Muku’s Mom | This cake is very delicious. Give it a try. |
Juza’s Mom | You’re right. I like that it’s not too sweet. Do you want a bite, Juza? |
Juza | …Yea. |
Kumon | Me too! |
Juza’s Mom | By the way, I heard Muku is joining the track and field club? |
Muku | Yes! |
Juza’s Mom | It’s kind of unexpected to me, honestly, but then again you have good reflexes. |
Muku’s Mom | I was also surprised when he told me about that. |
Muku | I actually joined because of my favorite character in the manga I read… |
Juza’s Mom | Is that so? Well, I believe you can do well in track and field. |
Kumon | Good luck, Muku! |
Muku | Thanks! |
Juza | … |
Muku’s Mom | Muku, can you help me prepare dinner? |
Muku | Sure! I’ll be right there! |
Juza | … |
Muku | Ah… |
Juza | … |
Muku | …I’ll pass through. |
Juza | …Good luck on your track and field. |
Muku | –. |
Juza | Muku isn’t home yet? |
Yuki | He’s gonna be a lil bit late. He’s on class duty today. |
Banri | Man, class duty, huh? Been so long since I did that. |
Kazunari | By the way, guys, we just got this magz sample in the mail. |
Banri | The one where Citron and Azuma-san did an interview for the Zahra play, right? |
Kazunari | Yupsies! Both of them looked great in the pics~. |
Muku | …Sorry, I’m late! |
Yuki | Welcome home. |
Kazunari | It’s okay, Mukkun. Director-chan and Furuche aren’t here yet. |
Muku | Hmm? That magazine… |
Kazunari | The sample has just arrived~. |
Muku | Wow, Citron-sama and Azu nee-san looked so cool. |
Yuki | Having Kabuki as the theme sure made the photos turn out exceptionally gorgeous. |
Izumi | Oh, you’re all here. |
Sakyo | Let’s start the meeting right away. |
Izumi | Both our God-za collaboration and Zahra play wrapped with great reception. So I’d like to keep this energy and open the curtain for our next play. |
| I talked to Sakyo-san about this and suggested that for our next play, maybe we could have you all as the cast… |
Sakyo | Since our latest mixed play was a combination of Spring Troupe and Winter Troupe, it’s only natural that we go with Summer and Autumn Troupe this time around. |
Izumi | Not to mention we still haven’t done a Summer-Autumn mixed play up until today. |
Juza | Now that you mention it, that’s true. |
Banri | Yep. I co-starred with one of the Summer Troupe dudes for the all-troupe mixed play, but Summer-Autumn play? Nope. |
Muku | Please let us do it! |
Yuki | I don’t have any problem with that. |
Kazunari | Let’s do it! |
Sakyo | It’s decided, then. |
Izumi | That’s great! |
Sakyo | Since we’re still aiming to increase our popularity, I’m thinking of holding the play in another place beside our theater building. |
Kazunari | You’ve got a point. We’ll surely gain attention, even make it to the news, if we hold the play in an unexpected place, like the Zahra play. |
Sakyo | Though I won’t deny there’s a high risk that we may run into some schedule or budget problems. |
Izumi | I plan to get in touch with various organizations and companies, but it’s all about timing. |
Kazunari | I’ll try asking my papi! |
Banri | I’ll also ask if my uni has some sort of connections. |
Izumi | Thanks. I’m counting on you. |
Izumi | (Hmmm…) |
| (I’ve tried looking up famous places that could be our stage but nothing comes to mind…) |
Kazunari | Are you alright, Director-chan? |
Izumi | Yeah, though I’m sorry we haven’t made any progress in our next play. |
Taichi | It’s totes fine. This isn’t like our usual plays, after all. |
Kumon | True! No need to rush. |
Kazunari | I too haven’t received any replies from my papi. |
| But even if we end up holding it in the usual place, we’ll still do our very best! |
Izumi | Thank you. |
| Oh, I got a call. I’m going out for a bit. |
| *door closes* |
Muku | Director-san seems busy. |
Yuki | Looks like she’s been contacting a lot of people for the next play. |
Drama’s Heroine | “Kisaragi is leaving the club, you say!?” |
Drama’s Actor | “I’ve told you I only saw him talking with the advisor…” |
Muku | Oh…! “Your Goal Line”! |
Kazunari | Isn’t this Tenten’s drama? So they’re rebroadcasting it, huh. |
Drama’s Heroine | “Kisaragi-kun! You’re not leaving the club, right? It’s a lie, right?” |
Kisaragi | “I’ve already got the resignation paper.” |
Kanzaki | “What do you mean by that…!?” |
Taichi | Oh! Here he comes, Tenten! |
Kazunari | Man, look at that place’s vibes! I’m getting all emo just by looking at ‘em walk around the coast during sunset! |
Muku | They shot this scene in the same exact place as the manga. |
Yuki | Heh. As expected. You know this kind of thing well. |
Muku | I looked up a bit since I wanted to go there. Even the fans called this place the Holy Land. |
Drama’s Heroine | “…Tastes great.” |
Drama’s Actress | “This boba sure is the best, right~? How are you feeling now? Better?” |
Muku | I haven’t had boba lately… |
Kazunari | Speaking of boba, there’s this boba store I’ve been eyeing lately. Let’s go there tomorrow! |
Taichi | I’m in! |
Kumon | Me too! Me too! |
Kazunari | How ‘bout you, Mukkun? |
Muku | I want to, but I have a plan tomorrow…. |
Kazunari | We can go once you’re free. |
Muku | Hmmm. But it’ll take a while if the hospital is packed. |
Yuki | Hospital? Are you sick or something? |
Muku | Oh no. I’m just having a regular checkup there. It’s been a long time since I last had my foot checked, so I guess this is just some formalities. |
Kazunari | Can you tag along if we go on another day? |
Muku | It’s fine. No need to worry about me. Have fun, guys. |
Kazunari | We’ll bring one home for you, then! |
Muku | Thank you! |