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Latest revision as of 13:24, 12 July 2019

A Little Bit of a Long Detour

Backstage Stories
Izumi(In order for us to have a Tanabata festival at the MANKAI dorms, I've come out to shop for supplies. And it's fine that I'm also stopping by a store that sells bamboo cheaply, but...)
IzumiHisoka-san! You're going to cause trouble for the people around you if you sleep while standing in the middle of the road...!
Hisoka...Huh? Did I fall asleep?
IzumiYou did. If you're that sleepy, should we take a small break after we buy the bamboo?
Bamboo-selling SalespersonWelcome-! Are you looking to buy some bamboo?
IzumiYes, I'd like to buy one for Tanabata.
Bamboo-selling SalespersonIf you're looking for Tanabata-related bamboo, they're over here-.
Bamboo-selling SalespersonWe've prepared many different sizes, so please go ahead and pick one that you'd like!
Hisoka...Which one are you getting?
IzumiUmm......I'm pretty sure Tsumugi-san said that a good one would be one that has a "firm base."
Hisoka...Then, let's get this one. It's big and thick, and it looks pretty firm.
Izumi...Can we really carry this big of a bamboo home by ourselves?
Bamboo-selling SalespersonNot to worry. Our shop also delivers.
IzumiI-Is that so. Thank goodness.
IzumiHmm. If everyone at the dorm is going to be decorating it, then something about this size would be pretty good...It's also cheap.
IzumiAlright! I'd like this one please!
Bamboo-selling SalespersonThank you very much. Alright then, later on we'll deliver your bamboo to the address you wrote down!
Izumi(Whoa, there's so many bamboo that are scheduled to be delivered outside of ours......)
IzumiIs this store going to deliver all of these? You sell a lot of bamboo.
Bamboo-selling SalespersonOh no, these are being used for this evening's Tanabata Festival.
IzumiAhh, is that so.
Bamboo-selling SalespersonIf you have time, by all means please go ahead and participate!
IzumiOkay, thank you very much.
Hisoka...Sleepy. I'm tired.
IzumiWe managed to buy the bamboo sucessfully, so let's take a break on that bench over there.
IzumiHisoka-san, you seem sleepier than usual today.
HisokaIt's because I had to work late at my part-time job yesterday...
IzumiAnd yet you still helped me out with my shopping. Thank you.
HisokaMm...I'm at my limit...
HisokaDirector...Lend me your shoulder for a little bit.
IzumiHuh!? Hisoka-san!?
HisokaMrgh...This position...doesn't feel right.
HisokaYeah, I'd rather...
Izumi(H-He's using my lap as a pillow...!?)
HisokaYeah, this is more comfortable. ...Good night.
IzumiYou're going to sleep like this!?
Izumi...He really fell asleep.
Izumi(Well, it looks like he came shopping with me despite being tired, so I guess I can let him sleep for a bit.)
Izumi(...I feel like even I'm getting sleepy by just watching Hisoka-san sleep so peacefully...maybe...)
IzumiAh, it's a LIME from Kazunari-kun. The bamboo was delivered to the dorm. Thank good--.
IzumiNo way, it's already this late!?
IzumiHisoka-san, wake up! It's nighttime!
HisokaMm~...Marshmallow, don't move.
IzumiWha-Hisoka-san! That tickles!
Hisoka...Huh. It wasn't a marshmallow but Director's lap?
IzumiJeez, you're half-asleep! Hurry and wake up!
Hisoka...I don't want to. Just a little more sleep...
IzumiLook around you! The sun's already set! It's time to go home!
Hisoka...I'm sleepy.
IzumiJust hold on until we get to the dorms. Come on, stand up properly.
IzumiHisoka-san, you have to open your eyes and walk or else you could run into something.
HisokaIt's okay...Because you're here.
IzumiNo no, I have things to carry so I can't support you all the way--Wait, my stuff!!
Old ManHeey, Young Miss! You forgot something~!
IzumiI-I'm so sorry! Thank you so much!
Old ManHohoho. You two were sleeping like newborns. Did you have good dreams?
IzumiY-You saw us?
Old ManFrom just a little while ago. I was going to watch that from my special seat, but you youngsters were there first.
HisokaDirector. There are lights floating on the river.
IzumiAh, you're right. Those are...lanterns?
Izumi(Now that I think about it, that salesperson told me that there was going to be a festival here. Maybe they were talking about that?)
Old ManBeautiful, isn't it. That's what we call a "lantern send-off ceremony." Originally the lanterns were used to send messages to people who have passed away.
Hisoka...Messages to people who have passed away...
Old ManWell, lately youngsters have been participating more. Right now it's become more normal to write your wishes and send them off in the lanterns.
IzumiSir, you're very informed.
Old ManHo-ho-ho. Last year I handled the event as the chairperson of the neighborhood association.
Old ManIf you have the time, why don't you kids go and send lanterns off, too? If you go straight toward that bridge, they're selling lanterns to send off below it.
IzumiSending lanterns off...It seems kind of interesting.
IzumiIf you're interested, why don't we try it since we're here?
Hisoka...Mhm. I want to try it.
IzumiThere are a lot of people around now. Hisoka-san, be careful to not get separated from me.
IzumiHmm...I wonder where they're selling those lanterns that that older man was talking about?
Hisoka...Director, look over there.
Staff MemberThose who are looking for lanterns to send-off, over here please-!
IzumiJust what I'd expect from you, Hisoka-san! I'm going to go buy them.
IzumiSorry for making you--wait, huh? Hisoka-san?
Izumi(He's not here...Is it possible that we got separated!?)
HisokaDirector, over here.
HisokaI found a place where there aren't a lot of people, and it's easy to send off the lanterns...
IzumiIs that what you were doing. Alright then, let's head over there.
IzumiHisoka-san, did you decide what wish you'll make?
Hisoka...I'm still wondering what to do...
HisokaWhat about you, Director?
IzumiI think I'm going to go with wishing for the well-being of MANKAI Company and everyone, after all. I don't have enough time to think about anything but the theater and curry!
HisokaI see...That's very like you.
Hisoka...I've made my decision, too.
IzumiThen, let's go send off our lanterns.
IzumiAre you ready? Let's send them off on one, two, okay?
HisokaOne, two...
IzumiWow, they blended in with the other lanterns in a blink of an eye.
HisokaI can't tell which lantern is mine or Director's anymore...
Izumi...The glow of the lanterns is beautiful.
Hisoka...I hope everyone's feelings are delivered.
IzumiFufu, me too!
HisokaBut if there are so many lights out there...... I wonder if mine and Director's share will be able to reach.
CHOICE 1: "They will." [+]
IzumiI'm sure they will.
IzumiAfter all, your light is glowing so that your feelings may be heard, and may be found.
Hisoka...I hope that's the case.
CHOICE 2: "I wonder." [+]
IzumiI wonder...I think it's up to you, Hisoka-san.
HisokaUp to me...?
IzumiYeah! If it's something that you feel strongly about with all your heart, then I'm sure those feelings will be delivered properly!
Hisoka...Is that so.
IzumiHisoka-san, what did you end up wishing for?
HisokaI wasn't wishing for something, actually...
HisokaThe old man at the riverbed said that originally the lantern ceremony was for sending messages to people who have passed away, so.
Hisoka...I sent a message to August.
Izumi...I see.
IzumiI'm sure it'll reach him. Your feelings. They're words from his precious family, after all.
HisokaMhm...Thank you, Director.
Hisoka(August, sometime in the future...)
