Sunny Blanc/Episode 3

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Sunny Blanc
Episode 3
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IzumiAnd so, I’d like to start our meeting to discuss Winter troupe’s 9th performance.
HomareIt is finally time.
TsumugiSorry you had to postpone it due to my situation.
GuyIt is not a problem.
AzumaI’m glad your grandma is feeling better.
TsumugiSorry for worrying you.
It was nice I got to take my time and talk with my grandmother for the first time in a while though.
Hisoka…I’m sure your grandma was happy.
TsumugiYeah, she was.
IzumiBy the way, Tsuzuru-kun will be absent today since he suddenly had to take care of his little brothers at home.
TasukuSimilar things keep happening, huh?
IzumiAs usual, Tsuzuru-kun said he’s open to hearing any requests you may have.
If anyone wants to play the lead, please speak up.
Hisoka…Can I do it?
IzumiHisoka-san? Yes, of course.
TasukuIt’s rare for Mikage to hold himself out.
HisokaRecently, I’ve… been dreaming about my family, August, and recalling the past.
And earlier, Director said if that’s the case, then August might be coming over to see how I’m doing…
…So I thought I’d like to put in a little more effort and show him how Mikage Hisoka has grown as an actor.
AzumaFufu. I see.
You have to do your best as the lead then.
GuyI am sure your family will be happy too, Mikage.
TsumugiI think that’s a great thought.
TasukuIn that case, you should pass your request on to Minagi too.
HisokaI’ll think about it…
IzumiAlright, let’s wrap this up here for today.
We’ll hold another meeting with Tsuzuru-kun in attendance next time.
TasukuSounds good.
AzumaBy the way, it looks like they’re holding the World Market right now.
We went there together after our 6th performance, didn’t we?
IzumiEveryone in Summer troupe went last time too. So they’re holding it again, huh?
AzumaIt was well received, so I heard they opened even more events.
Everyone seemed to have fun last time, so why don’t we go together again if the time works out?
IzumiGreat idea!
HomareI would certainly love to go. There will be a whole variety of items from all over the world, so there will be a plethora of interesting items.
GuyWe might get some lucky finds as well.
AzumaWell, it will be open for a while, so let’s go after our play run finishes and things have calmed down.
*dream starts*
AugustI’ve got something nice today.
HisokaWhat is it?
AugustA regular at the candy shop gave me some nicely scented body soap.
They said they get sent a lot of it from their relatives that live overseas.
It smells a bit unusual but pleasant, doesn’t it?
Here, you can use it too, December.
(In the past, I never could’ve imagined that I’d be able to take a warm shower while using such nice smelling body soap.)
*dream ends*
TasukuDid you wake up?
I’m going to choke if you put that much pressure on me.
HisokaAh, sorry.
TasukuGeez. I’m going to put you down if you’re awake.
Walk on your own.
HisokaWas I asleep…?
TasukuYou passed out on the sofa after our meeting.
Hisoka(I smell something nice…)
…Tasuku, did you take a bath?
TasukuHm? I did.
TasukuWhy do you ask?
HisokaNo reason.
(Yep, it was a scent once again… whenever I remember August, I always feel like I’m smelling something similar.)
(August is closely watching over me…
That’s what I want to think, yet I can’t help but feel uneasy…)
(Just how many memories with August have I forgotten…
I hate this… I don’t want to forget anymore.)
TasukuHey, why are you sleeping again?
Geez, I have to carry you in the end, huh…
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