| *door opens* |
Guy | We’re home. |
Hisoka | I’m beat… |
Izumi | Welcome back! |
| That’s a pretty bouquet you have there! |
Azuma | Indeed it is. |
| Why do you have those flowers? |
Guy | A regular said they started a mobile flower shop recently, so they shared them with me. |
| We discussed a lot before they opened for business, so it appears it was thanks for that. |
Tsumugi | You aren’t going to display them in your store? |
Guy | That thought did cross my mind. But I thought you would like them, Tsukioka. |
Tsumugi | Sorry for going out of your way for me. |
| I would drop by your store anytime to have a look as long as you let me know. |
| Thank you though. |
| I happened to buy a new flower vase recently, so I’ll arrange the flowers in that. |
Izumi | I’m sure the lounge will brighten up if you display them here. |
Homare | Mhm. Life with flowers adds a dash of colour. It is a wonderful thing. |
| ….HA! A poem has come to me! |
| |
Tsumugi | I suppose this area still doesn’t need any fertilizer… |
| I’m glad both the tulips and the hyacinths look like they’re doing well. |
Hisoka | *Nom*… *munch, munch*. |
| How are the daffodils from before? |
Tsumugi | The daffodils are growing well too. |
| …Fufu. |
| We’ve been doing things like this more often since our 8th performance. |
Hisoka | Yeah. We were doing the opposite during that time. |
Tsumugi | We were aiming to get to know each other for our roles as partners, after all. |
Hisoka | *Yaaawn*… I’m sleepy… |
Tsumugi | Your clothes will get soiled by the dirt if you sleep here. It would be better to sleep on the bench. |
Hisoka | Mm… |
| Zzz, zzz… |
| |
| *dream starts* |
| |
August | These will dry by the afternoon in this weather. |
| It’s nice and warm. |
Hisoka | ? |
August | Look, you can smell the nice scent of the sun from the sheets. |
Hisoka | The scent of the sun… |
| (It’s a nice and warm smell…) |
August | It kind of makes you want to take a nap, doesn’t it? |
| I guess I’ll catch some shut-eye too. Goodnight. |
Hisoka | Goodnight… |
| |
| *dream ends* |
| |
| …Ngh. |
Izumi | Hisoka-san? |
| Great timing. I was just about to wake you—. |
Hisoka | …I smell the sun. |
Izumi | The sun? |
| Ahh, you mean this laundry here? |
Hisoka | (I had a nostalgic dream about August… |
| Maybe it’s because I smelled this while I was asleep…) |
Izumi | You have a happy look on your face. |
Hisoka | …August appeared in my dream. |
Izumi | Oh, I see. |
| It must’ve been a pleasant dream. |
Hisoka | (Back then, I thought I would remember such a happy moment for the rest of my life. But I totally forgot about it before I knew it…) |
Izumi | You know, maybe August-san was nearby and came to check up on you… |
Hisoka | …August? |
Izumi | Maybe he was wondering if you’re doing your best as an actor, or… um, that was a bit insensitive of me to say, huh? I’m sorry. |
Hisoka | It’s okay. That sounds like something August would think, so I’m sure that’s true. |
| They way you and August think are similar… |
Izumi | If possible, I would have loved to meet August-san too. |
Hisoka | You guys could meet if you could enter my dreams… |
Izumi | Ahaha, I guess so. |
Hisoka | …Oh yeah, where’s Tsumugi? |
Izumi | Ah, Tsumugi-san was the one who draped that blanket over you. |
| He went back to his family’s home in a rush earlier. |
| He said he would explain the situation later. But I’m a little worried since it’s rare to see Tsumugi-san in that sort of state. |
Hisoka | I wonder if something happened… |
Izumi | We’ll just have to wait for Tsumugi-san to contact us for the time being. |
| |
| *door opens* |
Tsumugi | I’m home. |
Izumi | Ah, welcome back! |
| How did it go back home? |
Tsumugi | So you see, I rushed home since got a call from my mom saying my grandmother’s health wasn’t doing well… |
| But it was just a cold according to the results from the clinic. |
| I went home without listening properly, so my mom was surprised and told me I was in too much of a hurry. |
| My grandmother also said it wasn’t a big deal. But considering her age, we can’t let our guard down even though it’s a common cold… |
| My mom has her job as a nurse, and my dad is working in another city, so I’m thinking I’ll go home for a few days to take care of her starting tomorrow. |
| I’m so sorry. I know we’re supposed to discuss Winter troupe’s play around this time. |
Izumi | Don’t even worry about that! |
| Please stay by your grandmother’s side until she’s feeling better. |
Tsumugi | Thank you. |
| I will talk with the rest of Winter troupe too. |
| —. |
Izumi | A-are you alright? |
Tsumugi | Ahaha… I just stumbled for a second. |
| *bumps* |
Izumi | (Uh, and now he’s hit his head against the door… it looks like this has really shaken Tsumugi-san.) |
| (I wonder if he’ll be alright taking care of his grandmother by himself…) |