Kazunari | So, we both know that in the case of Spring Land, their food stash got trashed, right? |
Juza | They said that the food was scattered everywhere. |
Kazunari | I got the pic with the foot prints from the scene of the crime from Sakusaku. |
Juza | These footprints… |
Kazunari | Hmm, they DO look like they could be from a gazelle’s hooves, but… |
| They aren’t Sumi’s. I’m sure of it. |
| …Besides, isn’t it strange how there’s only foot print? |
Juza | ? |
Kazunari | Oh, I was just thinking that it’s weird how he was traveling on-foot but only left behind a single footprint. |
Juza | Now that you mention it… It almost feels like this was on purpose now. |
Kazunari | Mayhaps we should ask Sakusaku for more details? Ummmmm… |
| *phone ringing* |
| Hello, Sakusaku? I just wanna ask something about Spring Land’s mischief situation… |
| |
Sakuya | I went to check the area after Kazunari-san’s phone call, and happened to find a dog-like foot print. |
| Here is a photo of it. |
Juza | A dog… |
Kazunari | Dogs bring to my mind something, but I don’t know what… |
Sakuya | …It’s DOG-za. |
| DOG-za is a country that functions independently from our five countries. |
| They isolated themselves from us and don’t want to be a part of of our plays or really work with us in any way. |
Kazunari | ! Now that you mention it, I saw a person from DOG-za! |
Sakuya | Eh! |
Kazunari | The person I saw in this cafe… he had to be from DOG-za! |
Juza | So, he must have been… |
Kazunari | But it’s too early to make the assumption that DOG-za was behind everything based only on the Spring Land case. |
Sakuya | Very true. |
Kazunari | We still need to look into the other countries’ cases. |
| Sakusaku, thanks for cooperating! |
Sakuya | No problem! If there’s anything else I can do for you, feel free to contact me anytime! |
| Well then, it’s time for me to take my leave. |
Kazunari | Well then, let’s look into Summer Land. |
Juza | All the coconuts got nabbed over there, I think. |
Kazunari | Yeppers! Gosh, it was such a pain. Anyway, there were some bird’s claw marks left behind at the crime scene. |
Juza | Based on this photo, those claw marks on the coconut sure do look like they were left behind by a bird. |
Kazunari | Wait, but isn’t Azamin super strict about beauty related stuff? |
Juza | He is. |
Kazunari | Hmmmmm~…. I have a feeling that a person like that wouldn’t hurt his claws on purpose. |
Juza | Well, sure… |
Kazunari | I’ll ask Tenten to check Summer Land for traces of DOG-za, now that we got evidence from Spring Land. |
Juza | Okay. |
Kazunari | Okie, Autumn is up next. Show me the photo of the water reserves~ |
Juza | Yeah, the one Sakyo-san sent me is on my phone… |
| … |
Kazunari | Huh? You’re really patting yourself down, but… could it be that you forgot your phone somewhere? |
Juza | Sorry, seems like it. I’ll go fetch it from the treetops. |
Kazunari | Cool! I’ll be contacting Tenten in the meantime then! |
Juza | I’ll come back as soon as possible. |
Kazunari | Now then, a message for Tenten— |
Haruto | Oi, don’t do anything more than that. |
Kazunari | Eh? |
| Ah! You’re from DOG-za—! |
Haruto | You have no right to say DOG-za’s name like that! Come with me! |
Kazunari | Eh!? W-w-wait!? Stop pulling me~! |