Sunny Blanc/Episode 9

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Sunny Blanc
Episode 9
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Homare*Snore, snore*…
TasukuZz, zz…
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Azuma…Zzz, zzz.
Hisoka(Everyone slept together…)
(Come to think of it, something like this has happened before…
Back during our 6th play.)
Rise and shine. I see you’re awake.
Hisoka…Good morning.
TsumugiWere you able to get a good night’s rest?
HisokaYeah… I slept well.
…I told you I had a request for you. Do you remember?
Hisoka…I want you to play my co-lead.
Hisoka…We were living in completely different places, yet we both had special memories of the same flower.
If flowers are going to be a part of our play, then I feel like… I want to share the stage with you.
TsumugiI see… I’m glad to hear that.
I was also hoping to do the same.
Although it’s just a coincidence that we hold the same flower close to our hearts, it feels like fate.
I guess you felt the same way, Hisoka-kun?
HisokaLooks like it.
TsumugiOh, right.
I was thinking of giving this to you.
HisokaA bouquet…?
TsumugiThey’re artificial flowers though. They had a spot where you could learn how to create arrangements at Flower Park.
I was torn whether to use fresh flowers, but this time, I wanted our memories of that day to last forever.
I made it with the hope that I would be able to support you, even a little, as you stand on the stage as the lead in the next performance.
Hisoka…I’ll let Tsuzuru know my request.
TsumugiGood luck.
IzumiAlright, I’ll hand the scripts out to everyone.
(As per Hisoka-san’s request, the upcoming stage is set as a flower shop.)
(It’s an ensemble drama depicting the protagonist, a shop assistant, and all the people surrounding the flower shop.)
(The story is warm, but tinged with a touch of sadness, which fits Winter troupe perfectly.)
Hisoka...Thanks, Tsuzuru.
TsuzuruI was a bit surprised when Mikage-san told me to use a flower theme.
The main character recalls his precious memories through the scent of flowers, and Hisoka-san was holding a bouquet of peonies. So the idea suddenly came to me.
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HomareIt became a story that suits Hisoka-kun very much.
TasukuIt’s a role that he can play since he’s Mikage.
GuyI am sure Mikage’s family will be delighted as well.
Izumi(He must have come up with that request since he overcame what he went through this time.)
TsumugiWe have to do our best, right, Hisoka-kun?
*Munch*… *nom, nom*.
ChikageWhat do you want to talk about?
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Hisoka*Nom, nom*…
ChikageYou have quite an appetite for someone who collapsed on the side of the road a few days ago.
ChikageFor what?
Hisoka…Director told me to say that.
ChikageI don’t get you.
HisokaThe reason I said I would play the lead this time was because I was reminded of the days I spent with together August…
…And when I told Director, she explained that August must’ve came to check up on me.
ChikageThat sounds like something Director would say.
HisokaThat’s why I’m going to do my best for my family. And I’d like you to come watch me again… in August’s stead.
ChikageI’ll be there.
IzumiGuys, it’s almost showtime.
HomareSo, leader, what do you say to forming a huddle?
Hisoka…A huddle?
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HomareThe other troupes partake in that, don’t they?
You know, where you form a circle and shout?
AzumaHomare’s not letting that go.
TasukuIt’s too late for that now, don’t you think?
Hisoka…That sounds like a bother.
HomareThe day Winter troupe forms a huddle-like circle will never come at this rate.
TsumugiI mean, this is just like Winter troupe too, isn’t it?
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