Twin Kingdoms/Episode 6

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Twin Kingdoms
Episode 6
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*the scene begins in GOD-za's practise space*
ShifutoHuh? You sound kinda funny today, Haruto-san.
HarutoWhat, are you looking for a fight?
ShifutoNo, I didn't mean it like that.
HarutoTasuku, let's go through our scene for a bit before Reni-san gets here.
TasukuYeah, I'd like that.
Tasuku"Calm down, he's not dead. What happened here?"
Haruto"I don't know..."
*cough* *cough*
TasukuAre you all right?
HarutoYeah, my throat's just a little dry. I'll wear a mask just in case.
TasukuYou sound kind of nasally, too. I think you should take the day off.
HarutoI'm fine. Keep going.
TasukuYou should rest if you're not feeling well. Your health affects all of us.
HarutoI told you, my throat's just a little dry.
TasukuThen you should be resting it.
HarutoI know my limits, all right?!
ShifutoAll right, all right, calm down.
IzumiNo fighting, guys—
TasukuThere's no point in practising if you're unable to speak the way you want. Go rest.
HarutoI only take orders from Reni-san, so shove it!
Tasuku...Sorry, I went a bit too far.
ReniWhat is going on?
ReniAre you unwell today, Haruto?
HarutoNo, I'm fine. The mask is just for—
ReniTasuku's right, you know. Take the day off.
Haruto...I'm so sorry for the trouble. I promise I'll be back to 100% tomorrow.
(Things seem a little tense between Haruto-kun and Kamikizaka-san...)
ReniRight, that's all for today.
TasukuGreat work today, guys.
ShifutoYou did great, too!
ReniWhat is it?
IzumiIs Haruto-kun going to be okay?
ReniYes, as long as he takes care of his body, he should be healed up in no time.
IzumiOh, I mean more like... Things seem really strained between you two.
Have you ever talked to Haruto-kun about anything not business-related?
ReniHe does a lot of work for me outside of acting, so we spend a lot of time together but... no, I don't know much about him on a personal level.
IzumiI've noticed this since practise started, but...
It feels to me like you and Haruto-kun aren't meshing, or your feelings aren't reaching each other...
Sorry, I guess it's not any of my business.
ReniNo, it's all right. I do think that Haruto might be a bit stumped by the changes GOD-za is going through.
IzumiWhy don't you have a heart-to-heart with him once he's better?
I think it would be good if you could hear him out and also tell him what you're thinking.
It's probably not my place to tell you this, but that's how I feel.
ReniIt's all right. I'll give it a try.
You're one of the few people in my life who are still willing to give their opinion to me straight, and I'm grateful for that.
Well, that gratitude is something that has only surfaced in recent times, if I'm being honest.
Izumi(Wow, Kamikizaka-san has changed a lot. I never thought I'd be able to talk with him so candidly like this.)
*the scene changes to outside GOD Theater at night*
AzamiWhew, I'm beat.
AzamiI hope Haruto-san's doing all right.
ShifutoI sent him a bunch of DMs, but he hasn't even looked at them.
AzamiHe promised to get better by tomorrow, so he's probably asleep.
ShifutoYeah, maybe. It didn't seem like a full-blown cold, so I hope he can recover quickly.
AzamiHe kind of reminds me of Taichi-san, back he got his first lead, and I was his co-lead.
Taichi-san got way too excited about his first lead and ended up going around in circles because he was thinking too deeply about it.
He shared his worries with me, and I shared my thoughts with him, and we both talked it out.
Um... including the story about his... his first crush...
ShifutoWhoa, you talked about romance?! You, of all people?
AzamiI just heard him out about it!
ShifutoDude, I can't believe this! And you usually need, like, 30 minutes just to say the word "love"!
AzamiOh, shut up.
But, you know... I think if I didn't step in that time, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.
I wouldn't have been able to give Taichi-san my support, and the play might not have succeeded.
ShifutoRegret's the one thing I don't want. I'll try talking to Haruto-san more tomorrow.
AzamiYeah, you do that.
*the scene changes to Haruto's apartment*
(What the hell? Why can't I stop shivering? My blanket is as thick as they get...)
(I have to get better by tomorrow, but I can't sleep, and I feel like my fever's getting worse.)
(I just remembered, something similar happened the first time I came to Tokyo...)
...I wish I could have some rice porridge.
(My ma would always make some for me whenever I caught a cold.)
(I wonder how she's doing? I've always wanted to invite her to the theater once I've found success as an actor and gained more confidence, but...)
(I can't call her out here when I'm in this sorry state, even though I beat Tasuku and Shifuto to get the lead role.)
(Am I going to be stuck like this forever? What does it even mean to truly succeed as an actor, anyway?)
*the scene changes to GOD-za's practise space*
AzamiHaruto-san's late.
TasukuMaybe's he's taking today off as well?
ShifutoI couldn't get in touch with him at all since yesterday.
ReniPlaces, now. We'll be starting soon.
Actor AHaruto-san's never been late without letting someone know first.
AzamiC'mon, let's go.
Sorry, Reni-san, but I'm skipping practise today! I wanna go check up on Haruto-san!
ReniVery well. Do you know where he lives?
ReniAsk Nakata in production.
ShifutoOkay! Well, I'm off!
Take this. You might need it.
ShifutoOh, sure. I promise I'll pay you back.
ReniDon't worry, I don't expect you to.
*the scene changes to the hallway*
ShifutoUmm, so I take a taxi from the station, and—
TasukuI have a message for Haruto.
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