Yuki Rurikawa

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Template:Summer Troupe


「うるさい! 空気読め、このポンコツ役者!」

"Shut up! Read the atmosphere already, you good-for-nothing actor!"

Character Description

He participates in the Summer troupe as both the costume specialist and as an actor. He may look like a girl, but this is only because he likes to dress in cute clothes. In actuality he is fully male. There is a wide gap between his appearance and his personality, because he tends to be brutally honest and sassy, even to his seniors. He has a habit of giving people around him nicknames with his harsh language.


I have confidence in my costume this time so look forward to it.

Don't touch me all over you pervert.

What are you making such a boring looking face for. Huh… it can't be helped so I'll pay attention to you.

Tenma is fast to make a mess of the room. He is really good for nothing.

Hey… you're annoying you know.

You're saying this outfit is cute? Fu, I'm wearing it so of course it is.

Huh… what is it?

A person from Planet Curry should eat curry or something.

What should I do for the next costume… I'll combine that and that, put on this jewel…

Let's not laze around. Practice is starting.

With these movements, having lighter material in the costume design would be...

How was my line just then?

It's hard to get into character...

I'm thinking about a lot of things right now, so don't look.

*pant*...*pant*...I'm taking a short break.

Today's clothes... aren't too bad.

Soon I've got to assemble the materials for the costumes.

The Wan Wan Combi is loud as ever today.

Not even death could cure Tenma's pompousness.

Muku honestly has some unreliable parts to him, but... I think he's fine like that.

Misumi's weird even when it comes to acting.

Kazunari's irritating, but he has good design sense.

Okay, that's all. There's room to improve the costumes, too.

「恥知らずポエマーのバースデーポエムが冴え渡ってるんだけど・・・」 (Homare's Birthday; February 12)
That shameless poet's birthday poem is well-executed though...

「バレンタイン?あ、ありがとう・・・べ、別に喜んではないから!」(Valentine's Day; February 14)
Valentine? Ah, thank you... It, it's not like I'm happy or anything!

「丞の誕生日か。おめでと。そろそろまた歌舞伎見に行く?」 (Tasuku's Birthday; February 22)
It's Tasuku's birthday? Congrats. Let's go watch Kabuki again sometime soon.

「咲也おめでと。今日くらいは希釈しなくても許してあげる。元気濃縮還元」 (Sakuya's Birthday; March 9)

「これ、この前のお返し。いらないなんて言わせないから」 (White Day; March 14)
Here, in return for before. You're not allowed to say that you don't want it.

「真澄の誕生日か...監督、シェルターに隠れなくていいの?」 (Masumi's Birthday; March 30)
Masumi's birthday, huh... Director, are you sure you don't want to hide in a shelter?

「どうしよう、オレ。。。恋、しちゃったかも... ……なーんでね。まさか信じたわけ?」 (April Fools; April 1)
What do I do, I think... I'm in love... Ju—st kidding. Don't tell me you actually fell for it!

「村人Cの誕生日・・・。プレゼントは別のあだ名が良いって。即却下」 (Tsuzuru's Birthday; April 9)
Villager C's birthday... He wants a nickname change as his birthday present? Rejected.

「至の誕生日か…アバター着せ替えできるゲーム、ちょっと気になってるんだよね」 (Itaru's Birthday; April 24)
Itaru's birthday, huh... I'm kind of interested in games where you can dress up your avatar.

「三角が折り紙の兜大量に作ってたんだけど・・・何?」 (Children's Day; May 5)
Misumi was making lots of origami helmets but... What?

「シトロンおめでと。しょうがないから新しいマスクでも作ってあげようかな。花柄の」 (Citron's Birthday; May 15)
Happy birthday, Citron. Can't be helped, so I guess I'll make a new mask. A floral one.

「この材料?三角へのプレゼ…な、なんでもない!」 (Misumi's Birthday; June 6)
This material? It's for Misumi's pres... N-nothing!

「宿題なんてとっくに終わってるけど?だれかさんと違ってね」 (End of Summer Holiday; August 31)
I finished all my summer homework ages ago. Unlike a certain someone.

「誕生日おめでと。今日は一日カレーでも許してあげる」 (Player's Birthday)
Happy birthday. Today I'll forgive you even if it's curry for the whole day.

「けっきょくみんな、俺の気持ちなんてわからない。ただ、それが好きなだけなのに。」 (Leaving Troupe)
In the end, nobody understands how I feel. I just like it...

「俺を役者にスカウト?いろんな衣装を着させてくれるなら、やってあげる。」 (Scouting SSR)
You're scouting me to be an actor? If you'll let me dress up in lots of costumes, I'll do it.

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
Reborn Summer Troupe 30px [[Summer|]]
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A theatre unit specialising in lively slapstick comedy. Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
St. Flora Middle School Group Yuki Card Icon.png Yuki
Muku Card Icon.png Muku
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
A mission school steeped in tradition. Both boys and girls wear sailor uniforms. Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
The Troupe's Handicraft Club Yuki Card Icon.png Yuki
Omi Card Icon.png Omi
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
Lace knitting and needle felting. A pair that's good with their hands. Comedy Co {{{bonus}}}% Up
Kabuki Lovers Citron Card Icon.png Citron
Yuki Card Icon.png Yuki
Tasuku Card Icon.png Tasuku
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
"That's nuanced acting, huh." "The elegant costumes are good too." "I'll pass on the poses, though." Action Ac {{{bonus}}}% Up
Poison Tongue Masumi Card Icon.png Masumi
Yuki Card Icon.png Yuki
30px [[{{{chara5}}}|]]
With frosty expressions, they fire poison as fast as machine guns. Action Ac {{{bonus}}}% Up


  • His favourite food is Omurice
  • His least favourite food is wasabi
  • His specialty is sewing
  • Story Images
