Sunny Blanc/Epilogue

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Sunny Blanc
Epilogue: my treasure
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HomareHere comes the tea.
IzumiThank you very much.
I’m glad the run of your 9th performance wrapped up smoothly.
TasukuThe stage was set in a flower shop this time, so I heard it was a big hit with our female guests for its gorgeous appearance.
TsumugiWe received lots of flowers as gifts.
There were a good number of guests who gave us peonies to match the contents of the play.
HomareOur dorm is all the more gorgeous for that as well.
AzumaSpeaking of peonies, it’s wonderful that Tsumugi’s grandma remembered Flower Park.
TsumugiYes. She recalled right away when I showed her my pictures the other day…
She said she’d love to go again after so long.
I think we’ll go and take pictures together next time.
IzumiYeah, it's good to leave a record like that so that you can remember it later.
Tasuku—Isn’t it about time for our wrap-up party?
AzumaShall we head to Journey after we finish our tea?
TsumugiWhat’s the matter?
HisokaI ran out of marshmallows…
IzumiThose are the marshmallows you bought at the World Market, right?
HisokaI’m totally out…
AzumaThe event isn’t over yet, so I’m sure you’ll have another chance to buy some.
TasukuDon’t tell me you’re planning to go right now?
HisokaI can’t get them anywhere else except that market…
I’ll head to Journey straight after buying them.
TasukuDon’t fall asleep while eating the marshmallows.
TsumugiMay I come with you?
I don’t think it will take that long.
Thank God they had some left…
TsumugiI doubt you’ll run out for a while if you buy this much.
We were able to purchase some decorative flowers for Journey too, so how about we start making our way over there?
TsumugiYou know, I didn’t expect to hear you say you wanted to buy flowers.
That made me happy though.
HisokaMaybe it’s because I was working at a flower shop for a while…
TsumugiIf you don’t have the habit of decorating with flowers, then you don’t usually go out of your way to pick them up, huh?
Foreign boy《Hey, mister. So we meet again, huh? 》
TsumugiDo you know them, Hisoka-kun?
HisokaWe got acquainted the first time I came to the World Market.
He’s someone who knows my family.
TsumugiI see.
Foreign boy《That reminds me, I had a particular customer who knew Misha the other day. 》
《While we were making small talk, they mentioned they knew someone from the town I used to live in. As it turns out, it was Misha!》
Hisoka《…Eh? 》
Foreign boy《They said they used to go to the candy shop all the time.
What an amazing coincidence that we could cross paths in such a faraway country, huh? 》
Hisoka《I see…》
(The fact that there’s a customer from the candy shop isn’t strange. But to meet them by chance in a place like this…)
(I’ll let Chikage know, just in case…)
Foreign boy《Oh right. Have you come up with anything you’d like me to draw? 》
Hisoka《Ah… I haven’t thought of anything. Sorry. 》
Foreign boy《No need to apologize. You don’t have to force yourself! 》
Hisoka《What kind of paintings do other people request…?》
Foreign boy《It really depends on the person…
But I get asked for family, relatives, and friends quite often. 》
《Everyone says they want to preserve a snapshot of their loved ones as they were in that moment. 》
(Come to think of it, Director told me she wanted to meet August…)
《Hey, do you remember Misha’s face? 》
IzumiAfter all, I think we have to consider our organization on-site from now on.
TasukuI agree. It’s necessary to relay things like that to those outside our own theatre too.
It’s an issue Veludo Way as a whole should think about.
HomareUuUh… *hic*, flowers are just so beautiful…
We simply cannot compete with the art that’s brought forth by nature…!
AzumaThere, there.
*door opens*
TsumugiSorry we’re late.
GuyEveryone is drunk already.
TsumugiAhaha… I can see that.
Hisoka…Here you go, Guy.
GuyThese are?
HisokaI thought it might be nice to decorate the shop with flowers…
I chose them with Tsumugi.
GuyI see. They look beautiful.
Thank you.
IzumiAh, Tsumugi-san, Hisoka-san.
You two sure are late.
TasukuWas it crowded at the market?
TsumugiWe had an important purchase to make.
Hisoka…I have something I’d like to show all of you.
Homare…Something you wish to show us?
AzumaThis person is…
HisokaSomeone… who looks like August.
IzumiIt’s not August himself, but a look-alike? Is that what you mean?
Hisoka…I asked an artist who knew August to draw his face if he remembered it.
But in the end, it was a long time ago, so it was hard to reproduce without a picture…
The details might be a little off…
But I wanted to introduce my family member to everyone.
To all of you who kept me by your side without question since the time I lost my memories and had no idea who I was myself…
And to Director too, because you said you wanted to meet August…
IzumiHisoka-san… thank you.
Thank you for introducing your family to us…
HomareI am overjoyed that I get to gaze upon the face of Hisoka-kun’s precious family.
AzumaI see, this is how he was.
I feel a bright and kind vibe from him.
GuyEven if you’ve forgotten the details, I am certain his personality and aura will remain in your memories.
TasukuEven though it’s a bit different, someone close to him will probably recognize him if they see this picture.
TsumugiStill, I think creating something tangible like this will serve as a trigger to connect to a precious memory.
(…I’ll show Chikage later, too.)
(I’m sure he’ll be fussy about the details though, like, “this part’s off, this part’s off too, and this part should be more like this.”)
HomareNow then, what do you say to another toast?
To August-kun and to celebrate the success of our 9th play dedicated to August-kun—.
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