Enjoy! Adult School Trip/Epilogue

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Enjoy! Adult School Trip
Epilogue - Charge In! Candid Wake Up
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IzumiMorning everyone!
TsumugiGood morning...
BanriMornin’— Yawn...sleepy...
IzumiDid something happen? Everyone seems tired, but...
TaichiIn addition to that table-tennis tournament yesterday, we were all really hyped up at the love story-telling too!
TasukuWell, it was actually mostly just the story of Nanao’s first love...
AzumaHaha, it was really fun listening to Doggy-kun.
IzumiI see. Come to think of it, I kind of remember everyone from the Summer Troupe had also said something similar...
SakyoThat doesn’t serve as a reason for you all lacking sleep. Keep on high alert today too.
Sakyo...Sorry about yesterday.
IzumiNot at all, I’m glad that you were all able to reconcile.
SakyoHonestly, those guys, planning unnecessary things like that...
Izumi...You seem happy.
SakyoWell...it isn’t so bad once in a while.
IzumiI’m glad...!
...Alright, let’s go. We’re going all-out with practices again today.
Banri...Taichi. Taichi.
...gi-san, Tsumugi-san...
TsumugiNn...? Taichi-kun...?
TsumugiHuh...? Where's everyone else?
TaichiWaiting outside!
Izumi(I woke up earlier than I’d expected......but, the real thrill of hot springs is taking a morning bath!)
(Even so, today’s the last day of the training camp. It feels kinda short...)
OmiHuh? Director?
IzumiOmi-kun? Along with everyone else. What’s the matter, for all of you to be gathering so early in the morning?
BanriWe’re going to be watching out for Sakyo-san and Azuma-san’s candid waking-up faces from now on. All of us got up a little earlier just for this.
TaichiNfufufu...this is also one of the thrills of a school trip!
IzumiEven Hisoka-san’s awake...
HomareA candid wake up...how eccentric, the poems are overflowing!
OmiHomare-san, your voice’s too loud...!
BanriOi, don’t fidget, you bastard.
Juza...I’m not.
TsumugiA candid wake up is kinda like something out of a TV programme, isn’t it.
TasukuWell, I’m interested in how those two will react.
IzumiIt feels somewhat exciting...! I guess I’ll join you guys too.
OmiAlright, then I’ll start up the camera.
Taichi...Good— Morn—ing...It’s 5 in the morning right now~...!
BanriOh, the atmosphere's set.
TaichiI’m interested to see how those two adults react when waking up, since they’re always so calm.
IzumiBoth of them have single rooms in the dormitory too. However, this is the time where the mystery is finally unravelled!
HisokaThe Director’s also on edge...
TaichiWe’re definitely doing this together no matter what~ I’m telling this to you guys, Kazu-kun, Citron! Record it properly!
In other words! We’ve come up with a strategy to catch Sakyo-nii and Azuma-san's candid wake up reactions!
Foot up, foot down...
JuzaS-Sorry. I stepped on something back there.
HomareIt’s just beyond this area, right?
AzumaHehe, all of your movements were brilliant.
SakyoBeing all sneaky right early in the morning...your intentions are all wide open.
BanriAre you for real...
AzumaBut I never thought that even the Director would come. Hehe, morning.
IzumiG-Good morning.
SakyoYou guys woke up pretty early. Alright, if that's the case, everyone’s going to morning practice.
TaichiN-Not that—!!
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