Izumi | (Well, then, let’s go back. It’s not like I have any particular things I want to buy, anyway…) |
Muku | Huh? Director-san. |
Izumi | On your way home? |
Yuki | Yep. |
Izumi | Let’s go home together, then. |
| How’s your career survey going, Yuki-kun? Do you still have troubles with that? |
Yuki | I got grilled by my homeroom teacher, but that’s it. My mother understands my choice. |
Izumi | That’s a relief. |
Rento | Aarrgh! I missed the sound just now…! If I mix it with the sound I recorded yesterday… |
Yuki | What is that suspicious guy doing… |
Muku | Err, no matter how you look at it… |
Yuki | Let’s just pretend we don’t see him and go on. |
Rento | Oh. Hey. |
Izumi | …He-Hello. What are you doing? |
Rento | Collecting sound effects. I managed to record a sparrow’s voice just now, you see… |
Yuki | No. No need to play it for us. |
Rento | Hm? What’s that? |
Muku | ? |
Yuki | Balloons…? |
Izumi | Maybe there’s a new event being held around here? |
Muku | Now that you mentioned it… Kazu-kun told me they’re holding something called Veludo Market. Maybe they were releasing balloons there. |
Yuki | It’s for that event, then. |
Muku | If I remember correctly, it’s supposed to open next week… |
Rento | Heh. I don’t know we have that kind of event here. |
Izumi | I went to that event once, after we wrapped Winter Troupe’s Risky Game. I went with them that time. |
| Foreigners from many countries opened all kinds of booths there. It was really fun. |
Muku | Sounds interesting! |
Rento | I want to go, but it’s next week, huh… I have regional shows. Too bad. |
| Say, can you record interesting sound effects in my stead? |
| I figured there’ll be a lot of nice sounds in a place with many foreigners around. |
Yuki | I can’t believe you’re still on your sound collecting thing in the end… |
Izumi | Now, now. It’s a really interesting event, though, so you should try going there. |
Muku | I’ll do my best to collect the sounds! |
Rento | Thanks, dude. |
| |
Muku | Wow! Look at all these people! |
Misumi | There’s a lot of booths~! |
Izumi | It’s so lively here. |
Kazunari | Yuki told me he’s going to join us after his part-time work. |
Tenma | Today is his last day, right? |
Muku | Yep. He said he’s only going to hand off his work today, so he’ll come soon. |
Tenma | He should have continued doing that job. It’s not everyday you get that kind of chance. |
Izumi | To tell you the truth… |
| |
| |
Hato | Rurikawa-kun, I really enjoyed the performance. It was so great. Not only the story, but your costumes are also really good. |
Yuki | Thank you. |
Hato | So you see, I’ve been wanting to tell you this… |
| Do you want to continue working part-time as my assistant? |
| I know it’ll be tough considering your theater troupe activity… |
| But if you’re planning to work in the fashion industry, the experience and skill you gain at my place will be useful to you in the future. |
| Besides, we’ll be helped if you work with us. |
Yuki | …I appreciate the offer, but I’m going to pass. |
| I don’t know if I can balance my study, acting and part-time, after all. |
| Putting aside my studies, I don’t want to do things half-assedly in both this theater troupe and my part-time job. |
| Be it acting or fashion, I want to put all my efforts into them. |
| Because I can still create costumes in this theater troupe, for now, I’m satisfied with that. |
Hato | I see. |
Yuki | But I still want to steal the skills of a professional, so feel free to call me whenever you need help. |
| I hope that kid doesn’t forget about me and starts barking at me again, though. |
| |
| |
Muku | That’s so Yuki-kun. |
Tenma | I don’t think he’ll let go of the chance to steal a professional’s skills. |
Izumi | Fufu. He’s ambitious and reliable, right. |
Kazunari | As expected of Yukki! |
Izumi | Oh. Speak of the devil… |
Yuki | [My work is over. I’m heading there.] |
Kazunari | Shall we go near the entrance while we wait for Yukki? |
Muku | The knick knack store over there looks interesting. |
Kazunari | I want to check out that clothing booth~. |
Misumi | Oh! I found an interesting triangle! |
Kumon | … |
Izumi | What’s wrong, Kumon-kun? |
Tenma | You seem reckless, somehow. |
Kumon | Huh?! N-No, I’m just… |
Izumi | ? |
Kumon | It’s nothing! I-I found some cool accessories in that booth~! |
Tenma | What’s with him? |
Izumi | Who knows? |
Yuki | Sorry to keep you waiting. |
Muku | Good work, Yuki-kun. |
Izumi | Oh, right. We still need to gather sounds for Rento-san. |
Misumi | I’m starving~. |
Yuki | I haven’t eaten lunch. |
Kazunari | Should we eat something first, then? |
| |
Muku | This kebab is so tasty! |
Tenma | This hot dog also tastes great. |
Kumon | … |
Misumi | Kumon, you do look restless~. |
Tenma | Stop acting like that and just tell us what happened. |
Kumon | Errr… That’s right! I think the timing’s perfect since you’re all here! |
| To tell you the truth, I got accepted into uni! |
Izumi | Wow?! Really?! Congrats! |
Kazunari | Grats, Kumopi! |
Tenma | Since when… But glad to hear that. |
Muku | Congrats, Kyuchan! |
Kumon | And you see, the uni I’m going to is… Don’t be surprised, alright? |
| It’s Yosei! |
Izumi | I see. |
Kazunari | Good for you. |
Tenma | It makes sense. |
Kumon | Huh?! What’s with that reaction?! |
Yuki | Let’s just say we kind of expected it. |
Izumi | I’m glad you’ve got to go to the same uni as Juza-kun. |
Misumi | Good for you, Kumon! |
Tenma | Let’s have fun together. |
Kumon | Yep! |
Yuki | Still, compared to someone who made his decision at the last minute and went through so many hardships, you got accepted quite early. |
Tenma | Ugh… |
Izumi | You did seem to be going through so many hardships, with both Tsumugi-san and Chikage-san helping you. |
Tenma | Well, while I admit I did trouble a lot of people, I still worked hard and managed to get in. |
| Just like this market, university is filled with a lot of things I don’t know, all kinds of people, and many things I have yet to experience. |
| I’m well aware that just by going to university, it doesn’t mean I gain more knowledge about the world. |
Misumi | Yep, yep. There’s a lot of triangles on the other side of the world~. |
Kazunari | There’s no such thing as choosing the wrong path. If you take a detour, I’m sure you’ll find something there. |
Izumi | That’s right. It’s okay to ponder over things until you find the answer you can be satisfied with. |
Muku | I agreed. |
Yuki | I’ll gratefully listen to you all’s story, my seniors in life. |
Izumi | Now, then. Shall we start collecting sounds? |
Muku | I’m sure Rento-san is looking forward to it. |
Kumon | Oh! There are people dancing over there~! |
Kazunari | It looks so exciting! |
Misumi | I want to dance too! |
Yuki | I’m going to watch you guys from over there. |
Muku | Huh? That hat… |
Yuki | I planned to make a new one, but I could fix this one in the end. |
| Besides, I told you, didn’t I? I like this hat. |
Muku | Yep! |
Yuki | When I was making this hat, I never ever thought about making costumes for a theater troupe–let alone being an actor. |
| You never know what life has in store for you. |
Izumi | Fufu. You’re still in your second year of high school, and yet you’re here talking about life… But that is exactly why you can take your time to think about a lot of things. |
Yuki | Our future is still “undecided” and “unknown” after all. |
Muku | That’s right! |