Special Edition: VELUDO Antique Book Fair/Episode 6

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Special Edition: VELUDO Antique Book Fair
Episode 6
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Library staffWe’re looking forward to working with you today.
SakuyaPleased to be here!
Library staffAh, Tsukioka-san.
We are indebted to you from back during Halloween.
TsumugiNot at all.
Same here. I look forward to working together again today.
TaichiBack during Halloween…?
IzumiCome to think of it, Tsumugi-san joined as a teacher for a children’s study session that Veludo library held in the past.[1]
TsumugiYes. I did that with Itaru-kun and Juza-kun.
I had a lot of fun back then.
Library staffAlright, allow me to once again explain about the antique book fair this time.
First, we will ask all of you to help with the reception as well as the organizing and displaying of the books.
Moreover, we have set aside time for each of you to introduce your recommended books. We will call you over when the time comes.
IzumiAlright then. Shall we start off by dividing the roles for the reception, book organizing, and so on? I think two receptionists sounds about right.
TasukuThe organizing and displaying sounds like it’ll involve quite a bit of book carrying. I’ll take that on.
TaichiOkay, I’m gonna organize the books too!
SakuyaI’m curious about the books that are being displayed at the antique book fair, so I’d like to sort the books as well!
YukiI’ll work as reception.
BanriI knew you’d say that.
How ‘bout you, Tsumugi-san?
TsumugiWell… just like Sakuya-kun, I’m interested in the books. I guess I’ll organize them.
BanriGotcha. I mean, it’s fine to switch halfway too.
TsumugiThat’s true.
Library staffIf there’s anything you don’t understand, we have several library staff members present so please don’t hesitate to ask.
TsumugiYes, thank you very much.
TaichiThis is so exciting~!
VELUDO staffAs for the photoshoot, we’re looking to capture candid shots. So it’s fine to move around freely without being too conscious of the camera.
Library staffAlright, it’s about time to start so I’ll open the doors.
Let’s do our best today!
YukiHello, please enter in order.
Banri…A ton of people came, huh?
It’s never-ending.
YukiWell, you can buy books at an exceptional price, so of course they’d come.
ChildThis book please, Miss.
YukiSure, that’ll be 100 yen.
Do you need a bag?
ChildI’m okay!
YukiAlright, be careful carrying it on your way.
Thanks for your purchase.
BanriHeh. You’re pretty kind, eh?
YukiThe other party was a kid, so that’s only natural.
But hey, my nephew might have influenced me too.
TaichiThey’re buying them up faster than I thought~!
SakuyaI think we’ll make it in time since Tasuku-san and Tsumugi-san are bringing additional books over right now…
TasukuSorry for the wait.
I’ve brought them.
TsumugiH-here too…
SakuyaT-Tsumugi-san, are you okay…!
TaichiWahhh, I’ll take some too!
TasukuGeez… shouldn’t you be able to hold something as light as this?
TsumugiHey, don’t lump us together, Tasuku.
I don’t think this counts as light.
SakuyaThanks so much, you two!
Okay, shall we place them out?
Tsumugi(Hmm, this goes here…)
ManErm… it’s not here…
(Does that person perhaps have a book they’re looking for…?
I might be interrupting, but I’ll try calling out to him.)
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  1. References the Majestic Magic Teacher gacha card set
