Cards/Azuma Yukishiro/The Footsteps of Winter

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The Footsteps of Winter
Leader Skill 添い寝上手
A Good Sleeping Partner
Adlib Skill 36度の温もり
36 Degree Warmth
Cardset Initial
Card № 119



Fufu, if you’re feeling lonely, why don’t I sleep next to you? terms of comfort, all sorts of people can vouch for me.


Card Stats

Lv. Co Ac Sr
1 607 820 1033
20 873 1200 1508
+ 1013 1400 1758
++ 1153 1600 2008
🔥🔥🔥 1753 2200 2608

Adlib Skill Stats

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 10 10
2 20 12.5
3 30 15
4 40 17.5

