How to Contact
You can access Japanese-language support for A3! in a number of ways. They usually will not answer questions relating to progress in the game. If you do not receive an automatic confirmation email, try white-listing the domain ''.
You are requested not to re-post replies from the support team.
Official Website
The contact form can be accessed from the official website.
- Email Address (required)
- Reason for Contact (required)
- Opinions/Requests (ご意見・ご要望)
- Bugs related to gameplay (ゲーム進行に関する不具合)
- Bugs related to microtransactions (課金に関する不具合)
- Bugs related to data transfers (データ引継ぎに関する不具合)
- Bugs related to events/campaigns (イベント・キャンペーンに関する不具合)
- Other (その他のお問い合わせ)
- Message Details (required)
- User ID
- Registered Username
- Device Used (eg. iPhone X)
- Name (kanji) - Last Name / First Name
- Name (furigana) - Last Name / First Name
From the Title Screen
- Transfer (引継ぎ) > Contact Window (お問い合わせ窓口)
- Select a Reason for Contact
- Bugs related to gameplay (ゲーム進行に関する不具合)
- Bugs related to microtransactions (課金に関する不具合)
- Bugs related to data transfers (データ引継ぎに関する不具合)
- Bugs related to events/campaigns (イベント・キャンペーンに関する不具合)
- Bugs - other (その他の不具合)
- Press the pink button that says 'Send Mail' (メールを送信). A pre-filled email draft will pop up in your default mail client.
From the Menu Screen
- Support (サポート) > Contact Window (お問い合わせ窓口)
- Select a Reason for Contact
- Bugs related to gameplay (ゲーム進行に関する不具合)
- Bugs related to microtransactions (課金に関する不具合)
- Bugs related to data transfers (データ引継ぎに関する不具合)
- Bugs related to events/campaigns (イベント・キャンペーンに関する不具合)
- Bugs - other (その他の不具合)
- Press the pink button that says 'Send Mail' (メールを送信). A pre-filled email draft will pop up in your default mail client.
Contact Email Format
Message Details (お問い合わせ内容)
- Connection Method eg. 3G/Wi-Fi/LTE (通信状況(3G/Wi-Fi/LTE))
- Date/time the bug occurred (発生日時)
- Where the bug occurred (発生個所) eg. My Page (マイページ)
- Details (詳細な内容)
Do not delete anything below the dotted line.
Lost Accounts
If you haven't backed up your data to Twitter and have lost your transfer code, there is a possibility that the support team will be able to recover your account. For more information on how to back up your data or create a transfer code, see Data Transfer.
- Start a support request through one of the methods outlined above.
- Select 'Bugs related to data transfers' as the reason for contact.
- Copy the message below into the Details field.
- Try to include as much information as possible, including screenshots if you have them.
- You can search for Japanese card names using the Card List. Be sure to include the character name and rarity as well eg. SSR【河原の秘密特訓】佐久間 咲也 = SSR (Secret Special Training on the Riverside) Sakuya Sakuma
- ユーザーID: User ID
- ユーザー名: Username
- ランク: Rank
- 誕生日: Birthday
- 設定していたコメント: User profile comment
- ダイヤ数: No. of Dias
- ゲーム開始日: Date you started playing
- 最後ログイン: Last login
- セットしていた称号: Title Achievements set
- 推しメンユニット: Favourites Unit + Leader (主演)
- 所持していたSSR: SSRs owned (including number owned/bloomed status)
- 型番/OS: Device/OS