Difference between revisions of "Cards/Azuma Yukishiro/Trajectory of Blooming"

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Latest revision as of 15:42, 6 February 2018

Serious.png Winter troupe.png SR
Trajectory of Blooming
(Trajectory of Blooming) Azuma Serious SR.png
(Trajectory of Blooming) Azuma Serious SR+.png
Leader Skill 天敵ロザリオにキスを
A Kiss for the Rosary, My Natural Enemy
Adlib Skill R指定のほほえみ
R-Rated Smile
Cardset 1st Anniversary Autumn & Winter



Thank you for making me bloom a lot. But, this isn't enough at all. It looks like I've become greedy because of you, Director.


Card Stats[edit]

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 1301 963 1639
60 2658 1966 3350
+ 2888 2136 3640
++ 3118 2306 3930
🔥🔥🔥 4018 3206 4830

Adlib Skill Stats[edit]

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 15 25
2 20 30
3 25 35
4 30 40



Azuma 027 Chibi.png Azuma 039 Chibi.png