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Episode 1
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*flashback starts*
Yuki…It’s done!
Yuki’s MomIs it the hat you’ve been making recently? I see, so it’s already finished, huh.
YuuHeh, you attached fake ears, huh. That’s cute.
I want to try making this kind of skirt next, or this bear-shaped bag.
Yuki’s MomSounds good to me.
YuuIs this what you call a rough design?
YukiWhat? I’m not sure…
Yuki’s MomRough design, huh… You look like a designer!
YuuI guess you’d be a fashion designer in the future.
YuuIt’s a job in which you design and make clothes.
Yuki(I never knew such a job existed. Sounds like fun…)
Yuki’s MomHow about you try putting on that hat?
Yuki…Hm? It’s big.
Yuki’s MomI guess the size is a little bit different.
YukiMaybe because I used an adult pattern as reference…
Yuki’s MomOh, I see. Still, you did great for a beginner.
YuuI love how the design reflects your personality, Yuki.
*flashback end*
Yuki’s MomI’m so glad to hear that the theater building’s renovation is complete.
YuuThat means you can perform there again, right?
YukiYep. Honestly though, I wasn’t sure what would become of us at first.
Yuki’s NephewGoo, goo, gaga~.
YuuLet’s come and watch his show once you get a little bit older, ‘kay~?
Oh, right. I’ve brought some souvenirs from our last trip.
Yuki’s MomOh, my. Thank you.
YuuThese are for your theater troupe mates. Eat them with the others. There are sweet and salty flavors.
Oh. I’ve got something for you as well.
It’s a hat. Because the pink dog plushie came out better than I thought, I used a pinkish color for this one.
Yuki’s NephewWhoa~!
YuuHe really likes pink.
YukiHe’s got a nice sense.
Yuki’s NephewKya, kya.
YuuNow that I think about it again, you tried making a similar hat before, right? You know, the one with ears…
YukiOh, that one? I’m still using it until today.
Yuki’s MomIt was a little bit big before, but I assumed the size fits just fine now, yes?
YuuSo are you really going to be a designer in the future? You’ve always liked knitting and sewing.
Yuki’s MomSpeaking of, Yuki, the call I received a while ago…
YukiI should get going now. I’m really busy these days.
Yuki’s NephewGoo goo~?
YukiSee you.
Yuki’s MomOh, hey, Yuki–.
YukiWhat are you doing? Studying?
I-It’s nothing!
YukiWhat? Is it something I shouldn’t see?
KumonIt’s not like that…
YukiWell, whatever. It’s probably your report card, anyway.
KumonErr… it’s different… but similar, I guess.
YukiYou’ve been putting in a lot of effort in your study lately, huh. Didn’t you also get Tsumugi to help you with that?
KumonIt’s because I’m in my senior year now! I need to decide on my future sooner or later…
KumonWhat’s wrong?
Here, I’ve got you some souvenirs. It’s a perfect snack for studying, don’t you think so?
KumonWow, thanks!
MukuOh. Here you are, Kyuchan.
MukuThis is yours, right? You dropped it in the hallway.
KumonWhat?! I didn’t notice it at all! Thanks!
YukiDo you want some too, Muku? I’ve got them from my family.
MukuThank you.
I’m also thinking of going back home soon.
KumonOh, really? I want to meet your mother too, Muku~. It’s been a while.
MukuIn that case, do you want to come with me?
KumonCan I?!
YukiYour whole family is as close as ever, huh.
KumonOur parents are close, after all~.
Homeroom TeacherI guess that’s all I’ve got to say now…
Oh, right. I almost forgot. Don’t forget to submit your career survey. I’ll wait until next week.
Homeroom TeacherThat’s all from me. Be careful on your way home.
Muku…Yuki-kun? What’s wrong?
YukiNo, it’s nothing. Let’s go home.
MukuThe souvenirs you gave us a while ago were really delicious. Juchan couldn’t stop eating the sweet one.
Hey, Muku
MukuWhat is it?
Yuki…It’s nothing.
RentoOh~, Hey, you two!
Perfect timing. I’m about to go to your place after this.
YukiDo you have a meeting or something?
RentoWell, how should I say this?
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