Difference between revisions of "Starring Party!/Spring/Episode 3"

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|episode=Look back on SPRING
|episode=Look back on SPRING
{{Line|character={{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(The top batter for the Spring Troupe's video recordings is Sakuya-kun, who was the lead actor for their debut play.)}}{{Line|dialogue=''*knock knock*''}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Ah! Umm, right, come on in!}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=? Pardon the intrusion.}}{{Line}}{{Line|dialogue=''*door opens*''}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Director.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Masumi-kun? Did you come to hang out?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Well, actually...}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=I won't let him be alone with you...}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Um, so that's what's happening here...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=I-I see.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=I'm staying here.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=If you're just here, that's fine with me, but... Sakuya-kun, are you okay with that?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Yes, it's fine! Please take care of me during the recording.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Well, then, let me explain about the video.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Like I talked about previously, we'll be making a commentary video while watching a video recording of the performance you played the lead in.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=As for selecting which scene to watch, you'll roll this dice and follow along the theme written on the side you landed on...}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(I said that it would be fine if he was here, but his gaze is so intense that it's kind of hard to focus...)}}{{Line|dialogue=''*knock knock*''}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Huh? I wonder who it is. Come in!}}{{Line|dialogue=''*door opens*''}}{{Line|character=Tsuzuru|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=Excuse me.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Hm? Tsuzuru-kun?}}{{Line|character=Tsuzuru|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=You're in the middle of filming, right. I'm gonna grab that guy, and we'll be gone in a second.}}{{Line|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=Knock it off, Masumi. You're gonna get in the way of Sakuya's recording.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=It's not like I'm getting in the way. I'm just watching.}}{{Line|character=Tsuzuru|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=That's called getting in the way, you know. C'mon, we're going back to our room.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Hey! Let me go, Tsuzuru——!}}{{Line|character=Tsuzuru|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=Sorry, we'll be going now!}}{{Line|dialogue=''*door closes*''}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=They're gone...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Umm... So, getting back to the subject.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=There are six themes. Roll the dice, and pick a scene from the video recording that follows along with the theme you rolled.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=The performance you're in charge of is, of course, RomiJuli. It was a pretty long time ago, so you might have a hard time remembering, but...}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=It's fine! I remember RomiJuli's performances very well.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Okay, then, let's roll the dice.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Right! Here we go——.}}{{Line/Image|file=File:Sakuya Dice.jpg}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue="An unforgettable scene," huh.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=An unforgettable scene, huh. Umm...}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=It was my first play, so for me, there's many unforgettable memories...}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=I'm really torn... but... I've decided! I pick this one!}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Alright, I'm playing the video.}}{{Line|dialogue=''*beep*''}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=The soiree of the fourth day. I believe this was the day before the day off.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Since we did two performances every day, everyone's faces are showing a bit of tiredness.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Looking at it now, our performance is a bit awkward. How nostalgic...}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=... Ah, it's this scene right here!}}{{Line}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(While still not knowing the other's true identity, Romeo and Julius's friendship blossoms...)}}{{Line|character=Julius|border=Masumi|dialogue="Well, then, to our dreams——"}}{{Line|character=Romeo & Julius|border=other|dialogue="Cheers!"}}{{Line|character=Romeo|border=Sakuya|dialogue="Julius, talking to you is so much fun."}}{{Line|character=Julius|border=masumi|dialogue="Yeah, I feel the same."}}{{Line|character=Romeo|border=sakuya|dialogue="...?"}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Hehe, you're panicking.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=I would always pick up a piece of bread during this part, but on this day, there was no bread.}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=Because of that, my routine fell apart, and I started panicking...}}{{Line|character=Romeo|border=sakuya|dialogue="I-I really like this fruit..."}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue="It looks so deli- Wh-Whoa...!"}}{{Line|character=Julius|border=masumi|dialogue="Careful. Are you alright?"}}{{Line|character=Romeo|border=sakuya|dialogue="Yeah, sorry!"}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue="Julius, what kind of stuff do you like? I'd love to herr... hee-ar more things about you!"}}{{Line|character=Julius|border=masumi|dialogue="... Heh."}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=I was so flustered that on top of dropping the fruit, I messed up my next lines, too...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(But this actually, in reverse, makes the scene feel more friendly...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(It was a moment where these two were able to project the atmosphere of Romeo and Julius being friends, which wasn't something they'd been able to do before.)}}{{Line}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Afterward, when I said to Masumi-kun, "You laughed, didn't you?", all he would say was, "It was part of the performance."}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=But I felt like I was able to get a bit closer to Masumi-kun, and that made me happy.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=It was a trivial matter, but it ended up being an important point of change for the two of you.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Yes. And, also, you praised me for that scene. I was really happy about that, but...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Maybe he wasn't happy that I was praised by you, too, but Masumi-kun was really glaring at me after that...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Ahaha, is that what happened?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=All of that as a set is a really important memory for me.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(During their debut performance, Sakuya-kun was still panicking and getting flustered a lot.)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(Compared to back then, Sakuya-kun has gotten so much more reliable...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Okay, then, let's film your message comment now. Are you ready?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Yes!}}{{Line}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=... Alright! That's a wrap.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Phew... I was so nervous...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(Hehe, he's gotten more reliable, but he's also still the same as back then.)}}{{Line}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(Next is their second performance, Boy Alice in Wonderland... I wonder if Masumi-kun is in his room?)}}{{Line|dialogue=''*knock knock*''}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Come in.}}{{Line}}{{Line|dialogue=''*door opens*''}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Pardon the intru——.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=I was waiting for you.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=!?}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(These snacks look so posh... Actually, why is he sitting so properly...)}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=You're in my room... It kind of feels odd.}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue=It's because you don't really come to visit my room like this often...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Now that you mention it, you might be right. Your guys' room is really clean and pretty.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=It's not like I really make much of a mess in the first place——.}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue=Tsuzuru told me to clean the room and make tea for you, and to wait after I was done.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(I see, so that's how he stopped him. As you'd expect from Tsuzuru-kun...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Okay, then let's decide your theme first. Please roll this dice.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Okay.}}{{Line/Image|file=File:Masumi Dice.jpg}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=The theme is... "a time you made a mistake."}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=I never made a single mistake.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=What.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=As the lead actor, I did everything perfectly for you. A place where I messed up doesn't exist.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=It's true that your Alice was really good, and that you didn't make any mistakes, but...}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(Hmm, I won't  be able to film his commentary like this...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Is there really nothing? Anything would be fine.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Anything would be fine? Really?}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Yeah.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=... Okay.}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue=When it happened, head went into hands.This is hard to express in English, but there is no subject of "who" is holding their head in their hands, so Masumi just ends up sounding like he can't speak properly because I wanted to keep it vague like it is in Japanese}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(There was such a scene where ''that'' Masumi-kun held his head in his hands?! I wonder which scene it was.)}}{{Line|dialogue=''*beep*''}}{{Line}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(The fifth day's soiree. Alice, who was handed medicine by the White Rabbit...)}}{{Line|character=White Rabbit|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="Now then, drink this."}}{{Line|character=Alice|border=masumi|dialogue="What is this... There's something written on the bin. 'Drink me'?""Drink me" is written in Roman letters}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue="... There's no way I would drink such shady medicine. You drink it first."}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(This line is an adlib.)}}{{Line|character=White Rabbit|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="Eh~? Guess I have no other choice... ''*gulp*''..."}}{{Line|character=Alice|border=masumi|dialogue="What does it taste like?"}}{{Line|character=White Rabbit|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="!? T-The flavor... right, well... umm..."}}{{Line|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="I've got it, it's as if a gorgeous ball has opened up right in your mouth~!"}}{{Line|character=Audience|border=other|dialogue="..."}}{{Line|character=White Rabbit|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="..."}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=He couldn't stand the audience's silence anymore, so Tsuzuru held his head in his hands.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(A mistake so bad that he had to hold his head in his hands... He wasn't talking about himself, but Tsuzuru-kun...!?)}}{{Line}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Now that I think about it, this ''did'' happen...}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Even though he's a scriptwriter, his comeback was too comically over the top, so it was the worst.}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue=On top of that, he took some mental damage because of that scene, and he was depressed for a long time after that.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Ahaha, if I remember correctly, the Mad Hatter and the King teased the White Rabbit about not being energetic, too.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=On the night of this performance, Tsuzuru was secretly watching food review videos.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Really!?}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=He was so depressed that I tossed him the same line the next day, and that time, he was able to complete his food report, so he seemed really satisfied with himself.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=He must've been really disappointed in his previous performance.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(But from here on, Alice and the White Rabbit's conversations were on a good tempo, and I think it felt like they were able to give off more of a playful feeling.)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(They were always at odds when they first joined the troupe, but eventually, living together in the same room became natural for them, and they started to somewhat pay more attention to each other, worry about each other...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(In present time, Masumi-kun even supports Tzuzuru-kun when he's writing.)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(Of course, Masumi-kun has grown as well, but it's also the result of Tsuzuru-kun's patience and how he's naturally good at looking after others...)}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=... Hey, who are you thinking about right now.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Huh? I was just thinking of how nostalgic the Alice performances are.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=You got to experience being the lead actor, and that expanded your acting skills. I think you grew a lot after those performances.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Really?}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Of course!}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Next, we'll be filming your message comment.}}}}
{{Line|character={{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(The top batter for the Spring Troupe's video recordings is Sakuya-kun, who was the lead actor for their debut play.)}}{{Line|dialogue=''*knock knock*''}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Ah! Umm, right, come on in!}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=? Pardon the intrusion.}}{{Line}}{{Line|dialogue=''*door opens*''}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Director.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Masumi-kun? Did you come to hang out?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Well, actually...}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=I won't let him be alone with you...}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Um, so that's what's happening here...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=I-I see.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=I'm staying here.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=If you're just here, that's fine with me, but... Sakuya-kun, are you okay with that?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Yes, it's fine! Please take care of me during the recording.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Well, then, let me explain about the video.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Like I talked about previously, we'll be making a commentary video while watching a video recording of the performance you played the lead in.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=As for selecting which scene to watch, you'll roll this dice and follow along the theme written on the side you landed on...}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(I said that it would be fine if he was here, but his gaze is so intense that it's kind of hard to focus...)}}{{Line|dialogue=''*knock knock*''}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Huh? I wonder who it is. Come in!}}{{Line|dialogue=''*door opens*''}}{{Line|character=Tsuzuru|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=Excuse me.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Hm? Tsuzuru-kun?}}{{Line|character=Tsuzuru|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=You're in the middle of filming, right. I'm gonna grab that guy, and we'll be gone in a second.}}{{Line|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=Knock it off, Masumi. You're gonna get in the way of Sakuya's recording.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=It's not like I'm getting in the way. I'm just watching.}}{{Line|character=Tsuzuru|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=That's called getting in the way, you know. C'mon, we're going back to our room.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Hey! Let me go, Tsuzuru——!}}{{Line|character=Tsuzuru|border=tsuzuru|dialogue=Sorry, we'll be going now!}}{{Line|dialogue=''*door closes*''}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=They're gone...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Umm... So, getting back to the subject.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=There are six themes. Roll the dice, and pick a scene from the video recording that follows along with the theme you rolled.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=The performance you're in charge of is, of course, RomiJuli. It was a pretty long time ago, so you might have a hard time remembering, but...}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=It's fine! I remember RomiJuli's performances very well.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Okay, then, let's roll the dice.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Right! Here we go——.}}{{Line/Image|file=File:Sakuya Dice.jpg}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue="An unforgettable scene," huh.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=An unforgettable scene, huh. Umm...}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=It was my first play, so for me, there's many unforgettable memories...}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=I'm really torn... but... I've decided! I pick this one!}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Alright, I'm playing the video.}}{{Line|dialogue=''*beep*''}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=The soiree of the fourth day. I believe this was the day before the day off.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Since we did two performances every day, everyone's faces are showing a bit of tiredness.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Looking at it now, our performance is a bit awkward. How nostalgic...}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=... Ah, it's this scene right here!}}{{Line}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(While still not knowing the other's true identity, Romeo and Julius's friendship blossoms...)}}{{Line|character=Julius|border=Masumi|dialogue="Well, then, to our dreams——"}}{{Line|character=Romeo & Julius|border=other|dialogue="Cheers!"}}{{Line|character=Romeo|border=Sakuya|dialogue="Julius, talking to you is so much fun."}}{{Line|character=Julius|border=masumi|dialogue="Yeah, I feel the same."}}{{Line|character=Romeo|border=sakuya|dialogue="...?"}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Hehe, you're panicking.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=I would always pick up a piece of bread during this part, but on this day, there was no bread.}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=Because of that, my routine fell apart, and I started panicking...}}{{Line|character=Romeo|border=sakuya|dialogue="I-I really like this fruit..."}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue="It looks so deli- Wh-Whoa...!"}}{{Line|character=Julius|border=masumi|dialogue="Careful. Are you alright?"}}{{Line|character=Romeo|border=sakuya|dialogue="Yeah, sorry!"}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue="Julius, what kind of stuff do you like? I'd love to herr... hee-ar more things about you!"}}{{Line|character=Julius|border=masumi|dialogue="... Heh."}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=I was so flustered that on top of dropping the fruit, I messed up my next lines, too...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(But this actually, in reverse, makes the scene feel more friendly...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(It was a moment where these two were able to project the atmosphere of Romeo and Julius being friends, which wasn't something they'd been able to do before.)}}{{Line}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Afterward, when I said to Masumi-kun, "You laughed, didn't you?", all he would say was, "It was part of the performance."}}{{Line|border=sakuya|dialogue=But I felt like I was able to get a bit closer to Masumi-kun, and that made me happy.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=It was a trivial matter, but it ended up being an important point of change for the two of you.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Yes. And, also, you praised me for that scene. I was really happy about that, but...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Maybe he wasn't happy that I was praised by you, too, but Masumi-kun was really glaring at me after that...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Ahaha, is that what happened?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=All of that as a set is a really important memory for me.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(During their debut performance, Sakuya-kun was still panicking and getting flustered a lot.)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(Compared to back then, Sakuya-kun has gotten so much more reliable...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Okay, then, let's film your message comment now. Are you ready?}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Yes!}}{{Line}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=... Alright! That's a wrap.}}{{Line|character=Sakuya|border=sakuya|dialogue=Phew... I was so nervous...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(Hehe, he's gotten more reliable, but he's also still the same as back then.)}}{{Line}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(Next is their second performance, Boy Alice in Wonderland... I wonder if Masumi-kun is in his room?)}}{{Line|dialogue=''*knock knock*''}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Come in.}}{{Line}}{{Line|dialogue=''*door opens*''}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Pardon the intru——.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=I was waiting for you.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=!?}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(These snacks look so posh... Actually, why is he sitting so properly...)}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=You're in my room... It kind of feels odd.}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue=It's because you don't really come to visit my room like this often...}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Now that you mention it, you might be right. Your guys' room is really clean and pretty.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=It's not like I really make much of a mess in the first place——.}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue=Tsuzuru told me to clean the room and make tea for you, and to wait after I was done.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(I see, so that's how he stopped him. As you'd expect from Tsuzuru-kun...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Okay, then let's decide your theme first. Please roll this dice.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Okay.}}{{Line/Image|file=File:Masumi Dice.jpg}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=The theme is... "a time you made a mistake."}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=I never made a single mistake.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=What.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=As the lead actor, I did everything perfectly for you. A place where I messed up doesn't exist.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=It's true that your Alice was really good, and that you didn't make any mistakes, but...}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(Hmm, I won't  be able to film his commentary like this...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Is there really nothing? Anything would be fine.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Anything would be fine? Really?}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Yeah.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=... Okay.}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue=When it happened, head went into hands. <ref>This is hard to express in English, but there is no subject of "who" is holding their head in their hands, so Masumi just ends up sounding like he can't speak properly because I wanted to keep it vague like it is in Japanese</ref>}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(There was such a scene where ''that'' Masumi-kun held his head in his hands?! I wonder which scene it was.)}}{{Line|dialogue=''*beep*''}}{{Line}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(The fifth day's soiree. Alice, who was handed medicine by the White Rabbit...)}}{{Line|character=White Rabbit|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="Now then, drink this."}}{{Line|character=Alice|border=masumi|dialogue="What is this... There's something written on the bin. 'Drink me'?""Drink me" is written in Roman letters}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue="... There's no way I would drink such shady medicine. You drink it first."}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(This line is an adlib.)}}{{Line|character=White Rabbit|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="Eh~? Guess I have no other choice... ''*gulp*''..."}}{{Line|character=Alice|border=masumi|dialogue="What does it taste like?"}}{{Line|character=White Rabbit|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="!? T-The flavor... right, well... umm..."}}{{Line|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="I've got it, it's as if a gorgeous ball has opened up right in your mouth~!"}}{{Line|character=Audience|border=other|dialogue="..."}}{{Line|character=White Rabbit|border=tsuzuru|dialogue="..."}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=He couldn't stand the audience's silence anymore, so Tsuzuru held his head in his hands.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=(A mistake so bad that he had to hold his head in his hands... He wasn't talking about himself, but Tsuzuru-kun...!?)}}{{Line}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Now that I think about it, this ''did'' happen...}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Even though he's a scriptwriter, his comeback was too comically over the top, so it was the worst.}}{{Line|border=masumi|dialogue=On top of that, he took some mental damage because of that scene, and he was depressed for a long time after that.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Ahaha, if I remember correctly, the Mad Hatter and the King teased the White Rabbit about not being energetic, too.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=On the night of this performance, Tsuzuru was secretly watching food review videos.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Really!?}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=He was so depressed that I tossed him the same line the next day, and that time, he was able to complete his food report, so he seemed really satisfied with himself.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=He must've been really disappointed in his previous performance.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(But from here on, Alice and the White Rabbit's conversations were on a good tempo, and I think it felt like they were able to give off more of a playful feeling.)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(They were always at odds when they first joined the troupe, but eventually, living together in the same room became natural for them, and they started to somewhat pay more attention to each other, worry about each other...)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(In present time, Masumi-kun even supports Tzuzuru-kun when he's writing.)}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=(Of course, Masumi-kun has grown as well, but it's also the result of Tsuzuru-kun's patience and how he's naturally good at looking after others...)}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=... Hey, who are you thinking about right now.}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Huh? I was just thinking of how nostalgic the Alice performances are.}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=You got to experience being the lead actor, and that expanded your acting skills. I think you grew a lot after those performances.}}{{Line|character=Masumi|border=masumi|dialogue=Really?}}{{Line|character=Izumi|border=izumi|dialogue=Of course!}}{{Line|border=izumi|dialogue=Next, we'll be filming your message comment.}}}}

Revision as of 19:51, 21 September 2020

Starring Party!
Look back on SPRING
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Izumi(The top batter for the Spring Troupe's video recordings is Sakuya-kun, who was the lead actor for their debut play.)
*knock knock*
SakuyaAh! Umm, right, come on in!
Izumi? Pardon the intrusion.
*door opens*
IzumiMasumi-kun? Did you come to hang out?
SakuyaWell, actually...
MasumiI won't let him be alone with you...
SakuyaUm, so that's what's happening here...
IzumiI-I see.
MasumiI'm staying here.
IzumiIf you're just here, that's fine with me, but... Sakuya-kun, are you okay with that?
SakuyaYes, it's fine! Please take care of me during the recording.
IzumiWell, then, let me explain about the video.
Like I talked about previously, we'll be making a commentary video while watching a video recording of the performance you played the lead in.
IzumiAs for selecting which scene to watch, you'll roll this dice and follow along the theme written on the side you landed on...
Izumi(I said that it would be fine if he was here, but his gaze is so intense that it's kind of hard to focus...)
*knock knock*
SakuyaHuh? I wonder who it is. Come in!
*door opens*
TsuzuruExcuse me.
IzumiHm? Tsuzuru-kun?
TsuzuruYou're in the middle of filming, right. I'm gonna grab that guy, and we'll be gone in a second.
Knock it off, Masumi. You're gonna get in the way of Sakuya's recording.
MasumiIt's not like I'm getting in the way. I'm just watching.
TsuzuruThat's called getting in the way, you know. C'mon, we're going back to our room.
MasumiHey! Let me go, Tsuzuru——!
TsuzuruSorry, we'll be going now!
*door closes*
SakuyaThey're gone...
IzumiUmm... So, getting back to the subject.
There are six themes. Roll the dice, and pick a scene from the video recording that follows along with the theme you rolled.
The performance you're in charge of is, of course, RomiJuli. It was a pretty long time ago, so you might have a hard time remembering, but...
SakuyaIt's fine! I remember RomiJuli's performances very well.
IzumiOkay, then, let's roll the dice.
SakuyaRight! Here we go——.
Sakuya Dice.jpg
Izumi"An unforgettable scene," huh.
SakuyaAn unforgettable scene, huh. Umm...
It was my first play, so for me, there's many unforgettable memories...
I'm really torn... but... I've decided! I pick this one!
IzumiAlright, I'm playing the video.
The soiree of the fourth day. I believe this was the day before the day off.
Since we did two performances every day, everyone's faces are showing a bit of tiredness.
SakuyaLooking at it now, our performance is a bit awkward. How nostalgic...
... Ah, it's this scene right here!
Izumi(While still not knowing the other's true identity, Romeo and Julius's friendship blossoms...)
Julius"Well, then, to our dreams——"
Romeo & Julius"Cheers!"
Romeo"Julius, talking to you is so much fun."
Julius"Yeah, I feel the same."
IzumiHehe, you're panicking.
SakuyaI would always pick up a piece of bread during this part, but on this day, there was no bread.
Because of that, my routine fell apart, and I started panicking...
Romeo"I-I really like this fruit..."
"It looks so deli- Wh-Whoa...!"
Julius"Careful. Are you alright?"
Romeo"Yeah, sorry!"
"Julius, what kind of stuff do you like? I'd love to herr... hee-ar more things about you!"
Julius"... Heh."
SakuyaI was so flustered that on top of dropping the fruit, I messed up my next lines, too...
Izumi(But this actually, in reverse, makes the scene feel more friendly...)
(It was a moment where these two were able to project the atmosphere of Romeo and Julius being friends, which wasn't something they'd been able to do before.)
SakuyaAfterward, when I said to Masumi-kun, "You laughed, didn't you?", all he would say was, "It was part of the performance."
But I felt like I was able to get a bit closer to Masumi-kun, and that made me happy.
IzumiIt was a trivial matter, but it ended up being an important point of change for the two of you.
SakuyaYes. And, also, you praised me for that scene. I was really happy about that, but...
SakuyaMaybe he wasn't happy that I was praised by you, too, but Masumi-kun was really glaring at me after that...
IzumiAhaha, is that what happened?
SakuyaAll of that as a set is a really important memory for me.
Izumi(During their debut performance, Sakuya-kun was still panicking and getting flustered a lot.)
(Compared to back then, Sakuya-kun has gotten so much more reliable...)
Okay, then, let's film your message comment now. Are you ready?
Izumi... Alright! That's a wrap.
SakuyaPhew... I was so nervous...
Izumi(Hehe, he's gotten more reliable, but he's also still the same as back then.)
(Next is their second performance, Boy Alice in Wonderland... I wonder if Masumi-kun is in his room?)
*knock knock*
MasumiCome in.
*door opens*
IzumiPardon the intru——.
MasumiI was waiting for you.
(These snacks look so posh... Actually, why is he sitting so properly...)
MasumiYou're in my room... It kind of feels odd.
It's because you don't really come to visit my room like this often...
IzumiNow that you mention it, you might be right. Your guys' room is really clean and pretty.
MasumiIt's not like I really make much of a mess in the first place——.
Tsuzuru told me to clean the room and make tea for you, and to wait after I was done.
Izumi(I see, so that's how he stopped him. As you'd expect from Tsuzuru-kun...)
Okay, then let's decide your theme first. Please roll this dice.
Masumi Dice.jpg
IzumiThe theme is... "a time you made a mistake."
MasumiI never made a single mistake.
MasumiAs the lead actor, I did everything perfectly for you. A place where I messed up doesn't exist.
IzumiIt's true that your Alice was really good, and that you didn't make any mistakes, but...
(Hmm, I won't be able to film his commentary like this...)
Is there really nothing? Anything would be fine.
MasumiAnything would be fine? Really?
Masumi... Okay.
When it happened, head went into hands. [1]
Izumi(There was such a scene where that Masumi-kun held his head in his hands?! I wonder which scene it was.)
(The fifth day's soiree. Alice, who was handed medicine by the White Rabbit...)
White Rabbit"Now then, drink this."
Alice"What is this... There's something written on the bin. 'Drink me'?""Drink me" is written in Roman letters
"... There's no way I would drink such shady medicine. You drink it first."
Izumi(This line is an adlib.)
White Rabbit"Eh~? Guess I have no other choice... *gulp*..."
Alice"What does it taste like?"
White Rabbit"!? T-The flavor... right, well... umm..."
"I've got it, it's as if a gorgeous ball has opened up right in your mouth~!"
White Rabbit"..."
MasumiHe couldn't stand the audience's silence anymore, so Tsuzuru held his head in his hands.
Izumi(A mistake so bad that he had to hold his head in his hands... He wasn't talking about himself, but Tsuzuru-kun...!?)
Now that I think about it, this did happen...
MasumiEven though he's a scriptwriter, his comeback was too comically over the top, so it was the worst.
On top of that, he took some mental damage because of that scene, and he was depressed for a long time after that.
IzumiAhaha, if I remember correctly, the Mad Hatter and the King teased the White Rabbit about not being energetic, too.
MasumiOn the night of this performance, Tsuzuru was secretly watching food review videos.
MasumiHe was so depressed that I tossed him the same line the next day, and that time, he was able to complete his food report, so he seemed really satisfied with himself.
IzumiHe must've been really disappointed in his previous performance.
(But from here on, Alice and the White Rabbit's conversations were on a good tempo, and I think it felt like they were able to give off more of a playful feeling.)
(They were always at odds when they first joined the troupe, but eventually, living together in the same room became natural for them, and they started to somewhat pay more attention to each other, worry about each other...)
(In present time, Masumi-kun even supports Tzuzuru-kun when he's writing.)
(Of course, Masumi-kun has grown as well, but it's also the result of Tsuzuru-kun's patience and how he's naturally good at looking after others...)
Masumi... Hey, who are you thinking about right now.
IzumiHuh? I was just thinking of how nostalgic the Alice performances are.
You got to experience being the lead actor, and that expanded your acting skills. I think you grew a lot after those performances.
IzumiOf course!
Next, we'll be filming your message comment.
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  1. This is hard to express in English, but there is no subject of "who" is holding their head in their hands, so Masumi just ends up sounding like he can't speak properly because I wanted to keep it vague like it is in Japanese