Kamo | You can use this place here to light a barbeque or take a rest. |
Chikage | A lot of facilities were left behind since it’s used to be a tourist spot. |
Tsuzuru | Seems like we’ll be able to spend the week without any inconvenience. |
Kamo | But, we’ve also mentioned it previously, do remember that this place is still treated as an uninhabited island, so the food will be sold by boost only once per day. Please be careful. |
| Basic meals are prepared though, so no need to worry about that. |
Izumi | Thank you very much. |
Kamo | I won’t be starting the shoot today, so you can use and do anything you like around here. |
Taichi | Alright! I’m prepared for exactly this moment. |
Tasuku | Don’t forget our original purpose. |
Kamo | Then, let me guide you towards the abandoned building that will be used for the shooting next. |
| <Shifts to Location> |
| This will be our shooting location. |
Tenma | Seriously… We’re going to be shooting in such an eerie place…? |
Taichi | It’s a bit scary, kind of like a haunted house... |
Azami | Somehow, it’s more beautiful than I expected. |
Homare | What an exquisite building we have! |
Tasuku | It looks like a place that will be frequented by those urban explorers.[1] |
| But the atmosphere is on point, looks like we’ll be able to shoot a good video here. |
Tenma | … Are you serious? |
Kamo | The facility itself is abandoned, but they do regular maintenance and inspection here, so it will be safe to use for shooting. |
Tsuzuru | You managed to find this place well. |
Kamo | Of course, I researched thoroughly to find a suitable place for this performance! |
Chikage | That’s true, the place that looks about to collapse was properly reinforced. |
Izumi | Seems like safety won’t be an issue. |
Tenma | By the way, don’t say that we’re going to stay here tonight…!? |
Azami | Sleeping in an abandoned building is a bit... |
Kamo | No, there will be security issues as well as the preparation for the shooting, so we’ll get everyone to stay in a separate facility. |
Tenma | That’s great... |
Kamo | We have also allocated the rooms. |
| If you have any request to change, please don’t hesitate to tell us. |
| <Shifts to Facility> |
| This place used to be one of the tourist facilities as well, but currently, it’s used as lodging and waiting room for people who come to visit the location. |
| -- And with that, those are all the information we have about this accommodation facility. |
| You can also use this multipurpose room as you want during the duration of the shooting. |
Izumi | (This place is quite wide, I think we’ll be able to use it for rehearsal and practice) |
Kamo | The shooting of the promotional video will take about a day. |
| During the shooting, you will perform with the same rules as the actual performance. However, it will just be a promotional video. |
| I will cut the place that is not shot well enough, so I hope that you can get everyone to act freely. |
Tsuzuru | The same rule… |
| (What to do… I wonder if I can do it right…) |