115 |  | City Lights | まちのあかり | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | Initial |
116 |  | Premonition of Blooming | 開花の予感 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | Initial |
117 |  | Rehearsal | 立ち稽古 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | R | Winter | Initial |
118 |  | Sympathy for the Angel | 天使を憐れむ歌。 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | R | Winter | Initial |
119 |  | The Footsteps of Winter | 冬の足音 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | N | Winter | Initial |
120 |  | Dressing Formally | フォーマルにキメて | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | N | Winter | Initial |
161 |  | Strawberry Dip | ストロベリィ・ディップ | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR | Winter | February Magic bitter |
243 |  | The Other One in the Mirror | 鏡の中のもう一人 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | Knox's Ten Commandments |
249 |  | The Master Likes a Mystery | 主人はミステリにご執心 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | N | Winter | The Master Likes a Mystery |
258 |  | Cool Breeze Coming | 涼風来たりて | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | A night in summer |
301 |  | Wait 'til it's Dark | 暗くなるまで待ってて | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | Walk with me, talk with me! |
327 |  | Devilish Cupid | 悪魔なクピド | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | R | Winter | Tag Match: Halloween '17 |
340 |  | Endless Thirst | 果てない渇き | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | Nocturnality |
345 |  | Nocturnality | 真夜中の住人 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | N | Winter | Nocturnality |
353 |  | Bloom WINTER | Bloom WINTER | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR++ | Winter | Blooming WINTER EP |
358 |  | Traveling Celebrity Style | セレブの旅作法 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | R | Winter | Ticket to Ride |
377 |  | Violet Santa | ヴァイオレットサンタ | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | R | Winter | Santa, Come to Town! |
384 |  | MANKAI Birthday | 満開Birthday | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR | Winter | JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP |
414 |  | Trajectory of Blooming | 開花の軌跡 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | 1st Anniversary Autumn & Winter |
451 |  | Assorted Roll Cakes | いろどりロールケーキ | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | R | Winter | Attack of the Candy Monster |
475 |  | Beautiful Horse Riding Club | うるわし乗馬倶楽部 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | one day in the forest |
509 |  | Le Fantôme de l'Opéra | 怪人Fと嘆きのオペラ | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | R | Winter | Le Fantôme de l'Opéra (Second Half) |
522 |  | Wishing for Eternity on a Wreath | 花冠に永遠を願って | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | June Grooms |
574 |  | Glamorous Sailor | 艶やかなセイラー | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | Blue Horizon |
598 |  | Like a Beauty | 物言う花のごとく | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | Live by the Sword |
605 |  | Die by the Sword | 剣に死す。 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | N | Winter | Die by the Sword |
653 |  | Advent of the Primordial God | 降臨せし原初神 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | Ahh, Beautiful Gaia |
678 |  | MANKAI Playback | 満開Playback | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR | Winter | JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2019 |
708 |  | Journey of Blooming | 開花の旅路 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | 2nd Anniversary Winter |
714 |  | Tempting Chocolate | お誘いチョコレイト | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | 99% CACAO:HOLIC |
764 |  | Elegant Nénuphar | 優雅なネニュファール | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR++ | Winter | Dazzling Rose Mansion |
789 |  | May This Reach You | 届きますように | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | MILLION dollar JACKPOT |
798 |  | Risky Game | Risky Game | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | N | Winter | Risky Game |
831 |  | Graceful Fighting Fish | 婉麗ランブルフィッシュ | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | Aquarium ShowTime |
849 |  | BRIGHT WINTER | BRIGHT WINTER | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR++ | Winter | BRIGHT WINTER EP |
880 |  | Pulled In By An Invisible Rope | 見えぬ縁に手繰られて | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | Invitation to the Afterlife |
886 |  | Yin Yang Midnight | 陰陽の宵 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | R | Winter | Yin Yang Midnight |
916 |  | World Spun From the Fingertips | 指先から紡がれる世界 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR | Winter | under the deep sea |
947 |  | MANKAI Encore | 満開Encore | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2020 |
975 |  | Banquet of Blooming | 開花の祝宴 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | 3rd Anniversary! Winter |
1,013 |  | A Toast to You | キミに捧げる祝酒 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | ODAIRISAMA PANIC! |
1,037 |  | Bewitching Veteran Dancer | 妖艶ベテランダンサー | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | R | Winter | Welcome to BURLESQUE |
1,089 |  | Wise Racer | 聡明レーサー | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | ACTOR'S CIRCUIT |
1,135 |  | The Charm and Temptation of Lanterns | ランタンの魅力と誘惑と | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | LANTERN NIGHT |
1,161 |  | Seeing You Off with a Smile | お見送りも笑顔で | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR | Winter | HOTEL COMPASS |
1,166 |  | HOTEL COMPASS | ホテルコンパス | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | N | Winter | HOTEL COMPASS |
1,189 |  | Pouring Love into the Snow Globe | スノードームに愛を注ぐ | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR | Winter | Auf der Romantischen Strase |
1,207 |  | MANKAI Glitter | 満開Glitter | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2021 |
1,236 |  | Promise of Blooming | 開花の約束 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | 4th Anniversary Winter |
1,276 |  | Snow That Falls like Flowers | 花の如く雪の降る | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | Sekka Moyou |
1,285 |  | Senribana Monogatari | 千里花物語 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | N | Winter | Senribana Monogatari |
1,318 |  | Sexy×Rocker | セクシー×ロッカー | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | R | Winter | 69'n' Roll 4ever! |
1,333 |  | Flower of Joy | 慶びの花 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | Blessed Memories |
1,354 |  | Morning Lights | あさのひかり | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | Last Planet ep.01 Winter Troupe Edition |
1,360 |  | Last Planet | Last Planet | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | R | Winter | Last Planet ep.01 Winter Troupe Edition |
1,377 |  | Clematis Held Behind the Back | 後ろ手にクレマチス | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | R | Winter | SUMMER YUKATA COLLECTION |
1,431 |  | A Moment in the Spirit World | 異界のひととき | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR | Winter | The Ayakashi Ryokan is Open |
1,484 |  | Beautiful Camellia Nymph | 麗しき椿の精 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | R | Winter | Fairy in the Bottle |
1,517 |  | Dance with Butterfly | Dance with Butterfly | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | R | Winter | Dance with Butterfly |
1,523 |  | MANKAI Memory | 満開Memory | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2022 |
1,525 |  | Spotlight | Spotlight | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | BD Scout Letter (January) |
1,560 |  | Brilliance of Blooming | 開花の光彩 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | 5th Anniversary Winter |
1,578 |  | Mysterious Cabin Attendant | ミステリアスCA | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | Have a good flight |
1,600 |  | SUNNY WINTER | SUNNY WINTER | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR++ | Winter | SUNNY WINTER EP |
1,608 |  | Battle with Beauty | 可憐に勝負 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR | Winter | SK∞ the Infinity × A3! |
1,633 |  | Elegant Ankh | 優艶アンク | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | FOOL’S PARADISE |
1,663 |  | Unparalleled Dealer | 東家無双 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | R | Winter | Mahjong Fighting Club |
1,733 |  | marionnette blanche | marionnette blanche | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR | Winter | Special Edition: Doll House |
1,756 |  | With a Brush with Blended Colors | 混色の筆で | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | Florist Diary |
1,763 |  | Sunny Blanc | 陽だまりのブラン | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | N | Winter | Sunny Blanc |
1,769 |  | Elegant Lady | 気品ある貴婦人 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | R | Winter | La Vie En Rose |
1,783 |  | MANKAI Party | 満開Party | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2023 |
1,812 |  | Festival of Blooming | 開花の祝祭 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR | Winter | 6TH ANNIVERSARY WINTER |
1,838 |  | Empress Beauty | エンプレス・ビューティー | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | Heaven's Arcana |
1,900 |  | Beyond Full Bloom | 満開のその先に | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | Night Street: Meteor Shower Half |
1,931 |  | All Deep Crimson Hand | 深紅の染め手 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR++ | Winter | Spotlight: Wolf vs Ginsenkai & Mahjong Club |
1,935 |  | Smiley Delivery | スマイリー・デリバリー | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | SUMMER DELIVERY COLLECTION |
1,982 |  | Nomadic Bartender | Nomadic Bartender | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | R | Winter | Prelude: Fizzy Night |
1,997 |  | Slow Slow Life | スロースローライフ | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | CHILL OUT TIME |
2,008 |  | The Gromwell that is Unselfish | 清廉なる紫草 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | Thinking of You Under the Light Crimson |
2,040 | File:(MANKAI Feature) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(MANKAI Feature) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png | MANKAI Feature | 満開Feature | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR | Winter | JANUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2024 |
2,048 | File:(Under the Cover of a Sky Growing Lighter) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Under the Cover of a Sky Growing Lighter) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png | Under the Cover of a Sky Growing Lighter | 白む空の下 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SSR | Winter | Special Edition: Coming of Age Ceremony |
2,072 | File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png | Reminiscence of Blooming | 開花の追想 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | 7TH ANNIVERSARY WINTER |
2,100 | File:(Captivating Mad Doctor) Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Captivating Mad Doctor) Azuma Yukishiro Action SR Icon Bloomed.png | Captivating Mad Doctor | 魅惑のマッドドクター | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SR | Winter | CYBER HERO |
2,112 | File:(The Fabled 13th) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(The Fabled 13th) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png | The Fabled 13th | 幻の13番目 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SSR | Winter | The Beginning of the New Banquet |
2,149 | File:(Judge of Good Tidings) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Judge of Good Tidings) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png | Judge of Good Tidings | 福音の宣告者 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | SR | Winter | |
2,215 | File:(Civil Official that Knows No Limits) Azuma Yukishiro Action R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Civil Official that Knows No Limits) Azuma Yukishiro Action R Icon Bloomed.png | Civil Official that Knows No Limits | 底知れない文官 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | R | Winter | |
2,224 | File:(Appreciating Every Single Area of the Arts) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Appreciating Every Single Area of the Arts) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png | Appreciating Every Single Area of the Arts | 鑑賞は隅々まで | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR | Winter | |
2,284 | File:(Vestige of Bygone Days) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Vestige of Bygone Days) Azuma Yukishiro Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png | Vestige of Bygone Days | 在りし日の面影 | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | SSR | Winter | |
2,290 | File:(Premonition of Budding) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Premonition of Budding) Azuma Yukishiro Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png | Premonition of Budding | 芽吹きの予感 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | SR | Winter | |
2,296 | File:(Yearn for the Angel.) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Yearn for the Angel.) Azuma Yukishiro Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png | Yearn for the Angel. | 天使に焦がれる歌。 | Azuma Yukishiro | Comedy | N | Winter | |
2,303 | File:(The Truth is a Matter of Secrets) Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(The Truth is a Matter of Secrets) Azuma Yukishiro Serious R Icon Bloomed.png | The Truth is a Matter of Secrets | 本性は秘密事項 | Azuma Yukishiro | Serious | R | Winter | |
2,328 | File:(One-Man Act (Winter)) Azuma Yukishiro Action N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(One-Man Act (Winter)) Azuma Yukishiro Action N Icon Bloomed.png | One-Man Act (Winter) | 一人芝居(冬) | Azuma Yukishiro | Action | N | Winter | |