Tasuku Takato

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Template:Winter Troupe



"...Are you going to take up acting again?"

Character Description

He was enrolled in GOD Throne for a top spot, but he left them due to certain reasons and joined the MANKAI Company in turn. He's a stoic person who takes his acting seriously. Although he is manly, he can be clumsy and isn't good at speaking. He was childhood friends with Tsumugi and they were in the same theatre circle until the end of their university days. He was very angry when Tsumugi almost gave up on acting.



Don't call me Ta-chan.



Oi, don't touch me.


... I want to perform a play on stage soon.

Forget about what I was like when I was with God's Throne...

Haa... The director's persistent too.

「」(Morning Greeting)

「監督業も大変だな。まあ...無理するなよ」(Noon Greeting)

「」(Night Greeting)

Let's hurry up and start practice.

You're flexible, so help me out.

My throat's not too good today...I might bring honey.

Can we try this scene next?

Shall we check the fight scenes?

I look like I'm enjoying myself...? I like acting, so that's a given.

I like exercise. I can't miss my daily run.

Even the practices at God Throne were peculiar. ...Please don't ask for details.

It's relaxing being around someone you don't need to force conversation with.

Tsumugi's always been somewhat sensitive.

Hisoka falls asleep suddenly, so I'm worried he's fall asleep during a performance someday.

Again with the 'art, art'; I don't understand Arisugawa's thought process at all.

To call me cute... Azuma-san's pretty strange too.

Well, this is it for today.

「有栖川の誕生日・・・?だから今日はいつも以上にうざかったのか」 (Homare's birthday; February 12)
Arisugawa's birthday...? So that's why he's so much noisier than usual today?

「ああ、今日は俺の誕生日か…。忘れてた、悪い。その…ありがとな」 (Tasuku's birthday; February 22)
Aah, today's my birthday isn't it... I totally forgot, sorry. So... Thank you.

「差し入れ美味かった・・・差し入れじゃなくてバレンタイン?悪い気づかなかった・・・」 (Valentines day; February 14)
Thanks for the refreshments, they were delicious... Those weren't refreshments, those were Valentine's chocolates? Sorry, I didn't realize...

「佐久間、誕生日おめでとう。何も用意してなくて悪い。これからも宜しく」 (Sakuya's Birthday; March 9)
Sakuma, happy birthday. Sorry for not having anything prepared.

「紬に、バレンタインのお返しはハート型にするのがルールって聞いたんだが...本当か?」 (White Day; March 14)
I heard from Tsuzuru that the rule is Valentine's return gifts have to be in the shape of a heart, but... Is that really true?

「碓氷、誕生日だったのか。カントクに振り向いてもらえるといいな」 (Masumi's birthday; March 30)
Usui, it's your birthday? I hope the Director looks your way, then.

「紬が結婚...?嘘だろ?いや、でもこの年だし驚くこときゃないよな...そうか、あいつが...」 (April Fools; April 1)
Tsumugi's getting married...? It can't be true. Then again, at his age, it really shouldn't be a surprise anymore... So, he really is...

「皆木、これからも良い脚本とパスを頼む。誕生日おめでとう」 (Tsuzuru's Birthday; April 9)
Minagi, I'll keep counting on you for good scripts and good passes. Happy birthday.

「茅ヶ崎、誕生日おめでとう。サッカーゲームなら付き合ってやる」 (Itaru's Birthday; April 24)
Chigasaki, happy birthday. If it's a soccer game, I'll play too.

「子供の日?ああ、柏餅食う日だろ」 (Children's Day; May 5)
Children's Day? Aa, it's a day for eating kashiwamochi[1].

「シトロン、誕生日おめでとう。いい加減、まともに屋号いえるようになれよ」 (Citron's Birthday; May 15)

「斑鳩、芝居になると別人すぎるだろ。あそこまでの奴は見たことがない。本当に何者だ?」 (Misumi's Birthday; June 6)

「誕生日おめでとう。監督が拾ってくれたお陰で、俺は今日も芝居が出来る。ありがとな」 (Player's birthday)
Happy birthday. It's all because you picked me up when I was down that I'm still able to act today, Director. Thank you.

「世話になったな、ありがとう。……ここを去る俺がこれ以上言うことはない。じゃあな。」 (Leaving Troupe)
I've been in your care. Thank you. I'm leaving. I have nothing more to say. Bye...

「あなたの劇団においてくれるのか?…そうか。よろしく頼む。」 (Scouting SSR)
You'll let me into your troupe? ...I see. I'll be in your care.

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
Reborn Winter Troupe 30px [[Winter|]]
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A theatre unit specialising in soft, subtle, serious plays. Serious Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up
The Troupe's Soccer Club Tsuzuru Card Icon.png Tsuzuru
Omi Card Icon.png Omi
Tasuku Card Icon.png Tasuku
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
"Minagi and Fushimi both have good muscles...I want to make a futsal team too." Action Ac {{{bonus}}}% Up
Kabuki Lovers Citron Card Icon.png Citron
Yuki Card Icon.png Yuki
Tasuku Card Icon.png Tasuku
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
"That's nuanced acting, huh." "The elegant costumes are good too." "I'll pass on the poses, though." Action Ac {{{bonus}}}% Up
Childhood Friends Tsumugi Card Icon.png Tsumugi
Tasuku Card Icon.png Tasuku
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
Close, yet distant; it's that sort of relationship. Action Ac {{{bonus}}}% Up
G's Baptism Taichi Card Icon.png Taichi
Tasuku Card Icon.png Tasuku
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
That place is a huge gateway to hell. Only the people who have experienced it understand. Serious Sr {{{bonus}}}% Up


  • His favourite food is hiyashi chūka
  • His least favourite food is cheese
  • His specialty is 機器類を直すこと
  • Story Images



    1. Japanese rice cake filled with red bean paste and wrapped in an oak leaf, traditionally eaten on Children's Day in Japan