Homare | Here comes the tea. |
Izumi | Thank you very much. |
| Phew~… |
| I’m glad the run of your 9th performance wrapped up smoothly. |
Tasuku | The stage was set in a flower shop this time, so I heard it was a big hit with our female guests for its gorgeous appearance. |
Tsumugi | We received lots of flowers as gifts. |
| There were a good number of guests who gave us peonies to match the contents of the play. |
Homare | Our dorm is all the more gorgeous for that as well. |
Azuma | Speaking of peonies, it’s wonderful that Tsumugi’s grandma remembered Flower Park. |
Tsumugi | Yes. She recalled right away when I showed her my pictures the other day… |
| She said she’d love to go again after so long. |
| I think we’ll go and take pictures together next time. |
Izumi | Yeah, it's good to leave a record like that so that you can remember it later. |
Tasuku | —Isn’t it about time for our wrap-up party? |
Azuma | Shall we head to Journey after we finish our tea? |
Hisoka | Ah… |
Tsumugi | What’s the matter? |
Hisoka | I ran out of marshmallows… |
Izumi | Those are the marshmallows you bought at the World Market, right? |
Hisoka | I’m totally out… |
Azuma | The event isn’t over yet, so I’m sure you’ll have another chance to buy some. |
Hisoka | —. |
Tasuku | Don’t tell me you’re planning to go right now? |
Hisoka | I can’t get them anywhere else except that market… |
| I’ll head to Journey straight after buying them. |
Tasuku | Don’t fall asleep while eating the marshmallows. |
Tsumugi | May I come with you? |
| I don’t think it will take that long. |
Hisoka | …Sure. |
| |
| Thank God they had some left… |
Tsumugi | I doubt you’ll run out for a while if you buy this much. |
| We were able to purchase some decorative flowers for Journey too, so how about we start making our way over there? |
Hisoka | Yeah. |
Tsumugi | You know, I didn’t expect to hear you say you wanted to buy flowers. |
| That made me happy though. |
Hisoka | Maybe it’s because I was working at a flower shop for a while… |
Tsumugi | If you don’t have the habit of decorating with flowers, then you don’t usually go out of your way to pick them up, huh? |
Foreign boy | 《Hey, mister. So we meet again, huh? 》 |
Hisoka | 《Ah…》 |
Tsumugi | Do you know them, Hisoka-kun? |
Hisoka | We got acquainted the first time I came to the World Market. |
| He’s someone who knows my family. |
Tsumugi | I see. |
Foreign boy | 《That reminds me, I had a particular customer who knew Misha the other day. 》 |
| 《While we were making small talk, they mentioned they knew someone from the town I used to live in. As it turns out, it was Misha!》 |
Hisoka | 《…Eh? 》 |
Foreign boy | 《They said they used to go to the candy shop all the time. |
| What an amazing coincidence that we could cross paths in such a faraway country, huh? 》 |
Hisoka | 《I see…》 |
| (The fact that there’s a customer from the candy shop isn’t strange. But to meet them by chance in a place like this…) |
| (I’ll let Chikage know, just in case…) |
Foreign boy | 《Oh right. Have you come up with anything you’d like me to draw? 》 |
Hisoka | 《Ah… I haven’t thought of anything. Sorry. 》 |
Foreign boy | 《No need to apologize. You don’t have to force yourself! 》 |
Hisoka | 《What kind of paintings do other people request…?》 |
Foreign boy | 《It really depends on the person… |
| But I get asked for family, relatives, and friends quite often. 》 |
| 《Everyone says they want to preserve a snapshot of their loved ones as they were in that moment. 》 |
Hisoka | 《Family…》 |
| (Come to think of it, Director told me she wanted to meet August…) |
| 《Hey, do you remember Misha’s face? 》 |
| |
Izumi | After all, I think we have to consider our organization on-site from now on. |
Tasuku | I agree. It’s necessary to relay things like that to those outside our own theatre too. |
| It’s an issue Veludo Way as a whole should think about. |
Izumi | Exactly! |
Homare | UuUh… *hic*, flowers are just so beautiful… |
| We simply cannot compete with the art that’s brought forth by nature…! |
Azuma | There, there. |
| *door opens* |
Tsumugi | Sorry we’re late. |
Guy | Everyone is drunk already. |
Tsumugi | Ahaha… I can see that. |
Hisoka | …Here you go, Guy. |
Guy | These are? |
Hisoka | I thought it might be nice to decorate the shop with flowers… |
| I chose them with Tsumugi. |
Guy | I see. They look beautiful. |
| Thank you. |
Izumi | Ah, Tsumugi-san, Hisoka-san. |
| You two sure are late. |
Tasuku | Was it crowded at the market? |
Tsumugi | We had an important purchase to make. |
Hisoka | …I have something I’d like to show all of you. |
Homare | …Something you wish to show us? |
Hisoka | This… |
Azuma | This person is… |
Hisoka | Someone… who looks like August. |
Tasuku | Huh? |
Izumi | It’s not August himself, but a look-alike? Is that what you mean? |
Hisoka | …I asked an artist who knew August to draw his face if he remembered it. |
| But in the end, it was a long time ago, so it was hard to reproduce without a picture… |
| The details might be a little off… |
| But I wanted to introduce my family member to everyone. |
| To all of you who kept me by your side without question since the time I lost my memories and had no idea who I was myself… |
| And to Director too, because you said you wanted to meet August… |
Izumi | Hisoka-san… thank you. |
| Thank you for introducing your family to us… |
Homare | I am overjoyed that I get to gaze upon the face of Hisoka-kun’s precious family. |
Azuma | I see, this is how he was. |
| I feel a bright and kind vibe from him. |
Guy | Even if you’ve forgotten the details, I am certain his personality and aura will remain in your memories. |
Tasuku | Even though it’s a bit different, someone close to him will probably recognize him if they see this picture. |
Tsumugi | Still, I think creating something tangible like this will serve as a trigger to connect to a precious memory. |
Hisoka | …Yeah. |
| (…I’ll show Chikage later, too.) |
| (I’m sure he’ll be fussy about the details though, like, “this part’s off, this part’s off too, and this part should be more like this.”) |
Homare | Now then, what do you say to another toast? |
| To August-kun and to celebrate the success of our 9th play dedicated to August-kun—. |
Tsumugi | Cheers! |
Hisoka | Cheers. |