Cards/Azuma Yukishiro

From A3! Wiki
Icon Card Name Card Name (JP) Character Attribute Rarity Troupe Cardset
Icon Card Name Card Name (JP) Character Attribute Rarity Troupe Cardset
115 City Lights まちのあかり Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter Initial
116 Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter Initial
117 Rehearsal 立ち稽古 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy R Winter Initial
118 Sympathy for the Angel 天使を憐れむ歌。 Azuma Yukishiro Action R Winter Initial
119 The Footsteps of Winter 冬の足音 Azuma Yukishiro Serious N Winter Initial
120 Dressing Formally フォーマルにキメて Azuma Yukishiro Action N Winter Initial
161 Strawberry Dip ストロベリィ・ディップ Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Winter February Magic bitter
243 The Other One in the Mirror 鏡の中のもう一人 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter Knox's Ten Commandments
249 The Master Likes a Mystery 主人はミステリにご執心 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy N Winter The Master Likes a Mystery
258 Cool Breeze Coming 涼風来たりて Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter A night in summer
301 Wait 'til it's Dark 暗くなるまで待ってて Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter Walk with me, talk with me!
327 Devilish Cupid 悪魔なクピド Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Winter Tag Match: Halloween '17
340 Endless Thirst 果てない渇き Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter Nocturnality
345 Nocturnality 真夜中の住人 Azuma Yukishiro Action N Winter Nocturnality
353 Bloom WINTER Bloom WINTER Azuma Yukishiro Action SR++ Winter Blooming WINTER EP
358 Traveling Celebrity Style セレブの旅作法 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy R Winter Ticket to Ride
377 Violet Santa ヴァイオレットサンタ Azuma Yukishiro Action R Winter Santa, Come to Town!
384 MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Winter JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP
414 Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter 1st Anniversary Autumn & Winter
451 Assorted Roll Cakes いろどりロールケーキ Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Winter Attack of the Candy Monster
475 Beautiful Horse Riding Club うるわし乗馬倶楽部 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter one day in the forest
509 Le Fantôme de l'Opéra 怪人Fと嘆きのオペラ Azuma Yukishiro Action R Winter Le Fantôme de l'Opéra (Second Half)
522 Wishing for Eternity on a Wreath 花冠に永遠を願って Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter June Grooms
574 Glamorous Sailor 艶やかなセイラー Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter Blue Horizon
598 Like a Beauty 物言う花のごとく Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter Live by the Sword
605 Die by the Sword 剣に死す。 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy N Winter Die by the Sword
653 Advent of the Primordial God 降臨せし原初神 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter Ahh, Beautiful Gaia
678 MANKAI Playback 満開Playback Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Winter JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2019
708 Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter 2nd Anniversary Winter
714 Tempting Chocolate お誘いチョコレイト Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter 99% CACAO:HOLIC
764 Elegant Nénuphar 優雅なネニュファール Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR++ Winter Dazzling Rose Mansion
789 May This Reach You 届きますように Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter MILLION dollar JACKPOT
798 Risky Game Risky Game Azuma Yukishiro Serious N Winter Risky Game
831 Graceful Fighting Fish 婉麗ランブルフィッシュ Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter Aquarium ShowTime
880 Pulled In By An Invisible Rope 見えぬ縁に手繰られて Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter Invitation to the Afterlife
886 Yin Yang Midnight 陰陽の宵 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy R Winter Yin Yang Midnight
916 World Spun From the Fingertips 指先から紡がれる世界 Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Winter under the deep sea
947 MANKAI Encore 満開Encore Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2020
975 Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter 3rd Anniversary! Winter
1,013 A Toast to You キミに捧げる祝酒 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter ODAIRISAMA PANIC!
1,037 Bewitching Veteran Dancer 妖艶ベテランダンサー Azuma Yukishiro Action R Winter Welcome to BURLESQUE
1,089 Wise Racer 聡明レーサー Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter ACTOR'S CIRCUIT
1,135 The Charm and Temptation of Lanterns ランタンの魅力と誘惑と Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter LANTERN NIGHT
1,161 Seeing You Off with a Smile お見送りも笑顔で Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Winter HOTEL COMPASS
1,166 HOTEL COMPASS ホテルコンパス Azuma Yukishiro Comedy N Winter HOTEL COMPASS
1,189 Pouring Love into the Snow Globe スノードームに愛を注ぐ Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Winter Auf der Romantischen Strase
1,207 MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2021
1,236 Promise of Blooming 開花の約束 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter 4th Anniversary Winter
1,276 Snow That Falls like Flowers 花の如く雪の降る Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter Sekka Moyou
1,285 Senribana Monogatari 千里花物語 Azuma Yukishiro Serious N Winter Senribana Monogatari
1,318 Sexy×Rocker セクシー×ロッカー Azuma Yukishiro Action R Winter 69'n' Roll 4ever!
1,333 Flower of Joy 慶びの花 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter Blessed Memories
1,354 Morning Lights あさのひかり Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter Last Planet ep.01 Winter Troupe Edition
1,360 Last Planet Last Planet Azuma Yukishiro Action R Winter Last Planet ep.01 Winter Troupe Edition
1,377 Clematis Held Behind the Back 後ろ手にクレマチス Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Winter SUMMER YUKATA COLLECTION
1,431 A Moment in the Spirit World 異界のひととき Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Winter The Ayakashi Ryokan is Open
1,484 Beautiful Camellia Nymph 麗しき椿の精 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy R Winter Fairy in the Bottle
1,517 Dance with Butterfly Dance with Butterfly Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Winter Dance with Butterfly
1,523 MANKAI Memory 満開Memory Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2022
1,525 Spotlight Spotlight Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter BD Scout Letter (January)
1,560 Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter 5th Anniversary Winter
1,578 Mysterious Cabin Attendant ミステリアスCA Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter Have a good flight
1,600 SUNNY WINTER SUNNY WINTER Azuma Yukishiro Action SR++ Winter SUNNY WINTER EP
1,608 Battle with Beauty 可憐に勝負 Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Winter SK∞ the Infinity × A3!
1,633 Elegant Ankh 優艶アンク Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter FOOL’S PARADISE
1,663 Unparalleled Dealer 東家無双 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy R Winter Mahjong Fighting Club
1,733 marionnette blanche marionnette blanche Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Winter Special Edition: Doll House
1,756 With a Brush with Blended Colors 混色の筆で Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter Florist Diary
1,763 Sunny Blanc 陽だまりのブラン Azuma Yukishiro Action N Winter Sunny Blanc
1,769 Elegant Lady 気品ある貴婦人 Azuma Yukishiro Action R Winter La Vie En Rose
1,783 MANKAI Party 満開Party Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2023
1,812 Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭 Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Winter 6TH ANNIVERSARY WINTER
1,838 Empress Beauty エンプレス・ビューティー Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter Heaven's Arcana
1,900 Beyond Full Bloom 満開のその先に Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter Night Street: Meteor Shower Half
1,931 All Deep Crimson Hand 深紅の染め手 Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR++ Winter Spotlight: Wolf vs Ginsenkai & Mahjong Club
1,935 Smiley Delivery スマイリー・デリバリー Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter SUMMER DELIVERY COLLECTION
1,982 Nomadic Bartender Nomadic Bartender Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Winter Prelude: Fizzy Night
1,997 Slow Slow Life スロースローライフ Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter CHILL OUT TIME
2,008 The Gromwell that is Unselfish 清廉なる紫草 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter Thinking of You Under the Light Crimson
2,040 File:(MANKAI Feature) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(MANKAI Feature) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Feature 満開Feature Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Winter JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2024
2,048 File:(Under the Cover of a Sky Growing Lighter) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Under the Cover of a Sky Growing Lighter) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Under the Cover of a Sky Growing Lighter 白む空の下 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Winter Special Edition: Coming of Age Ceremony
2,072 File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Reminiscence of Blooming 開花の追想 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter 7TH ANNIVERSARY WINTER
2,100 File:(Captivating Mad Doctor) Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Captivating Mad Doctor) Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Captivating Mad Doctor 魅惑のマッドドクター Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Winter CYBER HERO
2,112 File:(The Fabled 13th) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(The Fabled 13th) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png The Fabled 13th 幻の13番目 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Winter The Beginning of the New Banquet
2,149 File:(Judge of Good Tidings) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Judge of Good Tidings) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Judge of Good Tidings 福音の宣告者 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Winter
2,215 File:(Civil Official that Knows No Limits) Azuma Yukishiro Action R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Civil Official that Knows No Limits) Azuma Yukishiro Action R Icon Bloomed.png Civil Official that Knows No Limits 底知れない文官 Azuma Yukishiro Action R Winter
2,224 File:(Appreciating Every Single Area of the Arts) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Appreciating Every Single Area of the Arts) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Appreciating Every Single Area of the Arts 鑑賞は隅々まで Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Winter
2,284 File:(Vestige of Bygone Days) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Vestige of Bygone Days) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Vestige of Bygone Days 在りし日の面影 Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Winter
2,290 File:(Premonition of Budding) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Premonition of Budding) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Budding 芽吹きの予感 Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Winter
2,296 File:(Yearn for the Angel.) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Yearn for the Angel.) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Yearn for the Angel. 天使に焦がれる歌。 Azuma Yukishiro Comedy N Winter
2,303 File:(The Truth is a Matter of Secrets) Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(The Truth is a Matter of Secrets) Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Icon Bloomed.png The Truth is a Matter of Secrets 本性は秘密事項 Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Winter
2,328 File:(One-Man Act (Winter)) Azuma Yukishiro Action N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(One-Man Act (Winter)) Azuma Yukishiro Action N Icon Bloomed.png One-Man Act (Winter) 一人芝居(冬) Azuma Yukishiro Action N Winter