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“Undecided” and “Unknown”
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Izumi(Well, then, let’s go back. It’s not like I have any particular things I want to buy, anyway…)
MukuHuh? Director-san.
IzumiOn your way home?
IzumiLet’s go home together, then.
How’s your career survey going, Yuki-kun? Do you still have troubles with that?
YukiI got grilled by my homeroom teacher, but that’s it. My mother understands my choice.
IzumiThat’s a relief.
RentoAarrgh! I missed the sound just now…! If I mix it with the sound I recorded yesterday…
YukiWhat is that suspicious guy doing…
MukuErr, no matter how you look at it…
YukiLet’s just pretend we don’t see him and go on.
RentoOh. Hey.
Izumi…He-Hello. What are you doing?
RentoCollecting sound effects. I managed to record a sparrow’s voice just now, you see…
YukiNo. No need to play it for us.
RentoHm? What’s that?
IzumiMaybe there’s a new event being held around here?
MukuNow that you mentioned it… Kazu-kun told me they’re holding something called Veludo Market. Maybe they were releasing balloons there.
YukiIt’s for that event, then.
MukuIf I remember correctly, it’s supposed to open next week…
RentoHeh. I don’t know we have that kind of event here.
IzumiI went to that event once, after we wrapped Winter Troupe’s Risky Game. I went with them that time.
Foreigners from many countries opened all kinds of booths there. It was really fun.
MukuSounds interesting!
RentoI want to go, but it’s next week, huh… I have regional shows. Too bad.
Say, can you record interesting sound effects in my stead?
I figured there’ll be a lot of nice sounds in a place with many foreigners around.
YukiI can’t believe you’re still on your sound collecting thing in the end…
IzumiNow, now. It’s a really interesting event, though, so you should try going there.
MukuI’ll do my best to collect the sounds!
RentoThanks, dude.
MukuWow! Look at all these people!
MisumiThere’s a lot of booths~!
IzumiIt’s so lively here.
KazunariYuki told me he’s going to join us after his part-time work.
TenmaToday is his last day, right?
MukuYep. He said he’s only going to hand off his work today, so he’ll come soon.
TenmaHe should have continued doing that job. It’s not everyday you get that kind of chance.
IzumiTo tell you the truth…
HatoRurikawa-kun, I really enjoyed the performance. It was so great. Not only the story, but your costumes are also really good.
YukiThank you.
HatoSo you see, I’ve been wanting to tell you this…
Do you want to continue working part-time as my assistant?
I know it’ll be tough considering your theater troupe activity…
But if you’re planning to work in the fashion industry, the experience and skill you gain at my place will be useful to you in the future.
Besides, we’ll be helped if you work with us.
Yuki…I appreciate the offer, but I’m going to pass.
I don’t know if I can balance my study, acting and part-time, after all.
Putting aside my studies, I don’t want to do things half-assedly in both this theater troupe and my part-time job.
Be it acting or fashion, I want to put all my efforts into them.
Because I can still create costumes in this theater troupe, for now, I’m satisfied with that.
HatoI see.
YukiBut I still want to steal the skills of a professional, so feel free to call me whenever you need help.
I hope that kid doesn’t forget about me and starts barking at me again, though.
MukuThat’s so Yuki-kun.
TenmaI don’t think he’ll let go of the chance to steal a professional’s skills.
IzumiFufu. He’s ambitious and reliable, right.
KazunariAs expected of Yukki!
IzumiOh. Speak of the devil…
Yuki[My work is over. I’m heading there.]
KazunariShall we go near the entrance while we wait for Yukki?
MukuThe knick knack store over there looks interesting.
KazunariI want to check out that clothing booth~.
MisumiOh! I found an interesting triangle!
IzumiWhat’s wrong, Kumon-kun?
TenmaYou seem reckless, somehow.
KumonHuh?! N-No, I’m just…
KumonIt’s nothing! I-I found some cool accessories in that booth~!
TenmaWhat’s with him?
IzumiWho knows?
YukiSorry to keep you waiting.
MukuGood work, Yuki-kun.
IzumiOh, right. We still need to gather sounds for Rento-san.
MisumiI’m starving~.
YukiI haven’t eaten lunch.
KazunariShould we eat something first, then?
MukuThis kebab is so tasty!
TenmaThis hot dog also tastes great.
MisumiKumon, you do look restless~.
TenmaStop acting like that and just tell us what happened.
KumonErrr… That’s right! I think the timing’s perfect since you’re all here!
To tell you the truth, I got accepted into uni!
IzumiWow?! Really?! Congrats!
KazunariGrats, Kumopi!
TenmaSince when… But glad to hear that.
MukuCongrats, Kyuchan!
KumonAnd you see, the uni I’m going to is… Don’t be surprised, alright?
It’s Yosei!
IzumiI see.
KazunariGood for you.
TenmaIt makes sense.
KumonHuh?! What’s with that reaction?!
YukiLet’s just say we kind of expected it.
IzumiI’m glad you’ve got to go to the same uni as Juza-kun.
MisumiGood for you, Kumon!
TenmaLet’s have fun together.
YukiStill, compared to someone who made his decision at the last minute and went through so many hardships, you got accepted quite early.
IzumiYou did seem to be going through so many hardships, with both Tsumugi-san and Chikage-san helping you.
TenmaWell, while I admit I did trouble a lot of people, I still worked hard and managed to get in.
Just like this market, university is filled with a lot of things I don’t know, all kinds of people, and many things I have yet to experience.
I’m well aware that just by going to university, it doesn’t mean I gain more knowledge about the world.
MisumiYep, yep. There’s a lot of triangles on the other side of the world~.
KazunariThere’s no such thing as choosing the wrong path. If you take a detour, I’m sure you’ll find something there.
IzumiThat’s right. It’s okay to ponder over things until you find the answer you can be satisfied with.
MukuI agreed.
YukiI’ll gratefully listen to you all’s story, my seniors in life.
IzumiNow, then. Shall we start collecting sounds?
MukuI’m sure Rento-san is looking forward to it.
KumonOh! There are people dancing over there~!
KazunariIt looks so exciting!
MisumiI want to dance too!
YukiI’m going to watch you guys from over there.
MukuHuh? That hat…
YukiI planned to make a new one, but I could fix this one in the end.
Besides, I told you, didn’t I? I like this hat.
YukiWhen I was making this hat, I never ever thought about making costumes for a theater troupe–let alone being an actor.
You never know what life has in store for you.
IzumiFufu. You’re still in your second year of high school, and yet you’re here talking about life… But that is exactly why you can take your time to think about a lot of things.
YukiOur future is still “undecided” and “unknown” after all.
MukuThat’s right!
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