One Day Princess!/Epilogue

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One Day Princess!
EP: Today is Princess Day
Previous Event Story
SakyoIn this gondola, one section of the floor is just glass.
MukuWhat do I do... What if I make a mistake and accidentally tread my foot through the glass and make a hole...
And then everyone will freeze from the cold night wind that blows in from that hole and the gondola loses its balance and then——!?
TasukuCalm down. How many tons does your body weigh?
ItaruDirector-san, look outside.
IzumiWah...! It’s so pretty...!
MukuIt’s sparkling like a gemstone...! What a lovely night view...
ItaruIt really is picturesque. I get why this is so popular.
MasumiWe’re almost at the top... There should be a jinx where people would be together forever if they kiss at the summit of a Ferris wheel.
TsumugiM-Masumi-kun! A kiss is——!
TasukuI guess it doesn’t matter to you that there are other people around!
IzumiMasumi-kun, calm down!?
SakyoKnock it off, Usui!
ItaruMasumi is too unrelenting, lol.
Izumi...Mn? I think there was a knocking sound just now...
???It’s morning. Please wake up.
IzumiI wonder who it is, so early in the morning...?
Spring TroupeGood morning.
ItaruYour face after just waking up is lovely as well. Did you have a good dream?
ItaruCome, it’s time to rise. The weather looks great again today.
SakuyaIt’s the perfect day to go out! And it looks like the laundry will dry in no time.
TsuzuruWhat would you like for breakfast today: bread or rice?
IzumiHuh? Ah, umm, I’ll have bread...
CitronWe’ll have it ready for you, so please wait a little while.
*door shuts*
IzumiW-what was that...? Am I half-asleep?
Summer TroupeGood morning.
IzumiG-good morning...!
MukuExcuse us.
MisumiLet me fix your bedhead. I will give it a brush. This way, please.
YukiFor your clothing, how about this? I will also prepare you something to put over your clothes.
TenmaI will put them on a hanger. Your handkerchief and such have also been ironed.
KazunariPlease call for us once you’re done changing.
W-what’s going on...?
BanriAre you all dressed up? Breakfast is ready, so I will escort you.
TaichiAhh, you look lovely today as well! That hairstyle also suits you!
IzumiYuki-kun and the others did this for me earlier...
BanriYou look very pretty.
JuzaThe outfit too... Uh, your socks and your slippers also look nice.
BanriThe socks and the slippers!?
Izumi...Um, Sakyo-san, what’s going on with everyone...?
Sakyo...What are you talking about? You look so pretty and charming that I don’t think I can take my eyes off of you.
OmiI’m sorry for the wait. Today’s breakfast is special french toast.
IzumiUwah, it looks delicious!
TsumugiWhat kind of tea would you like?
TasukuEnglish breakfast tea is perfect for mornings. Would you like milk in it?
AzumaOr would you like some apple tea instead? It goes well with French toast.
HisokaWe also have sweet-smelling vanilla flavoured tea.
IzumiI-I’ll have... apple tea...
HomareUnderstood. I shall make it with love.
TsumugiWould you like anything while the tea is being prepared?
MisumiIn that case, I will perform a dance!
SakuyaIf you’d like, I’ll recite you a play!
MasumiWhat is your wish?
Troupe MembersWe’re at your service, princess!
YukiToday is Princess Day all day long. Everything is as you wish, princess.
IzumiWhat!? I thought Princess Day was cancelled...!?
TenmaThe Director acted as the princess in the amusement park performance...?
TaichiNo fair~! I also wanted to see Director-sensei as a princess~!
YukiShe was against the princess idea but she sure was into that.
CitronNo no is a mosquito sound, right!?
TsuzuruYou mean “No doesn’t always mean no”![1]
KazunariNow that it’s come to this, we have no choice but to do Princess Day after all, right!?
HomareMhm. If we’ve decided to go with it then we must begin preparations right away.
*flashback end*
ItaruSo, in the end Princess Day was put into action.
IzumiNo way... But I’ve already received plenty of return gifts for White Day.
ItaruThis means you still haven’t received enough. Just accept it.
Today I’ll spoil you rotten all day long. So tell me your selfish requests, my dear princess.[2]
AzumaOh? Getting a head start is not fair, you know? There is a lot of people here who want to hear the princess’ selfish requests.
HisokaThat’s right.
JuzaSorry for the wait; here is your tea. Please drink it while it’s hot.
Izumi(But no matter how you look at it, I’m getting too many White Day gifts...)
TaichiPrincess! Please check out my ultra yo-yo!
Banri‘Kay, then I’ll...
TasukuWant to do a lifting performance with me?
MasumiI wrote you a letter.
TsuzuruHaven’t you written enough last time!?
MisumiPrincess~! I’ll give you a triangle~!
Izumi(...They all look like they’re having fun, plus this could serve as good practice for etudes. I guess I’ll let myself get spoiled today.)
ItaruNow, have you prepared yourself? Princess.
Previous Event Story


  1. This is just typical Citron mixing up words that sound similar
  2. Lit. ‘I’ll spoil you as if it weren’t enough’ / ‘Say anything selfish, my dear princess’
