina aiueo. Ukimoni koebimo oyoideru. Kakinoki kurinoki kakikukeko. Kitsutsuki kotsukotsu karekeyaki.[1]
Sasageni suokake sashisuseso. Sonouo asasede sashimashita. Tachimasho rappade tachitsuteto. Totetote tattato tobitatta.
Izumi(His pronunciation and articulation are so good. He doesn’t seem like an amateur…)
IzumiNext we’ll be doing simple etudes. Please perform freely.
Izumi(I got the same feeling during his audition, but Chikage-san’s acting is flawless. He carries himself with such ease, too...)
YuzoHe’s a pretty skilled guy.
SakuyaChikage-san, it’s your first time, but you’re so good!
ChikageThis is my first time doing theater, but I have a bit of experience with kabuki dancing.
SakuyaEeh!? Really!? I see, so that’s why…
TsuzuruIs kabuki something you can have a bit of experience in…?
ChikageAhaha. I wonder.
Izumi(I don’t know if he’s lying, but I’m almost ready to believe him. He has guts, and he’s unfazed about performing.)
IzumiI guess that’s enough for today.
YuzoHave you decided on your next performance?
TsuzuruNo, not yet. I need to decide on a theme for the script soon….
IzumiThe problem is Chikage-san‘s role.
YuzoWhy don’t you just make him the lead?
CitronDiving into the lead role like that—what a submersion!
IzumiBut apparently he has no acting experience?
TsuzuruWon’t it be too much pressure to start off with a lead role…
ItaruUnlike during our first performance, the troupe actually has fans now, too.
YuzoHe has enough potential to play the lead.
He doesn’t have as much on-stage experience; playing the lead role will help him build experience and give him a better feel for what it’s like to perform.
Whether or not the audience accepts him is up to his performance, but it’ll be easier for them to remember him if you put him in the spotlight.
TsuzuruThat’s true….
ItaruWell, senpai might be able to handle it with no problem.
SakuyaIt’s true—Chikage-san seems like he’ll improve in no time!
CitronIt’s important to take challenges!
MasumiI don’t care either way.
IzumiWhat do you think, Chikage-san?
ChikageI’m not completely confident, but I’m fine with that.
IzumiEh? Is that so?
ChikageYou’ll never know what you’re capable of unless you try, after all.
Izumi(He accepted it so easily….)
If Chikage-san says so….
YuzoThen it’s decided.
IzumiWe could at least make things easier for him by writing a role for him.
TsuzuruYou’re right. I’ll do that.
SakuyaA performance with Chikage-san as the lead—it’ll be a new kind of Spring Troupe; I’m looking forward to it!
CitronThe age group will be older!
MasumiOld man.
ChikageHow rude.
Yuzo...Chikage looks like he gets along with everyone fine, but he seems to be maintaining a wall between himself and others.
YuzoHe’s bringing a kind of uncertainty to the Spring Troupe, who was getting along well, so things could turn out badly. You should create a bonding opportunity as soon as possible.
Izumi...I understand.
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  1. This is a poem used to practice your AIUEOs—the Japanese alphabet.
