Special Edition: Veludo Fashion Festa/Episode 1

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Special Edition: Veludo Fashion Festa
Episode 1
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SakuyaHuh, Sakyo-san?
SakyoAh, Sakuma. Are you also heading back?
SakuyaYeah, I was just at another theater company for a guest performance!
SakyoI see, good work. From the looks of it, you’re doing just fine.
SakuyaYeah, I’m doing my best. If you want, I’d really like you to come see the performance, Sakyo-san.
SakyoSure, I’ll find the time to go.
SakuyaThank you so much!
...Huh? What’s with all of that same poster put up everywhere?
SakyoHmm. What’s it for?
SakuyaUmm… It says, “Veludo Halloween Fashion Show opening soon!”.
A new event for Veludo Way?
SakyoThe event only lasts a day and any member of a Veludo Way theater company can participate… I see.
Apparently, it’s a different event from “Veludo Way Halloween”.
SakuyaBut, a festival with a fashion show as the main event also sounds pretty different and fun!
SakyoA fashion show, huh…
SakyoRecently, MANKAI Company has been advertising more and more beyond the borders of Veludo Way, but--.
It’s still important to participate in these sorts of events and keep advertising to the locals.
SakuyaI think so too!
SakyoAlright then, let’s head back and talk with Director-san.
We’re back.
SakuyaWe’re home!
IzumiWelcome back! It's unusual to see you two together.
SakuyaWe ran into each other by the train station.
IzumiIs that so?
By the way, I know you just got back, but can we discuss something?
SakyoSure thing, what is it?
IzumiActually, today I was contacted by the Veludo Way magazine, “VELUDO”, again.
SakyoAre they talking about doing a magazine cover and project page again?
IzumiThat’s right, but that’s not the only offer this time--.
They said, as long as it’s okay with us, they’d like to make MANKAI Company a regular feature in “VELUDO” from now on.
SakuyaEeh, a regular feature!? That’s amazing…!
IzumiThe past three issues that our troupe appeared in were very well received.
I think it’d be a big benefit to the theater company and I’d like to continue doing it, but… What do you think?
SakyoYes… What you said is right, Director-san, being able to sell the faces of a regularly appearing group of members in a magazine has considerable merit.
And besides that, it would be a good experience for the troupe members to work in photography more, as it differs from theater performances. We have no real reason to refuse.
IzumiWell, I’ll get back to them about the regularization then!
SakyoSounds good.
SakuyaWah…! This means we’ll be able to participate in “VELUDO” on a regular basis now!
IzumiAlso, I’ve already received a concrete proposal for the October Halloween special issue.
SakyoIt’ll be a memorable first regularization then. What’s the plan?
IzumiThis time, the plan will be linked to an event being held on Veludo Way--.
Have you heard of the “Veludo Halloween Fashion Show”?
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